Closed A Night Out

Allison Jusantrea

Queen Shark
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Sycamore Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
3/9/2038 (23)
It had been a little while since Allison had really dressed up for anything, but when Thomas had mentioned a nice dinner she really wanted to look good for him. Confident in what she'd picked, she double checked her reflection in the mirror. Satisfied, she smoothed out her skirt again and walked downstairs, looking for Thomas. "Baby, I'm ready," She called out, peeking around the door into the kitchen to see if he was there.
After spending some time with his sons, Thomas slowly made his way back to the room to hand the twins over to the babysitter who had been arranged and he hoped they would be obedient. Thomas changed as well, putting on what will be suitable for dinner. Then went downstairs to make sure everything was going to be perfect. "Yes, I'm here, darling! Wow you look unique.'' he said as he turned to face Allison.
Allison giggled and walked over to the man, moving to slip her arm through his. "So, Mr. Jusantrea, where are we going?" She asked, eager to see what the man had planned for tonight. She wasn't going to admit it, but part of her was hoping that maybe this was going to be another attempt at a proposal. She was really starting to feel like she was ready- it was obvious by now that neither of them were really going to be going anywhere- they had two boys and another baby on the way. Maybe it was time they finally made it completely official. Or maybe she should propose herself. That would certainly make things interesting.
Thomas looked at the woman and smiled, then kissed her on the temples. ''We are going for a romantic dinner. This will be a special evening for both of us.'' he said, but before going to the restaurant he decided to do the official part so that the evening would really continue. He also literally felt the box with the ring pressing in his pocket. ''Before we go. Zoe, will you be my wife?'' he asked taking the ring out of his jacket pocket opened the box and dropped to one knee in front of Allison. The ring that Thomas gave the woman was her mother's ring, it had been with him for a long time, but hopefully it will adorn Allison's finger. He looked up at the woman, waiting for her answer, hoping that he would finally get it.
Allison hummed happily, hungry and enticed by the thought of a good dinner, when suddenly Thomas was talking again. She shook her head quickly to clear it from thoughts of food and turned herself more towards him, curious as to what was on his mind. She blinked, and laughed lightly, offering out her hands to him. "Well, with a face as cute as that, how could I say no?" She teased him gently. "Since you asked so nicely, I guess I can marry you. But only if you kiss me," She gave him a playful wink.

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