A new friend

Keitaro Higuchi

Active Member
OOC First Name
Keitaro was wandering about the forbidden forest. He was away from his books and the cool air out side was more than a little bit temping. He loved the smell of the damp forest and back home he had lived near a forest so it felt more like home and he liked to be here for that reason. The birds were quiet in the trees and the floor was wet under his feet as he walked through the undergrowth.

Kaitaro looked up at the sky as light broke through the tree tops, warming him some more. He smiled as he shut his eyes and basked in the suns warm glow. His head was raised for awhile but he soon lowered it and opened his eyes as he began to walk again. I should send a letter. He thought to himself as he walked. He found a log and decided to sit for a while and enjoy the scene here a little longer before he headed back to the school again
Anna danced gracefully through the Forbidden Forest. The air felt wonderful! She didn't want to leave. She paused to take in her surroundings. She walked around slowly, listening to the crunch of twigs beneath her feet. She came upon a boy, who looked her age, who was sitting on an old log. "Um... Hi there," Anna said, suprised someone else was here as well, "I'm Anna Summers. What's your name?"
Keitaro pulled down the sleeves on his uniform jumper. He felt a cold chill break through his body. It wasnt cold out but he still felt cold. Keitaro was about to stand up and go back when he heard a voice.

Looking up to see who it came from Keitaro did not recognise the girl in front of him. He smiled at her though as she introduced herself to him. He remembered her name by thinking it to himself.Anna Summers. Got it."Im Keitaro Higuchi. Good to meet you Anna. What brings you into the forbidden forest then?" He asked her curiously as he moved along the log to give her room to sit so that they could talk with out her being in discomfort
"It's nice to meet you, Keitaro," Anna walked over to the log and took a seat then looked at him, "I enjoy dancing out here. It's very open." Anna sat quietly thinking about what to say. She sat wondering for a while then asked, "What about you?"
Keitaro watched her sit down. He listened to what she said and smiled. It was a strang reason but that was because Keitaro wasn't much of a dancer. "Well i live near a forest back home so it sort of feels more like home here and i like it." He said with a slight sigh as he looked around. "Also its really peaceful and good to think. What house are you in? Im a Ravenclaw first year." He said to the girl
Anna grinned a little bit as Keitaro spoke. She would have done anything to live by a forest. She felt a small breeze brush threw her hair. "Im in Ravenclaw also," Anna was surprised she had come upon a handsome boy in the same house as her, "Im a first year too."
Keitaro smiled widely when Anna informed him that she too was in the same house and year. "Oh good well i now look at my house all differently now that i know there is a very pretty girl in there too." He said with a grin as he flirted with the girl. "So how are you finding school?" He asked wondering if she was handling it better than he was, although he was used to it already.
Butterflies fluttered wildly in Anna's stomach. Anna thought about the question, remembering everything that had happened so far this year. "I suppose it's going pretty well... I mean as good as it gets I suppose... More or less..." Anna's voice trailed off. She thought about how she could be home. With her old friends... "How about you?"
Keitaro answered her question with a shrug. "Yeah the same. Im getting on really good. I love it here. A lot better than it was before thats for sure." He said with a smile as he leant on his hand. "So have you made friends with anyone yet?" He asked her carrying the conversation on
Anna streched and fell backwards off the log. Eyes wide, she answered, "Ya, I've got a few friends like Autumn and Margarette... And of course Erin! But I knew her before we came here. How bout you? Tons of friends, I'm sure. No way you couldn't!" Anna dusted off her hands but didn't pick herself up. He's REALLY cute too..., Anna smiled brightly at him.

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