Open A Noisy Study Session

Tempest Vero

Trying To Be Good But Still Better Than You 💋✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 15 Inch Unyielding Silver lime Wand with Doxy Wing Core
5/2047 (16)
Tempest sulked into the library, looking around at the other students. She hadn't quite missed the studying part of school, but she knew, based on her mother's commitment to other magical curriculums, that her year being homeschooled had put her behind. The Slytherin didn't even know what she intended to do with her life, but she knew that OWLs would impact any future she had. Plus, she didn't want June to think she was completely inept or that she had taken a "break," as this year had been nothing of the sort.

The fifth year waded her way through the shelves, glaring at a group of noisy second years, before finding a spot near the back. It was hidden away from most other students currently studying, probably because it was dimmer and a little mustier. But Tempest really needed to get her act together with the semester starting. She slung her bag on the table and watched as a few books slid out, hitting the floor. Frustrated, she knelt down to pick them up, making a loud noise on the table as each one made it's way back.
Lucy was honestly glad to be back at Hogwarts. There was somewhat steadying about the routine of classes that comforted her, and the pressure was always lesser at the beginning of the year. Nevertheless, she knew she had to study if she wanted to do well - and maybe doing well would change things. Maybe. Lucy wasn't sure, but it was something she could try.

She'd been somewhat disheartened at the loud second years - was she ever like that, she wondered? - and continued in further into the library to find somewhere that was a bit less lively. It got mustier as she got further in, but it was book mustiness, and Lucy actually quite liked that smell. It reminded her a little bit of the outside when it rained - just a little bit though. Rounding a corner, she thought she'd find the perfect hidden away spot but it turned out someone had beaten her to it. They were currently noisily placing some of their books onto the table that Lucy spied had slipped out of her bag. "Oh, do you need some help?" Lucy asked, rushing over to help with the last book.
Bailey hadn’t even started classes yet and she already felt the weight of her fifth year. Once she had finished her early prefect duties for the day she decided to head to the library, somewhere she would be spending a lot of time in the coming months as she got to grips with O.W.L level lessons, she would be learning new things and relearning old, it would be a lot of work and Bailey wasn’t sure she was ready for it. She wasn’t as academically gifted as her sister Millie was.

The Hufflepuff perused the stacks looking for a book on advanced Transfiguration when she heard a thud from a few stacks over. She abandoned her search to go and investigated the sound. “What happened? Is everyone okay?”
Tempest had almost finished with the books, grinding her teeth, when someone came over to help. She looked at them, recognizing the girl from around but not really remembering her name. "I'm fine," she said, sliding into her seat as she snagged the last book before the other girl. Before she can think of her next thought, a girl she recognized from her class approached them. It wasn't like she was intending to be loud in the library... although maybe she had. "We're fine, I'm fine. I just dropped some books," she said a little flustered, looking at her stack, which was all messed up now. She found her Charms book and started stuffing the other ones back in her bag. She heard some giggles from the direction of the noisy second years and made a face before opening up her Charms book. Tempest wasn't planning on offering them a seat at this supposedly quiet table, but she knew they could sit if they wanted to. She didn't need the whole space.
Lucy felt a little embarrassed, but quickly recovered. Someone she didn't recognised had come over to see what was going on too. Lucy recognised a prefect badge and stiffened a little. She didn't know why, but prefects always made her feel like she was going to be caught out doing something wrong - not that Lucy often did anything wrong. Just occasionally, and with little consequence. Lucy gave the prefect a friendly smile, then shot a glare towards the snickering second years. "Very rude, aren't they? If I were a prefect, I'd have half a mind to tell them off," Lucy said sternly, very much in earshot of Bailey. Her expression then softened. "Sorry, but do you mind if I have a seat...?" Lucy asked. She felt something strange - perhaps a subtle tug - towards the girl who'd dropped her books. Lucy didn't read too much into it.
Tempest listened as the girl started talking and snickered behind her book. She didn't even realize Bailey was a prefect, but that just showed how little she cared about it all, especially with constantly having to look at June's shiny new badge. She looked up over her book at the girl and then at Bailey. "It's open," she said quietly, to make sure she was whispering in front of the prefect. Tempest didn't know if Bailey was going to join them, but she set her charms book down on the table so her face wasn't so blocked and so she could get a better look at the other snarky person at the table.
The noisy second years a couple tables across hadn’t been on Bailey’s radar until the not so subtle remark Lucy made in their direction. She glared at them and that along with her general presence (the badge more so) seemed to be enough to get them to tone it down, for not at least. “Thanks, Bailey disappeared back into the stacks to grab her bag before she returned to the table to join them. She hadn’t been expecting the invitation, even it was one that hadn’t been one offered with much enthusiasm by Tempest, but she wasn’t about to turn it down, studying alone was boring even if none of them intended to speak. ”Hopefully they’ll keep quiet long enough for us to actually study,
Lucy smiled a little at making the Slytherin girl snicker. She had a bad opinion of Slytherins, but at the same time, wasn't opposed to them proving her wrong. A weird contradiction in her nature. Lucy settled down into a seat and began getting out her books. She wondered if the two girls knew each other. They weren't Lucy's year, that was for certain. Lucy picked one of her textbooks and opened it but flicked her eyes up to look at the other two, wondering if she should say something and potentially interrupt. She was curious about them, she couldn't help it. But she also knew that they'd all come here to study, so studying is what they ought to be doing. "I'm Lucy, by the way," she decided to say at least to the other two, with a cheery enough smile.
Tempest didn't really want people to join her studying, but at the same time, she didn't normally have people join her. It used to be her and Enzo, and having random people around when she was used to such a big house was somewhat of a comfort. The Slytherin side-eyed Bailey as she sat and then looked up as the younger girl introduced herself. "Tempest," she said in response, giving Lucy a small smile.

Tempest went back to her book for a moment before figuring that it might be worth trying to socialize. At least, with Lucy maybe. "What are you studying for?" she asked generally to both of them. Maybe Bailey and she were looking at the same subjects.
Bailey still wasn’t fully comfortable in the company of the two girls, the table had been declared open but she began to wonder if the girl who introduced herself as Tempest was just being polite. Bailey opened her Transfiguration textbook to the page she had it on last and tried to remember where she had been before the commotion. “I’m Bailey, and I’m studying Transfiguration, or trying to at least,” She smiled awkwardly. It wasn’t her strongest subject but she was determined to do well all the same.

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