Closed A New Home

Valerius Bianchi

Spoiled- Entitled- Valerius- Too Good For You
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curved 17 Inch Unyielding Birch Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
4/15/2044 (17)
Valerius was in a bit of shock. Ravenclaw? Ravenclaw?! Valerius was agitated. He had expected to be sorted into his fathers house, wanted to follow in his fathers footsteps. He walked to the Ravenclaw table and sat down, feeling an odd mixture of anger, astonishment, and disbelief. But Valerius kept his composure, offering a smile to anyone that met his eye. After what felt like an eternity, the sorting ended. He let out a slow sigh and gathered his food. Alright, this wasn't what he had planned. But how many times had his father told him that a good CEO could handle anything with grace and composure? Valerius could still do what he had come here for. He could still upstage his sister. He didn't bother looking for her, instead settling in to eat his dinner.
Blair usually wasn't invested in sorting as she never knew anyone nor she did care about little kids. However, this year looked like fun, Valerius was starting school this year and she knew how much her brother disliked her. Well, she wasn't in total awe too but more because she didn't really know him. Once she heard where he was sorted, she smirked, perfectly knowing how much her brother wanted to be like their dad. Blair quietly apologized to her friends and under the tables went to the Ravenclaw table. She hoped not to get in the wrong legs and luckily, she managed to catch his legs quietly shouting: "Boo!" she got out of the undertable laughing, sat next to him, and put her arm around his shoulders. "So Val, the only kid I know, are we going to look the school around tomorrow? And should I or you will tell dad yourself that you didn't get in Slytherin?" she teasingly asked him, knowing that it won't help their relationship. Especially the fact that she called him 'Val'.
Valerius' teeth clenched when he felt someone grab his legs. He barely kept himself from kicking out at the intruder. He glared at Blair as she appeared next to him. He shrugged her arm off of his shoulder. "Don't you have anything better to do?" He asked haughtily. "I can't imagine my life being so boring that I have to spend my time with a first year. Some teenage success you are." He scoffed.
Blair chuckled when Valerius shrugged her arm off and when he started to complain, she looked at him amusedly. "Oh God, now listen here. See that boy at this table? At first, I wanted to go to him but I wanted to come to you because you have no one except for me at this school because you're a little jerk and if you won't stop acting like that, you will have to deal with me every day 'cause I am not going to let you be alone, got it?" the boy she pointed to, was Branson. Blair sounded annoyed and amused at the same time, she looked like she was absolutely happy, so no one didn't have anything in mind. She didn't want anyone to know that even her little brother disliked her. "I could've gone to Gryffindor's house to sit with my best friend or to Slytherin's house to sit with a girl I've kissed but I came here," she chuckled again and then tried to lose all that negativity. "So are we going on a tour around the school tomorrow?" yes, Blair totally could win the award of being the best sister ever. She totally was worth it. However, she honestly still wasn't used to the thought of having a brother, so it was all new to both of them, they both had been used to being the only kid in the family.
Valerius rolled his eyes, choosing to ignore her words since he couldn't counter it. He ate his food, waiting for her to finish. "Are you done?" He asked, turning his head to look at her and raise a brow. "I don't need you to baby me, I was doing just fine without you," He scoffed, turning his head away again. "But if you insist on showing me the castle to feel useful, I could probably use the tour. It wouldn't be very becoming of me to get lost, now would it?" He asked it like it was the most obvious question in the world.
Blair laughed at his question. "I can do more if you want," she teasingly offered him. "Oh, if you were doing so fine, then why are you alone?" she dramatically looked around to make the weight on the fact that he didn't talk with anyone or didn't even pay attention to anyone. "Ha, it would be fun for me but I don't think that anyone would appreciate it if you got lost and missed the lessons. Especially you wouldn't appreciate it, little nerd," she joked a bit and started to eat too. "And I'm not doing it to feel useful, y'know, I could spend time with friends or playing Quidditch or at the Dungeons. I'm just trying to put more effort in our kind of sibling relationship, even if we both aren't in awe of that fact." Blair huffed a bit and then turned to him in a clearly confused face. "By the way, why are you so against me? It's not like I took anything from you."
Valerius sipped his drink. "I don't need to bother myself with useless pleasantries right now." He shrugged. "There's really nothing wrong with taking time to adjust to a new environment by myself. Or with attempting to devise a plan." He gave her a pointed glare that he was sure she'd ignore. His brow furrowed as she asked why he was against her. He shook his head and turned away from her again. "That's right, you haven't. I am father's heir, and if you think for one moment that I'm going to hand that over because you're the eldest, you're in for a fight. I've studied to take over the company all my life. I'm not moving aside for some prissy self-important teen who would have no idea what to do," He complained.
Blair gave an approving nod, she was perfectly aware that he would be amazing even without her being around but she didn't let him be alone exactly because she was there. Not like she was going to be there for his whole school time. "You have a point but isn't it better to have someone? I know a lot of people in this school, they know me, it's better for you," she calmly talked with him, hoping to make her point as clear as Val did. However, when he told her reasons, it was clear to see on her face that she was absolutely shocked. "Божечки, что?* Wait, you actually thought that I was aiming for your spot? Oh God, no! Valerius, I may seem too ambitious but my ambitions don't require taking away anything from you, I don't want to be the CEO. I would never want that, oh God, imagine me leading this big company," Blair lightly laughed even at the thought of that. "Valerius, that world is yours, not mine," she strictly added after clearing her throat and then finally turned to her brother with a confident smile and waited for his reaction, and hoped that he will believe her. She knew that he didn't have to be become closer to her, just not feel threatened by her.

*oh god, what?
Valerius shrugged, not ready to concede to her point. He eyed her suspiciously as she tried to deny that she wanted his place as the heir. "We'll see," He finally spoke, turning back to his food. "Why aren't you eating?" He asked, obviously ignoring any type of serious conversation she might be trying to start up. He wasn't about to let her in that easily. He needed more time to figure out what she was really after. She had just come out of nowhere. She must have wanted something.
Blair easily let that theme go by, not wanting to talk deeper about this in such a public place. It wasn't something for everyone to hear it. "I don't know, not feeling like eating actually," she lightly chuckled and then shrugged shoulders, reaching to take a candy, not wanting to touch anything more serious. "So how do you feel about Hogwarts so far? It's impressive, isn't it?" she was curious about her brother's opinion and how he felt so far.
Valerius made a point of eating, if only because Blair wasn't. He was in fact impressed by the castle, but he wasn't sure he wanted to let Blair know that just yet. He sipped his drink casually and set his cup down. "It's acceptable." He allowed, moving to butter a roll. "The ceiling in particular is perhaps the best feature here." He commented, glancing up to the roof and smiling softly.
Blair still tried to act like she and Valerius had actually a really good relationship, even if it really wasn't true. There were people who knew that but not a lot of people, only like two. Bran and Hilda. "Oh yes, the ceiling is impressive. But you haven't seen the Quidditch pitch yet, it's even more impressive. Or the lake." she tried to keep the chat going on. "So, for which lessons are you the most excited for? And Valerius, I hope you're planning on making friends, it's the best part of being in school," she gave a light big sister advice.
Valerius sighed. She truly was as stubborn as father. He relaxed, but only a little. "I'm not excited for any lessons yet. I need to see the Professors before I can care about what they're trying to teach me." He replied honestly, taking another bite of his food. "Who do you see as the least useless professor?" He asked, looking to his older sister. She should know that much at least.
Blair chuckled at his answer, she still wasn't able to get used to how calm and unbothered Valerius was, always thinking forward, always knowing what he wants. She was more energetic but otherwise, she wasn't surprised that he was her brother. "Huh, the most useless. Oh God, professor Crabapple, he's literally a jerk. But I heard that he left the school, so... you have new professors, I see that there will be new professors in Potions, History and ooh, older Defense against dark arts. Fun, the old Styx is gone. I didn't have the flying professor because flying is in the first year only. Maybe, no, all your professors that I had been useful," Blair understood that the only professors that she disliked were gone and even more, Valerius wouldn't have even half of them. "Landon Carter will teach you Herbology. He's really good at explaining it, so it will be fine. Aeon Summers, transfiguration, he's an animagus and a bit strict, but he always gets what he wants from students. Lydia Drage, dada, well, just a professor. For the first year, it should be fine, if not, just ask me for help," she pointed at every professor and didn't speak loudly, so no one heard her opinion about professors except for Valerius. "Sarah Harrington, I didn't have her but her subject is Astronomy. Heard that she knows how to get everyone interested in astronomy and not a lot of essays, at least in older years. Mallory Corrins, charms. She's an amazing professor actually, show her that you're talented in charms and you'll get to learn advanced spells," Blair finally finished her brief professor overview, hoping that now her brother will have more idea of what to expect.
Valerius listened to what his sister was saying. He looked between the Professors as she spoke. He took note of each of their names, and drafted soft biases on each of them. It was better to know what he was walking into now. "Right. Thank you," He offered her, a little stiffly, but it was still an attempt to be nice. He turned back to his dinner. "What do you know about Ravenclaw?" He asked, thinking he could get more information from his sister.
Blair felt amazing when Valerius even said thank you, it was quite weird but she liked it. "Ooh, Ravenclaw. Not a lot. My best friend is there tho. Not the strongest Quidditch team honestly. The last thing they were most memorized in Quidditch was their previous co-captain kissing Slytherin's captain. Then your head of the house is Kahurangi Josephs, she teaches Ancient Runes. And has a little daughter, she may even have her with her in the school," Blair tried to remember what more she knew about Ravenclaws. "Well, your common room is in the tower, one of the highest places in the school," Blair didn't really know a lot about Ravenclaw. She was more educated about Hufflepuffs.
Valerius raised a brow at her words. "Well, I'll have to join the team then." He answered, sipping his drink. "Father was on the Quidditch team, you know." Valerius told her. He was relieved to hear where the tower was. He liked being up high, it was a familiar sensation. "Father did so well," he murmured. "How am I going to live up to his expectations?" He spoke almost to himself.
Blair chuckled a bit. "Well, you should talk about it with Juniper," she didn't even wanna say how small was a chance that if Val would get to try-outs then that he would actually make it to the team. "I'm on the team too," she smiled at him awkwardly. "Which position are you aiming for?" she asked genuinely curious, hoping that it would be a beater because then he wouldn't get hit so much. However, at his following words, Blair became absolutely quiet, she had no idea if she had to say anything or react. She had never thought about becoming as good as their dad, she knew how high he had set up the expectations, and yet, she just wanted to have fun in school. "You don't have to live up to his expectations, you know that right?" she had no idea what to do. She had never been good with supporting people, tho, she tried to say at least something.
Valerius took note of the name, thinking he would approach the captain of the team soon. He nodded at her words. "I know," He told her easily. "You're a chaser on your team. I'm going to look over the roster and see what positions need people. It will increase my chances." He told her. He blinked, surprised at the girls words. "Of course I do," He retorted immediately, like it was obvious.

"Father came from nothing. His father was a drunk lay-about. Father was Quidditch captain, leader of a club, top of his class. He built the company from nothing. I can't just be handed his legacy. I have to earn it, I have to prove to him I'm worthy of upholding the name he built for himself. For us." He told his sister, astounded that she would even question that. "I know you've only just joined us. But father works harder than anyone. He doesn't just flaunt his money about and walk around, he's worked hard for everything he's ever gotten."
Blair lightly nodded with a light smile, she was pretty sure that the Ravenclaw team had enough players for them to accept Val but she was invested to see how it was going to do.

Blair honestly hadn't really heard it all about their dad but she still felt like Valerius was going too harsh on himself. "Yet, you don't have to be like him. You're yourself and the more you're trying to be like him, the more you lose yourself. If you enjoy arts, do arts, if you don't like the thought of being a prefect, don't be one. You're trying to become a copy of him, don't. There are more chances that you will live up to his expectations if you will be yourself instead of being like the famous, amazing Stefan Bianchi," that was the thing that Blair lived with. She had managed to give up trying to prove herself to everyone, she was doing what she enjoyed and what she wanted to do. "The good proof to my words is that you're in Ravenclaw while he was in Slytherin. You're two different people, so don't try to be him," well, Valerius probably wasn't going to really listen to her monologue, however, she hoped that someday he would end up with the same thought and it won't be too late already.
Valerius raised a brow at his older sister. "You know, that's really easy for you to say. You get to just swoop in and get everything you've ever wanted. I know he'll support us, I would have to really mess up to not get the company. But unlike you, I care what he thinks. I want him to be proud of me. I know him, I've spent my entire life with him. You can't show up out of nowhere and try to tell me how to impress him." He countered, pointing his fork at him. "You might not care, Blair, but I do."

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