Closed A night out in town

Apollo Vasilakis

oldest • estranged
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
14" Cypress Wand with Graphorn Horn Core
Apr 1, 2033
Apollo Vasilakis just got done with another gruesome practice. He might only be a beater and didn't really count toward points but it was a great stress reliever. After showering and getting cleaned up, Apollo decided to see if one of the other chasers wanted to grab a drink afterwards. The guy seemed cool. He has the same name as one of his brothers but that's besides the point of Apollo wanting to hang out. He wasn't feeling the best so he needed a distraction. Apollo could tell when he needed some socializing. When he was in this sort of mood, Apollo could be a little flirty. Even with the guys, despite the fact that he was straight. But maybe because of personal reasons, maybe he did bat for the other team. It was a good thing he was open minded, unlike some others he knew.
Ares liked being married, he hadn't been married that long, but being with Dimitri had only gotten better with this. Ares had come back to work with a smile and a re-enthused. He loved being able to play quidditch. It was fun, easy for him. The man had been finishing off the practice with a shower, he knew that Dimitri would be working late, so there was no rush for him to get home. he spotted the new guy who had invited him out to get drinks. "You ready to go for that drink?" he said as he grabbed his things, ready to go for this drink and spend some time with a co-worker. "it's Apollo right?"
Apollo was glad that Ares even agreed to this since he did not want to spend the evening alone. That thought sounded wrong, but it was meant in a platonic way. No hidden motives at all when hanging out with teammates. Plus, he could get to know them more. Apollo smiled even more as Ares approached him. He nodded, maybe a bit too enthusiastically, "Definitely. Hope that I didn’t hit you with bludgers too many times." Apollo’s aim was pretty good, but he was also bad at protecting himself, so he was hit a few times. His shoulder throbbed, but it was easy to deal with. "Yep. You have the same name as one of my brothers. Thought that was pretty cool." Surely that did not sound too bad by him saying that.
Ares raised his eyebrow a bit at Apollo's statement. ”It's your job to hit bludgers, I won't fault you for doing that,” he said with a little smile. He knew that it was part of the game, to hit and be hit. He followed the man as they headed out and gave a little smile. ”Oh really? That explains your name, Apollo.” he said with a little smile. ”My parents didn't follow any naming convention so, that's why you have me, Ares, and then Isaiah and Xavier,” he said, ”There is no through line on those names,” he joked lightly, if a little stiffly. But he thought it was cool that he shared a name with this man's brother. ”How are you finding the team?” he asked. ”No one's been too mean, right?”
Apollo knew that it was pretty much his job, but it didn’t mean that he did not feel bad for it. These were his teammates. "Just rather hit people that weren’t teammates. Maybe I should suggest flying targets. Then I won’t accidentally give someone a concussion." Apollo was just too kind, really. Always thinking of others and putting them before himself. Apollo listened to Ares talk about his siblings and how they did not have any sort of naming convention. "All of my siblings are named after Greek Gods and Goddesses. Except I don’t have one named Hades. I have a sister named Persephone, so close enough. Makes it easier to remember." Apollo knew a lot about Greek mythology. After all, his accent still had that Greek sound to it. "Nah, everyone has been great. I’ve not even heard anything bad about my hair." He reached up and touched the fiery red hair on the top of his head.
Ares thought that Apollo and Dimitri would get along, knowing that Dimitri too would probably rather that there weren't live bludgers in practices. "We do need to learn how to dodge," he replied, it was a wise thing to want, but they just had to practice occasionally as if it were an actual game. Ares nodded, thinking it had to be pretty awful to be called Hades, considering, but still. "I guess it is," he replied, though Ares wasn't sold that it was easier to remember. He was glad that no one had been that mean to him. "I like it, it suits you," he said, it wasn't something he'd do, but it was nice. "Shall I pick the usual after practice haunt for drinks or somewhere new?"
Apollo would have to agree that they would have to learn how to dodge. That was most certainly true. It did not change the fact that he was not a fan of hurting his teammates. Apollo could not help but smile when Ares said that it suited him. If only he had been sorted into the red house, then it would have made more sense, though he might not have been in New Zealand had that have been the case. "Honestly, a new place would be the best. I got some news today and could use a reason to forget about it all." Apollo recalled a letter one of his siblings sent him, and he hoped to Merlin that it would not come to that. "I heard you were married. What's that like?"
Ares smiled at him and nodded. ”No problem, are we wanting a good place or a dive place?” he could think of a couple of spots that would suit either. It depended perhaps on what his news had been that would decide what he wanted to do. ”I got married like a month ago, and it's like being in a relationship, but you're now a husband, and the law gives you certain rights,” he said. To him, it was no different, his love for Dimitri wouldn't have matter were it solidified with a piece of paper of not. ”Are you married?”
Apollo thought about the place that might be the best, and decided that maybe a good place would be better. "A good one. I hate to go to a bar and they serve really bad drinks, you know? I need something that tastes good." Apollo also did not want to get black out drunk either because that was just not going to go well with his current stress. He nodded along with how Ares explained what it was like to be married. He laughed so much that he covered his hand when asked if he was married. "No, I have... Let's just say I have issues. But hey, I'm glad that it is working out well! A month in and you seem to be still in love, so no cold feet!"
Ares nodded lightly, thinking it quite fair that Apollo wanted to go somewhere good. Alcohol was alcohol at the end of the day, but somewhere nice was a little easier. Safer too. Ares guided them down the streets towards a nice bar he knew that would probably not be too crowded yet with music not too loud. He raised an eyebrow at the man's reaction to the question, but gave a sympathetic expression when he said he had issues. Ares wouldn't pry, it wasn't for him to know any of those sorts of details. "Once you meet the right person, it becomes easy," he said with a little shrug, since it had been for him and he couldn't imagine not being in love with Dimitri. He guided them to the bar and opened the door for Apollo, "What are you drinking?" he said, offering implicitly to go buy the first round.
Apollo would trust that Ares would take them somewhere pleasant, since he knew the area. Apollo had only been in New Zealand since he was 18 but he never stayed in one place long. It was just better that way. He just nodded at the meeting the write person bit. Apollo didn't think that he would because he had his own therapy to deal with but that was a can of worms he was not willing to open. Not now, not ever. Apollo chuckled as Ares opened the door for him, "Oh, such a gentleman. I can see why you are not on the market anymore." Apollo was joking of course. He often joked like that with his teammates because it was more comfortable for him. "Uh, probably firewhiskey or something stronger. Anything that burns and lets me forget that I hit people today." Apollo did not really want Ares to buy the first round, but he would take over the second. "I got the next round, though."
Ares was hopeful that this place would be good enough and not a total buzzkill. He nodded lightly and went to the bar, getting them both some fire whiskey. He paid quickly and found the man again when he had the drinks. "Here," he offered it out to him and intend to toast after. "Fire whiskey is a good place to start the night, if you want to forget," he said, picking up their last earlier bit of conversation.
Apollo was grateful when he was handed some firewhiskey. This was the good stuff, honestly. And it was a good thing that he never dealt with his baggage with alcohol. He would have become an alcoholic. What sort of role model would he be then? "Yeah, it would be fun to wake up and wonder what happened the previous night. Can't say that hasn't happened once in a blue moon." Apollo chuckled as he looked to Ares. "Should we have invited anyone else along? Or does everyone else have a life but me?" Apollo joked, even though it was true.

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