A night out

Riley Smith

Well-Known Member
Riley sat on a bench in a street by his house. It was just about turning from evening to night and as the sun had recently set the sky was now an array of colours. Pink and orange in a big explosion across the sky. It was almost memorizing and Riley was taking in the view. He loved things like this and often watched the sun set or rise in the morning. Mainly because he was up early to do his job and to feed Lowan so he had the time and he finished work quite late so could watch it on his was home from work. The teenagers life was pretty good at the moment and things were easy for him also. He had a steady job with a good income so he could provide for his family and set a good example for his son when he was older. Yes things were very good. He even had Theo on his side now. Even though they were totally different now Theo was really starting to actually try to be a member of the family as he too had a new born son that he was raising by himself, Noah was actually a cure kid and Riley would help out when ever he could and he knew that Theo would do the same.

With a sigh Riley watched as the last spots of color faded into the dark night sky. The moment was over and now he would have to occupy himself in another way. He stood up brushing down his long sleeved shirt and jeans he inhaled deeply and exhaled heavily. He didnt know what to do with himself at the moment. Usually he would be at home with Adele or with another woman or with some friends but tonight was one of those nights where he would have to entertain himself or find someone new to talk to. As he was a sociable boy he decided for the finding someone to talk to.

Looking around Riley didnt know where any of the clubs were around this area so he couldnt go to any where like that and Coffee shops were the second best place, after all Jason had met Caysi there and a few weeks later they were engaged. Not that Riley had anything like that in his mind. He was already engaged so would probably look for someone to take home or to talk to. Either way it meant finding someone first. Again he looked around but couldnt see anywhere obvious so common sense told him to follow the lights of the shops and he would come across one.

Riley did just that. He followed the lights of the different shops and he passed things like clothes shops, sports shop, food shop. He must have passed every store ever made except the one he was looking for. He was about to give up when he found a Coffee house, With a sigh of relief Riley pushed open the light glass door and headed over to the counter to be served. A wall of heat hit him and the smell of freshly ground coffee overwhelmed him. He went over to the waitress and ordered a coffee. Leaving some galleons on the table including the tip, he took the hot cup by the handle and went over to a table near a window as it was the only one free. He sipped his drink and looked out of the window as the world passed him by
Alyce was happy to be out of the house. With her parent's on vacation she had been staying out late. She had been on a walk because the sky was just so beautiful. She loved to take walks, plus she had dyed her hair a couple days ago and she wanted everyone to she that she had. She knew that it looked good, and she was sick of being just plain Alyce. She had shocked her family, and she was kinda glad for the change. So she had been going out a lot to show off her knew look. Today she had on a casual outfit that showed of her bright hair and eyes.

She looked at the shops as she passed them. Normally she would have stopped at at least one to buy something but today she just kept walking. Then she saw a coffee shop and had a sudden craving for a latte. She walked in and smiled making small talk with the cashier. He was cute but not her type. So she looked around to see if there was anyone worth talking to and she didn't believe what she saw.

It was Riley. She had only seen him that one night, but he had been different than the other boys that she toyed with. She figured he hadn't recognised her because of her new hair color. But he looked the same. She knew that he probably wouldn't want to talk to her but she felt herself walking toward the table he was sitting at, almost in a trance. She smiled warmly at him. "Hey it's been a while." She said waiting to see if he would ask her to sit.
Riley continued to look out the window as it gradually got darker and the hordes of people died down to a few groups of young looking people all dressed up for a night out. He found himself smiling as pretty girls in short skirts passed. He couldnt help it and there was no harm in looking, not while Adele wasnt near him anyway. Although saying that she never did mind Riley sleeping around in fact she had even caught him in the act and she had done nothing. He found it strange but he wasnt about to complain. It just meant that he could get away with it for that much longer. After all he was still young and very attractive. He was making the most of it, looks didnt last forever after all and Riley just hoped that his lasted longer than most.

Riley lifted his cup to his mouth and took a sip of his Coffee, enjoying the sweet taste of it as there were two sugars in there. That was when he heard a voice near by him. He placed the cup down so that he didnt spill any of the hot liquid side al over him or anyone else for that matter. Riley looked up to where he had heard the voice come from and smiled as he saw that it was a girl. A pretty girl at that and Riley wasnt about to turn her down when she had come over to him so eagerly. She was his now and he wanted her. "Well look who it is Just the most beautiful girl i have seen in a long time. Are you part veela by any chance because, well wow." He said with a boyish grin placed on his young handsome face. It wasnt his usual chat up line but it was good enough as she seemed young which mean he didnt need to use the advanced stuff on her like he had too with older girls that had heard all the cheap line before.

As he looked at her he knew her face but he couldnt place it. Then again Riley had seen so many girls faces that he lost count. This girl could have just been someone that looked like someone else. He couldnt be sure but either way he wasnt going to let her go with out a fight. He pushed out the chair next to him and sat back smiling at her charmingly. "Say standing up must get tiring after a while why dont you sit down and rest those beauties." He said as he looked at her legs then back to her face with a wink

(ugh lame sorry)
Alyce looked at him confused. But sat down anyways. 'It must be the hair.' she thought. She wondered how to break it to him. "Well um no Riley... BUt I did dye my hair." She looked at him and smiled. She wasn't going to get made at him. They had only met once and she had dyed her hair. But it was kinda disappointing, she had thought he might remember her. BUt she keep telling herself that she should have expected this.

She looked at how dark it was. But she didn't mind Santuari was with Link so she could do what ever she wanted. She drank some of her latte and looked at her legs. She remembered Riley making a comment about them before and had a flash of deja vu. She remebered the night they meet it was a lot like today. She wondered if he would remember her at all.

'Of course he'll remember you.' It made he think of the other boy's she had been with. How many had she forgotten. She really didn't want to think about it. But she knew she hadn't had a serious relationship in a long time. But she did remember Riley and that was a good thing or she probably would have been bored out of her mind for the rest of the night. She decided not to give him her name. She was going to see if he would remember it. She was really hoping that he would. She had really thought that they had hit it off with him.
Riley watched as she sat down. He still couldnt put a name to her face despite his best efforts. Who ever she was she must not have made a big impression on him if he couldt remember her properly. Either that or it had been too long ago, after all a lot had happened to him recently. His brother dying his other brother stealing his girl after he had spent years away from the family and then being a dad and his own dad dying. Things had been a little complicated for him recently but he was dealing with it and now he had his own family and that meant a new start to put things right and give Lowan the childhood that Riley never had, he didnt want his son to be raised like he was. He didnt wish that on anyone, every child deserved a happy up bringing.

When the girl said his name that made him realise that they must have met before for her to know that. Now it was annoying him that he couldnt remember. He was usually so good at remembering people so why not now. Something must be wrong. Then again he had been told that a memory erasing curse had been used on him so maybe it took a few other things with it too. He blamed it on that as he should be able to remember a pretty girl that he had met before and most likely got lucky with. "Yeah i thought you looked different. It looks good on you really." He said with a mile as he pretended to know who she was, for her sake more than his own. He could do without knowing who she was but she looked a little hurt that he couldnt remember so he wanted to cheer her up with false hope, after all false hope was better than no hope at all.

Lifting his cup to his lips again Riley blew into the liquid to cool it down so that he could take a bigger sip than he had previously been taking. He wanted to finish it as quick as he could but he didnt want to actually rush as he had a while yet but still he didnt have time to sit around all day. "So how have you been lately i mean a lot must have happened since we last met all that time ago." He said hoping that her talking would jog his memory. Also it would give him something to occupy his mind while he drank. He was a good listener as he had been told by many people and he wouldnt mind listening to this girl especially if it would help him remember her name. It was really bugging him and he didnt like not knowing something that he should.
Alyce smiled but she knew he was lying to her and she was deeply hurt but she just kept telling herself it was only one night. But she had wanted him to remember her so bad. She looked up at him he seemed so much older and she thought about herself and how she was still the childish girl she was when they had first met. She was still doing the same things even though she had had a patch of deppression when Santuari had gotten 'sick' as her parents liked to put it.

Alyce sighed and took a long drag from her coffee. She looked up her pink eyes shining, how could he have forgotten her. Especially with her eyes. Everyone reconised her because of her eyes. She just didn't understand how he couldn't remeber her. BUt she wasn't going to pass up the chance of getting together and faked hope that he remembered. "I'm better now, I had a rough patch. Santuari got sick so..." She stopped that was as much of a hint he was going to get ot of her.

Alyce fingered her necklace. It was one that she wore a lot. It was one of a kind. She had gotten it when she lived in Honduraz. It was her most prized object. She had a lot of nice things she had got from traviling the world, but this was by far her favorite. She remembered when she was ridiculed for her fasion sense and stiffled a laugh. She was now a girl that guys drooled over and could have wrapped around her finger in a snap. It was just so funny when she thought about it.
Riley decided that he would just give up on trying to remember her name. It would probably just come to him in time. These sort of things always did. He leant his elbows on the table top and head chin on the palms of his hands and sighed. He just looked at her hoping to put a name to a face. "Oh right sorry to hear that. How are you holding up?" He asked then knowing that her name began with an A. He ust couldnt think of the actual name but at least it was a start.

He picked up his coffee and took a small sip. "Alyce." He said grinning as he remembered her name. He was proud of himself for that now. It was all coming Bck to him now. It seemed like a life time ago that all of it had happened. He was a different person then, nothing had happened to him. "I remember it all now." He said quietly to himself
Alyce smiled at least he cared, even if he didn't remember her. So she figured it was okay he was still the same Riley. And then out of no were he said Alyce. She grinned. She heard him mumble something under his breath. She was happy he had femembered her. That was all that mattered to her. SHe knew it would be akward if he didn't. She had really hoped that she would. SHe was actually ashing Merlin for help. She knew it was silly but it had worked. "I've been good. Just kinda living for the moment I guess."

She smiled, it was kinda cheesy becuase all that saying reminded her of was Tokio Hotel ans Leb Die Sekunde. It was one of her favorite songs and she even knew the words in German. He and her sister just liked different languages way too much. BUt she didn't mind. "I'm glad you finally remembered my name." She smirked, if he truley remebered her he would understand she was just toying with him.
Riley sipped his coffee again as he listened to her speak. A slight chuckle escaping his lips as she said about living for the moment. He did that most of the time but the moment came to him a lot and in the form of many different girls and now his son. He enjoyed the moment most of the time and so did who ever it involved, random girls in this case, and Adele as well. "Yeah i know what you mean and as for the name, it was in my head but i couldnt think of it to say it." He said as he laughed slightly. "I must have made quite an impression on you if you remembered me just like that." Riley said to her with a charming smile. It was true, if she had remembered him just by looking at him then he must have made an impression on her. But then again who could forget someone with a face like this and a charm that only Casanova could dream of. He thought to himself with a slight grin
Alyce smiled, they both knew how to play this game. It was always more fun to talk to someone else who knew how. She knew he was right but would never out right admit it. "Oh course you did." She smiled, as she thought of what to say next. She normally had tons of come backs lined up but this was a tough one. PLus she really had liked Riley and she didn't want to give it up by saying the wrong thing. She knew it was silly she could normally impress all boys easily, but Riley was different. "You were the first one I meet in New Zealand, how could I forget the guy who showed me around." She smiled. It was the complete truth, but she felt that he must see right through her
Riley smile crookidly as he sipped his drink. He had polished off his food now and his coffee was going the same way. He liked what she had just said about him. It made him feel lie he had actually made a difference in her life, be it a very small one but still. "Well im glad i was such a good guide for you." He said finishing his drink and placing the cup back onto the table. He was full now and no longer thirsty. He had done what he came here to do but now e would just sit and talk for a while. "So when we met last you didnt have a boy friend, has that changed?" He asked with a grin on his face
Alyce smiled. He had bought it, or so she hoped. She could never tell with him. She nodded at what he said about being a good guide. He really had been. He had shown her all the cool places that she went to now. She knew it was weird that they hadn't seen each other again before know but the thought was pushed from he mind by what he said next. "No, I have had quite a few but at the moment I'm single." She smirked. She normally wasn't and it was nice that she really was and didn't have to lie to Riley. But her relationship status changed so much, it was hard to say for how long.
(sorry i hant really been on riley much)

Riley grinned as she sad that she was single, that meant he was open fr the taking. ALthough it didnt really matte to him if she had been taken, when he set his mind on something he usually got it, especially when it came to girls. "Well lucky me then i guess. At least i wont have to worry about an jealous boy fried on my back." He said then thinking about what he had just said. "Ah i didt over step a line did i?" He asked looking up at her with his puppy dog look
Alyce listened to what he said and smiled. "No, of course not. It wouldn't have mattered anyway, most of my boyfriends I have wrapped around my finger." She shrugged. It was sad but true, she could manipulate most boys into doing anything she wanted. Which included not getting mad at her if she was caught cheating. She looked at his puppy dog look. It was adorable. But he was cute without it too. She was glad that he was acting interested in her again. But then again who wouldn't.

((It's Alright.))
Riley looked at her and rolled his eyes. No girls had ever had him around their little finger, he had been with too many girls for that and not too mention he could move on all too quick and get another girl. Not even Adele had him around her finger. If anything he had her around his finger. "Well believe me, you could near wrap me around those little fingers of yours. No one ever has and no one ever will." He said with a grin. He cold pretend that she was in control but he would be the one making his own decisions when her back was turned. Since Ana, Riley had a thing about not getting to close to girls as she had broken his heart one too may times and that had changed him from the loyal boy he used to be to the cheating womaniser he was now. Although she was in Azkaban, he wouldn't be hearing from her again. "You can always try and see if you could do it but believe me, it would be very hard." He said winking at her as he ordered another drink except this time it was a pint of coke.
Alyce smiled, she knew that Riley wasn't another boy toy for her to break. He was to smart for that, but she wasn't stupid either and he wouldn't have it the other way around. She knew what she was doing and that he was good at playing her game as well. But that was the challenge that she loved. When ever she was around him she had to make sure every move or word was perfect. She could not let him get the best of her. "I know Riley I never said I had you wrapped around my finger." 'Yet.' She thought with a smirk. She was going to try her best, she knew it might not be enough but she was she going to try.
Riley laughed and looked at her. He wondered if she was going to try and train this stallion. No one has ever been able to but then again there is always one but Riley had not come across her properly yet. "This is true you didnt but that isnt to say you wont try to. Believe me many girls have and all but one failed and well she is no where to be heard or seen from again so she doesnt count." He said as his new drink arrived. He watched the dark liquid bubble for a second before reaching out and lifting it to his lip and taking a sip. He liked his sugary drinks at the moment.
Now it was Alyce's turn to roll her eyes. She shook her head, he was really something. "That's horrible." She wondered who the girl was. She knew this wouldn't be easy, but she had faith in herself. He was stil a guy, and they all had the same basic way of thinking. So she just had to figure out some other things about him, and it might be possible. But she had her doubts too. "What was her name?" She wondered if he would tell her, but she figured he would just blow off her question.
Riley shrugged when she said it was horrible. Riley had gotten over her the second she left, he had Adele now anyway. "Pfft i dont care, got over it a looong time ago." He said casually as she asked him the name. He took a quick sip of his drink before answering. "Her name was Ana. She killed my dad so she can rot away in there." He said sipping his drink. Of course Ashton had deserved it after what he had done but still it should have been doe by his own family. "Anyway. That was then and this is now and you are hot. We didnt finish what we started last time you cam to my place you know." He said with a grin
Alyce watched his shrug, she figured it was a sore subject and he was trying to cover it up. She really didn't care because what he said next made her very happy. She knew she was hot but it was so much better to here it from someone else. She raised an eyebrow at his last sentance remembering there one night stand. "Oh really?" She smirked, this was going way better than planned. "We'll just have to fix that now won't we." She had already had her drink payed for so she was waiting for him, plus she wasn't sure maybe he would want to go to her place.
Riley grinned at her. She seemed to be going with him on what he had just said. Which was good. He wondered if Cyndi would be at his place as it was the school holidays. He thought it best not to risk it. "Yes i believe we will just have to do something about it." He said leaning forward and pressing his lips against her. He made it quick as he wanted her to long for for. He pulled away and smiled at her, revealing his perfect white teeth. "I haven't seen your place yet." He said placing ten galleons on the tale for the food, drinks, and a tip. He stood up and held out his and for her. "I guess its your turn to sow me around." He grinned
Alyce smiled as he leaned in to kiss her, this was going really well. She looked at him, it was short but to the point. She saw him hastily put some money on the table. She was glad he missed her as much as she missed him. "Well, that sounds like a good idea, but I can't apparate..." She pursed her lips, "But my house isn't that far away." She was glad that her family was out, or else they might have had an issue, but the house was empty and it wasn't like this hadn't happened before. "Is that a problem?" She raised an eyebrow.

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