A New Journal

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Joceline Richarde

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather.
When Thomas found out about what had been in Joceline's old diary she had stopped writing but now she will want to start a new one. This of course symbolizes a new Joce, a rebirth if you will. She wants to forget all that has happened in the past (but some how holds those same grudges) and gain new friendships and what not.

She was supposed to have a relationship plot this year but the RPier has RL things going on so yeah.. So I was wondering if anyone wanted to have their character fancy Richie. She probably wont like them back really, just an infatuation because she wont allow herself to feel true things since the hurt she had gone through with Thomas Smith and she truly loves Wendy Chaos (but that she wont know for a little while longer).

So if people want to befriend her or even date her it would be great if you could post here. KTHNX.

Likes: intelligent conversation, summer rain, a sunny winter day, photography, literature and walking.
Dislikes: heights, quidditch, hotheadedness and people that think they are the bee's knees when they aren't.
Overall: Joceline is a Slytherin though it seems that she could be a better Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff because of her shy and intelligence. She doesn't often show her cold and rude side, but when she does it is because someone has harmed her or someone she cares deeply about. She hides a lot of her true emotions to put other's happiness first, and she has a strong guilty conscious which is why she tries her hardest not to have someone cross her negatively and tries to give them the benefit of the doubt.
But now...
Joce has become quickly scornful but still holds most of those traits. She dislikes Ravenclaws greatly because of how they act, she hates almost all the GS and GG members because she thinks it is just foolishness. The only one she gets along with is her cousin.. but they don't hang around much. She NEEDS friends.
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