A Nice, Romantic Dinner...Hopefully

OOC First Name
Teak Wand 12 1/2 inches with Merfolk Hair core, thick
Camilia Rosewood Cavanaugh sat in the her home office organizing some papers. She had been really busy working, and now with Kyle home for the break she decided to do most of her managing at home. Camilia always wanted to be available to her son, but since her brother in law, Dietrich, had been coming around more often she sensed that her son was not very lonely for now. Camilia was in comfortable clothes which consisted of jeans and a shirt. She never wore shoes in the house. The boys' always did, but she did not. She liked to try and keep the floor cleaner. She was lucky that her boys' were not very messy. Camilia leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs as she looked over a file. Patrick would be coming home early tonight. It was rare that her and her husband ever spent time together. Even if they worked in the same company. She thought of making dinner. Dietrich had taken Kyle out of the house. She was a little worried about where her brother-in-law had taken her son. Camilia trusted Dietrich enough to not take her son anywhere that would put him in danger. The mother would not stand for it. Patrick's younger brother was known to be reckless, impulsive and short tempered. All Camilia could do was hope that none of those trait would rub off on Kyle. That would only stress her out more. Camilia tossed the file on the table and stood up. She had decided she would make dinner. She glanced at the clock. It would be nothing to fancy as she only had a few hours. Even with magic cooking took a little while, but a wealthy person, like Camilia, definition of 'nothing too fancy' was much different from others definitions. She walked downstairs and into the kitchen. She waved her hands and pots and pans flew around the kitchen. Wandless magic was her strong point, but she did say spells and charms out loud. She was better at mental math then she was mental magic.</COLOR></FONT>
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Camilia finished putting on her outfit and went downstairs to the dining room. She had set the table with a variety of foods and treats. She had managed to make everything without the help of the maids. Dietrich still had Kyle, and Patrick would be home soon. She looked at her watch. She hoped he would be home soon. SHe had made herself look all pretty, and she would be sad id it was all for nothing. Camilia truly hated dressing up. It was such a hassle to put on make-up and matching outfit. She hated having to dress up for special events most of all. Everyone would compliment how pretty she was and she would have to lie and say she had spent hours on the outfit when it really only took 5 minutes. Sometimes Patrick took longer to get dressed than she did, but he was pleased with running a business and having power. Camilia chuckled. She loved seeing her husband happy. It always made her sad when he said he did not want anymore children. She knew Kyle was lonely, and she did not like that. Dietrich could not entertain his nephew forever, but Patrick was just so against the idea of having more children. Camilia sat at the table and poured herself a glass of red wine. Sh once again looked at her watch. Where was he?
Patrick looked at the desk. A couple of the new specifications for brooms that he had gotten from his designers were pretty bad. One didn't even have a tail end. He sighed and thrust his hand along the table, displacing all his papers. Why was he even sitting here with these disgraceful designs? He should have fired them all months ago when they were supposed to have these designs in. He out his head in his hands and stared around his office. He was powerful, he was influential and he was famous, but still he didn't seem able to get a bar of a design for this year. He rolled his eyes and called for his assistant who promptly came running in. He smiled at her and gestured for her to sit. She nodded and sat, crossing her legs and placing her folder upon her lap, hiding her legs from view. He shook his head at her and leaned back in his chair, touching the tips of his fingers together and thinking about what he was going to say. "Now, I'm sure you have seen these... uh, designs for a new ultimate broom. Yes?". His assistant nodded. She could handle him rather well considering her young age. She nodded him to continue and so he did. "I would very much appreciate it, if you fired every single one of those idiots!" She stood up and was about to protest, but Patrick held up his hand and she changed her mind, instead scurrying out of the office to do what she was told. She was almost entirely employed for that sole purpose alone. In the last eight months alone he had eight people fired, but still he could not fix this problem. His thoughts were that the solution was entirely beside him. He rolled his eyes and stood up, leaving the papers where they were. He would have to be leaving soon, he had promised Camilia that he would get home early and at the moment he was late. He sighed. Looks like she was going to have to be disappointed again. As much as he loved Camilia, she was at home and Dietrich, his brother, had been coming around alot more often then normal. He knew that it was only because of the Holidays and that Kyle was home, but that made him even less of a happy man. That brother of his was a bad influence on his son, but seeing as he was always allowed out by Camilia, there was nothing he could do. That wife of his could certainly hold her own.

An hour or so later, Patrick finally left the office. He was quite late and he knew that Camilia was going to be upset, hopefully he would be able to make it p to her. Contrary to popular belief, he did love his wife, for now, but sometimes he got alittle bored, got alittle drunk and would then go off with some other girl, younger or not, but they were always pretty. He apparated to his front door, unnoticed by anyone and opened the door lightly. He looked inside and saw that Camilia was sitting at the table, a sad expression on her face. He sighed and stepped into view, dropping his case to the side and walking around to kiss Camilia softly on the cheek. "Darling I'm sorry. Work got the best of me. Are you okay?" He had been late many times before. What was one more?
Camilia waited an hour. An hour! She was not an impatient woman, but when she was disappointed she got pissy. She usually spent time with Kyle so that her anger could wear off, but Kyle was out right now, and she did not want to make the mistake of going off on her husband. That would be bad, and she would regret it later on. Camilia took off her heels and threw them across the room. She heard glass breaking, but she did not worry about it. She poured herself another glass of wine and waved her hand to repair whatever she had broken. She loved her husband dearly, but did he ever notice that love. Camilia was surprised when she was kissed on the cheek. She had not heard her husband come in. She hoped he had arrived just a few seconds ago. It would be embarrassing if her husband saw her lose her composure. She was always a calm woman, until she was disappointed. "It's fine, love. I made food, but I am sure it is cold now. How about you go get comfortable and I will make you a plate?" she suggested and kissed her husband on the cheek in return. She stood up grabbed a plate and started piling food onto it. She glanced at her watch and hoped Kyle would be home soon. Seeing her son always made her calm down. "How many people did you fire today?" she asked. Camilia always knew when her husband had fired someone. He had a;ways started to make a habit of firing people. It would be much different of Camilia was CEO. She was kinder and did not do things in the spur of the moment. She prepared to go back upstairs so she could send letters to people on the waiting list. Those people would die for a chance to work with the Cavanaugh's, and if he husband kept this up then all of them would and see how angry her husband was.

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