A normal day in early spring?

Arethuse Anna Arbuthnoth

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mina {main}
Pine wood, 12 1/2", Essence of Unicorn mane hair
The weather had considerably lessened up lately, and Aria was quite grateful for that. Well, not all too grateful since all the snow had to melt away but first unceremoniously create a huge mess of ice cold water puddles, all over the friggin grounds, it was literally a nightmare.

So it was in these ground conditions that Arethuse Anna Arbuthnoth had managed back to the palais after the affairs of flying lessons, slightly dripping due to her capacity to be a complete facepalm fail at flying, perhaps there weren't just enough balance in the balance sense...

Anyway and helas, she was now inside changed and transiting to the library when she took an neccesary detour outside again, all because of a headache that came from a bit over-excercise. However, just as she stepped out to the courtyard, her shoes slipped under her and she fell with a very loud splashing sound. She opened her mouth to curse her bad luck, but then shut it as she instead got up with difficulty and surveyed herself. This set of shirt and jeans will have to be de-messed... "Sacre...Verdamnt!" Interrupted in mid-setence she looked around and changed expletitive, she found noone and thought so too until it was proven false.
Claire walked through the halls of Beauxbatons, ready for what she hoped would be a pretty good day. Claire pretty much loved it around here, all of the people were really nice to her, and she had a lot of friends. Though, the year was nearly over and then she would be trying to transfer over to Hogwarts New Zealand again, and then if she got accepted she would leave all of her friends behind, and she didn't know if she would be able to do that willingly. Claire put on a smile, and rounded a corner, nearly running into another girl. Claire didn't know if she wanted to make another friend right now though, since she would be leaving them really soon.

Claire loved making friends, though, so that got the better of her intentions, "Hello!" She said, with her sweet voice. She wanted to get straight to the point and basically ask who she was. But for now, Claire was really excited at the prospect of being able to make a new friend and she was really hyper because of it. "I'm Claire, and who might you be?" Claire asked, smiling brightly.
Arethuse was still mildly spluttering and trying to wrench water out of her clothes when an older girl happened upon her. She hastily stuffed her wet hands behind her back and replied hello. Smiling shyly Aria said: "Hi Claire I'm Arethuse. How are you?" She inwardly rolled her eyes at her own bad luck, it just had to happen now while she was on her way to her dormitory and a fresh change.

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