Closed A Night of New People

Jamie Derouin

beauxbatons grad; french national team chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Married (onyx <3)
Sexual Orientation
onyx <3
Knotted 12" Flexible Pear Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
5/2031 (30)
Jamie was running a little late...well, he was and wasn't. He was showing up when he intended to show up, but had perhaps forgotten that the people he was meeting weren't his usual french crowd that at minimum showed up an hour late, it hadn't helped that timezones were just a little tricky for him. So when he arrived and the party was well and truly underway he felt a little pressed to find Onyx. He knew that he'd have let him down, so he wanted to find him and apologise and then be able to have a good night anyway. He had dressed smartly, a suit but it wasn't worn entirely formally, it was a little casual to suit this celebration. The inn was in a town in New Zealand that he didn't know and it was in a inn that he also didn't know but it seemed nice. It was rather crowded and he was glancing about trying to spot Onyx within it. He wanted to make a good impression on these people too, since he was sure that Onyx's twin and his uncle were here, but he remained in the lobby trying to figure out his plan for not making it too obvious how late he was to this.
Cooper had been busy cooking, but now the last of the food was ready. He was on his way to find Archer, knowing he'd left him to wonder a bit while he worked. He paused, however, as he saw some fancy looking guy in the lobby. Cooper came to a stop, heading in with a smile. "Oh, hey, looking for the party?" He asked, smiling brightly.
Jamie was greated by a man a little younger than he was, and he nodded, "I am yeah, I'm Jamie, I'm looking for Onyx in particular?" he decided to just ask, he didn't want to be rude, but he did need to find him and was sure that this person, if he knew would tell him where he was and direct him to it, or to someone that did. But he kept his tone polite and friendly,
Cooper's face lit up when the man asked about Onyx. "Ooh, cute french boy. Way to go, Nyxy." He laughed, motioning for the man to follow him. "Nyxy and them got in a little late I think, I've been in the kitchens. I'm Cooper, by the way. Just graduated, off to culinary school in Japan soon," he chuckled, opening the door to head outside. "I need to go find my plus one, but hey, Jas might know more. Jasper!" Cooper yelled, waving the younger boy over. "This guy is looking for Nyxy." Cooper grinned, winking at them both before sauntering off again.
Jasper had been here for a while. His bass was tuned and ready and left on stage, so he had been hanging out near the door reading The Chronicles of Narnia. He looked up when he heard someone calling him, raising a brow as he saw Cooper waving him over. He shut his book and walked over. "Yes, Cooper?" He asked, looking over to the man with his cousin. "Wait, Coop-" he tried to stop the boy, but he'd already left. Jasper sighed. "I do not know where Onyx is," Jasper stated, rubbing his brow. "But Amaya might. Follow me," he made his way back through the crowd, expecting Jamie to follow. "I would ask why you were seeking out Onyx, but knowing him I should assume you are his new beaux." Jasper rolled his eyes. "I never have understood his taste for pretty boys." He smiled a bit as he spotted his sister. "Ah, here we are. Amaya, this guy is looking for Onyx." Jasper nodded, leaving them both without another word.
Jamie nodded along as the blonde boy, Cooper introduced himself and gave him a little information about it. "Jamie, professional quidditch play for the french national team," he introduced back as quickly and then smiled as another boy approached them. Another younger boy, who was jasper from what Cooper said. They had a small interaction and he nodded, "I am indeed," he wasn't sure how to take the statement about him being a pretty boy but he ignored it as he was then followed the boy, further in and to a girl. "Hi, I'm Jamie," he introduced.
Amaya was perusing the food, feeling peckish. She looked up as Jasper approached her with a nicely dressed man. She looked him over. "You must be really late." She stated bluntly. "He was here. I'm not sure where he went, but I do know where his sister is." She offered, flipping her hair and starting through the crowd, motioning for him to follow her. "You might not want to talk to her. She's mad at you. At least, I'm assuming its you she's mad at. The graduation was... well, emotional for him, anyway. But there was a bit of a... run in with his ex boyfriend. They got here late and he was already fairly upset." She sighed, hesitating as Sapphire came into sight. "Onyx did a sweep of the crowd when he got here, but something else must have happened because he took off. I didn't see which way, but," she pointed to Sapphire through the crowd. "If you want the kitten, you're gunna have to go through mama cat there. Careful, she has claws." She patted the mans shoulder and sauntered away back to her food.
Jamie gave a sheepish expression at this new girl. He didn't like the idea of having to speak to Sapphire if she was going to be mad at him. But as the girl explained what had perhaps happened, he nodded along and it made sense that he had been more upset. Jamie had just not been very good at being on time a lot of the time but the fact he had been on french event time didn't help. He spotted Sapphire from where the girl, Amaya the boy had said, said she was. "Thank you," he told her before heading towards Sapphire, and moved to stand in front of her. "Hey Sapphire, I'm looking for Onyx..." he started, "I know I'm late, I'm not great with time zones..."
Sapphire was... worried. The graduation had been fine, oddly bittersweet, and the reunion with Chrysander after had been... interesting. She'd been worried about Onyx, it was the first time Onyx had even seen Chrys since they'd broken up. Sure, he'd tried to hide it. But taking off into the woods with a bottle of whiskey did sort of indicate that something was wrong. She blinked as she was pulled from her thoughts by the French boy. She raised a brow, crossing her arms. "I don't like you." she stated simply, frowning. She sighed, rubbing her forehead. "But he does. And he's stubborn." She put a hand on her hip and looked up at the tall Frenchman. "And you're at least here. So that's something." Sapphire sighed and shook her head. "There. He went that way." She pointed towards the direction he'd taken off. She turned back though, grabbing Jamie's arm before he could go. "You hurt him, pretty boy, and I. will. end. you." She threatened, glaring at him a moment before letting go and turning to walk away.
Jamie nodded as Sapphire said she didn't like him. So far he hadn't done much to show her that he was likeable or trustworthy. He would've said as much and pushed that he wanted to find Onyx regardless before he could though, Sapphire kept talking and he was quite surprised that she was relenting. But her words were pretty clear. "Thanks," he said to her, "I'll show you that I'm worthy of him, just not now," he gave her a last smile and headed to where Sapphire told him that Onyx was. he headed in that direction and then finally spotted his. He quickly moved towards him and when he was close enough, "Hey Onyx," he called out, "Baby sorry I'm late, time zones are tricky!" he said as he moved closer finally moving to sit beside him.
Onyx was having a rough day. He'd dressed up cute for the graduation, sure. It had hurt a lot more than he had expected to watch his sister graduate without him. And seeing Chrys... god, he hadn't expected it. It had really thrown him off. He'd felt really vulnerable when they'd finally made it to the party. He was late, and he'd really hoped Jamie would already be there, all he wanted was a hug. But when Onyx hadn't been able to find him, all of his old insecurities had flared back up. He isn't coming, I messed up, he hates me, I'm so stupid, he was never going to want me.

Feeling lost, Onyx had raided the bar and taken a bottle of Jameson Whiskey- probably ironic, but whiskey was whiskey. He took the bottle and slipped away from the party, hiding out a bit away in the woods. He sank down to the ground by a little stream, sniffling and holding his knees to his chest. He'd been crying silently for a while, about a third of the way through the bottle, when he heard a familiar voice. He cursed, accidentally knocking over the bottle as he turned his head away and tried to dry his face.
Jamie knew immediately as he heard the bottle move that this was maybe a little under sold by Sapphire. That this had been a pretty bad thing for Onyx. He gave a little sigh and then reached out to touch Onyx's shoulder he wanted to reach and wrap his arms around him but didn't want to startled him too much, he didn't want to cause more emotional distress. "Baby I'm so sorry," he said, "I want to give you a hug, is that okay?" he asked, he wanted to give him a hug, to wrap his arms around him properly and hold him close but he wanted him to want it too.
Onyx sighed, hating himself for how stupid he must look. He hiccupped a little, turning and burying his face in Jamie's neck. He curled up against the other man, trying to pull it together. "I'm sorry," he managed after a little bit, bringing his hand up to try and wipe at his cheek. "I'm sorry- this is a horrible date, I'm sorry," he hiccupped again, biting his lip. "I wanna go home. But I wanna stay with you. I don't want to go to the party. God, I'm a mess," he let out a choked laugh, burying his face further in Jamie's neck.
Jamie opened his arms to Onyx and brought him in holding him in close. He very slowly rubbed his back and whispered a few soothing words. Eventually he seemed to get control of himself and he shook his head, "No, it's okay baby," he assured him with a small smile. "Let's just go then, I'll take you home. We can make a french exit," he began moving to get to his feet and to pull Onyx up to. If he was ready to he could bring Onyx to his feet and then they could leave. "On your feet baby, let's just go,"
Onyx sniffled, leaving the bottle there, knowing he'd come back at some point when he was less upset to make sure he'd picked it up. He felt absolutely miserable. He let Jamie pull him up and stepped forward, laying his head in Jamie's chest. He relaxed a little as he wrapped his arms around the Frenchman, sighing softly and shutting his eyes so Jamie could apparate them back home.

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