Closed A Not So Quiet Day

Wyatt Choi

Quiet~ Puff~ Soft Boy
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 15 Inch Sturdy Black Walnut Wand with Acromantula Web Core
Wyatt was still quietly exploring around the castle, and had found his way out to the lake. It was really rather serene, so he took a seat, just looking out over the water. It was nice, he enjoyed the wind in his hair and watching it ripple across the water. He pulled his knees up to his chest, propping his chin in his hand while his other arm hugged his knees, just enjoying the soft serenity of that moment.
The one place Conan hadn't properly explored yet was the lake, so he decided that day he was going to change that. Not that he really expected to find anything, but he supposed it would be cool enough. What he hadn't expected was to find another boy he vaguely recognized from some of his classes sitting by the edge of the water. So, sensing nothing else going on, he decided to approach the boy with a smile. "Hi," he said when he was close enough, "Doing anything interesting?"
Xinyi looked up, smiling softly at the boy that appeared. "Just watching the water," He countered, turning his head back around. "It's peaceful," He sighed, a soft smile on his face. "Does that count as interesting?" He asked, unsure if the boy would join him or just move on. Wyatt was used to being left alone in his quiet reverie.
Admittedly, just sitting there and looking at the water sounded pretty boring to him. Conan was pretty sure he'd just get bored of it and be itching to do something a little more interesting. But he didn't want to actually say this and maybe upset a potential new friend, so, he just stood there and smiled. "I guess that's... cool." It wasn't, but he didn't really know what else to say, a bit of a loss for words as he looked out to the water himself. "Seen anything interesting at least?"
Wyatt hummed at the question, considering it. "Well..." He murmured. "Every now and then the water ripples like perhaps there is something bigger under there." He told the other boy. "Have you ever considered the world that may be living under there?" He murmured. "Mermaids, fish, coral, perhaps a giant squid. The Scottish chapter has a giant squid."
Conan frowned a little, tilting his head to the side slightly in thought before shrugging as he plopped himself down on the ground next to the other boy. "Never really thought about it," he mused, looking out towards the water. "How cool would it be to actually see the giant squid, though? Do you think we would have one here? Are there more than one giant squid? Maybe we have something different here. Like... a giant octopus or something."
Wyatt smiled softly. "Oh, for sure, there's a lot of giant squids in the world." He looked to the boy. "Do you watch television?" He asked, unsure if this boy was purely magical or if he'd know about muggle technology. "I'm not sure, but I think octopi can only be like, six meters or so, but squids can grow as big as eighteen," He shrugged. "I bet it would be really cool... from a safe distance."
"Are there?" He'd never really cared much about learning about animals. Though he was quick to nod his head as the other boy asked if he wanted TV. Though thinking about the shows he was missing out on now he was at Hogwarts was making him feel a bit sad. "Well, this is a magical school, maybe there are some kinds of magical octopi that can grown to be really, really huge." It could be possible, he didn't want to rule anything out.
Wyatt lit up a little as the boy said he liked movies. "Have you seen the Meg? It's a movie about a huge shark," He smiled at the other boy. He held out his hand. "My name is Wyatt," He introduced himself, thinking if they kept talking it was only the polite thing to do.
Instantly Conan shook his head, though was quite surprised the boy had been allowed to see a movie like that in the first place. "My Mama doesn't like me watching those kinds of movies. How did you parents let you see it? Isn't it supposed to be violent?" Maybe this boy could watch what he wanted. In which case, Conan was starting to get a real case of jealousy. But he smiled right on back when the boy offered a hand, reaching out to take it and give it a shake. "I'm Conan! Nice to meetcha!"
Wyatt shrugged at the question. "My parents are busy a lot so they don't pay much attention to what I watch." He replied easily. He stashed the boys name away for later. "If you want, you could come over during the break and we could watch it?" He suggested, not minding that he was basically bribing the boy to be friends with him.
All at once, the jealousy he had been feeling was replaced with... was that guilt? Conan couldn't imagine what it would be like to have your parents not paying attention to you. It sounded lonely, if anything. At that moment, he wasn't sure if he should apologize or not. What did surprise him was the offer to come over during the school break, Conan straightening a little as he blinked. "What, you mean it? I mean... we've just met."
Wyatt shrugged. "Sure, why not?" He questioned, looking up to the boy. "Think about it. Why does anyone become friends?" He propped his chin in his hand. "They meet, then they decide they get on well and just spend time together. It's that simple." He offered out his other hand. "So. Let's be friends."
Technically, yes, he supposed the other boy was right. Making friends did mean just hanging out with someone new, but he'd never had someone ask to come over to your house so soon after meeting them before. "But we don't know if we are going to get along." Maybe they could end up really disliking each other or something. He and Wyatt had only been speaking for about five minutes. "Not saying I don't want to be friends or nothing," he was quick to add with a small shake of his head, "I mean... I would like to be friends and stuff."
Wyatt smiled softly. "I like to think I'm a good judge of character," He offered easily. "I feel like we'll get on just fine." He promised, laying back in the grass and relaxing. "Come on, why don't you chill out with me?" He suggested. "It's good to just slow down and enjoy the world every now and then."
"If you say so..." he trailed off, awkwardly scuffing a foot against the ground. But he supposed the other boy sounded confident enough maybe it would be alright. So, he decided to take the offer, awkwardly sitting himself down to the other boy and quietly staring at the lake for a moment. But he didn't see the appeal, sitting around was dull. He needed to be doing something. "So... like... do you just sit around like this often?"
Wyatt smiled and nodded. "Shh," He whispered, pointing to the lake. A few fish were swimming near the surface, one jumping out to catch a fly. Across the water, squirrels darted up a tree, chasing after each other in some unknown game. The wind sent ripples over the surface of the water, distorting the reflection before settling again. He chuckled softly. "I like to watch the world," He murmured gently to the other boy. "I like to see it in motion."
"Sorry," he mumbled as he was hushed by Wyatt, shoving his hands awkwardly into his lap. What could he say? He just didn't really like sitting around in silence and needed something to talk about. He just really didn't see the appeal of sitting around 'world watching' as Wyatt liked to put it. "Don't you enjoy, like, exploring stuff yourself instead of just sitting here?"
Wyatt considered the question. "I've never liked exploring on my own," He offered softly. "I got really lost once, and I haven't tried since." He smiled shyly. "I suppose... I would be alright with tagging along if you wanted some company?" He offered, brushing a hand through his hair.
"Getting lost is just part of the fun though! You can never find all the best secrets unless you get horribly lost first." All the best stuff was hidden, meaning you were just more likely to find it if you were also hidden. That just made sense, right? But he was quick to jump on the offer, eagerly nodding his head. "I'm gonna take you on some epic adventures. We're going to find so much cool stuff around the castle."
Wyatt chuckled, and offered out his hand. "Deal. I'll go exploring with you, if you'll sit with me at lunch sometimes?" He offered, thinking it sounded like a good compromise. He'd get quiet lunches with a friend, and his friend would take him out to explore new things.

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