A New Friend.

Joe Walker

Well-Known Member
Mahogany Wand 14" Essence of Unicorn Hair
Joe was sat at a table in the Great Hall. He was reading a new book that he had collected from the Library. Joe had always been into reading, he didn't get the chance to read very often. But since meeting Sasha, Joe had decided to give himself more free-time. One, so he had time to spend with Sasha, and Two because he had realised that his life had been far to busy recently, and he needed to slow down a bit.

Joe took a quick peek up from the book to see who was around. When he noticed that there were only a few people, Joe tucked back into his book, kind of hoping that someone would come and talk to him. Joe loved meeting new people.
"Excuse me, sorry, pardon my ways" were her same exacts words she use all morning to get by many students blocking her path. Being tall would really make you notice, especially when you were nearing seven feet. But that didn't stop students blocking Madlyn's way whenever she was ever trying to get by. With her robes dragging behind her (special robes made just for her thanks to a certain professor), Madlyn could carried a few first years and not even notice. She pushed by a few more heads till she saw someone reading a book alone and bored. Feeling the same and needing company too, Madlyn put on her bravest face and walk up to the boy praying he's not judgemental. "Ummm, mind if I join you?" she asked unsure if he will say yes or no. Instead she stood swaying a little side to side waiting for his reply.
Joe smiled as he heard someone talk to him. He was a little taken-a-back as he looked up to find that she was a giant. "Woah you're tall..." Joe said with a sweet, and little kid kinda smile. "But yeah sure, take a seat." Nothing ever phased Joe all that much, the girl seemed nice enough, she was just unusually. And seeing as Joe was quite small, she could maybe come in quite useful to Joe if they became friends. "I'm Joe by the way, what's your name?" He asked in a friendly way, as a smile spread across his face.

"Yeah I get that a lot" Maddy wasn't offended by it anymore than the next person. She would get unwanted stares from strangers. By this time Madlyn getting used to the attention. Like it or not she was force to endure the every day normies who look at her as if she had four heads. "Thanks though, I really much appreciate it" she sat down, the table jumping just a tad as she sat comfortably on the chair for once! "My bad, small table big chair" she chuckle jokingly at the boy. "Joe, cool I'm Madlyn or Maddy either way works. Are you a first year too?"

Joe smiled as the girl introduced herself. "I think I'll stick with Maddy." Joe said happily. "I'm rubbish at remembering names." Joe said, before listening to Maddy's question. Joe would soon get over the girls height, it wasn't that big a deal to Joe, to him she was just another girl. And her being a first year helped him a little. "Well I'm a Second Year, but I remember last year very well...you'll never forget it." Joe said to the girl as he looked up at her and smiled. "What house are you in?" Joe asked, not remembering seeing her around the Common Room at all. "I'm a Hufflepuff..." Joe said cheerfully, he was proud of his house.
"Really? I always seem to attract older students than. I think the rest of the first years hadn't excepted me for a classmate" she laughed easily. Her face was turn down instead of meeting his eyes at the same level. Though he didn't seem so frigid around Madlyn, maybe she just found another friend at last she thought silently. "I'm in Gryffindor, " she boosted proud of her own house. She knew why she was picked in Gryffindor, it happens more along the line that she was most daring and courageous. Also being loyal, Apple predicted she would be in Gryffindor when they had though Madlyn would be going to Scotland. Last time she heard Stormy had been place in Slytherin, and Apple in Ravenclaw. Weird, still they were still friends, no matter what they kept their little promise to each other no matter the distant. "I heard puffs house filled with emos, is that true?" she lean a little down, smiling at Joe.

Joe smiled at Madlyn as she told him what house she was in. Joe had kind of wanted to be a Gryffindor, but he was happy in Hufflepuff now, and that's where he belonged, and Joe was proud of that. He laughed when Madlyn revealed a rumour about Hufflepuff, and decided to play along. "Oh Really? Well I heard that Gryffindor was full of really tall people..." Joe joked, nudging Madlyn playfully. "No I don't think that's true, I mean...out of the people I know...none of them are that depressed..." Joe said with a smile. "Look at me for example...happy as Larry." Joe grinned.
"Haha very funny" Maddy couldn't but giggling, covering her mouth at Joe comment. "Well there are a few giants running around the Gryffindor's common room. Course that's figuring of speaking" she laughed some more. She was bluffing, really its old photographs of giants. No other half giant is seen about this school, not even a staff seem to level the same height Madlyn possess. But at least their not afraid of Maddy, she can much appreciate that. "You seem more like a happy Joe than a Larry. I never like that name" she chuckle some more. A few students walking by simply ignore Joe and just stared at the girl sitting across from him. Maddy choose to ignore them for now, she usually snap at them or scare them a bit to stop them for scaring. She couldn't do it now, she actually enjoying her conversation with Joe!

Joe smiled at Madlyn's comment. He really did like her, she was kind and friendly, not the typical scary giant. "Oh yeah, well I'll look out for them." Joe joked, cheekily winking at Madlyn. He was glad that he had met Madlyn today. She was different in her own special way and Joe liked that fact. "A happy Joe it is then..." Joe said with a youthful and cheeky giggle. "To be honest, Larry has never come into my immediate list of names." Joe said happily.
"A Joe with something at the side of your face" Maddy laughed when she noticed he had something slide on the side of his face. She decided to help, only when she tried to look for napkins a bowl sort of flipped and rolled on its on. She had meant to stop it from spilling whatever it was holding inside, but it splatter and happen to spread more faster than she could collect napkins to pick it up. "I'm so so so sorry!" she had meant to say, except the content kept spilling and ended up going down Joe way. "Dammit, I'm so sorry" she panic trying so hard up help him up!

OOCOut of Character:
Food fight?

OOCOut of Character:
Sure. :p :p :p

Joe laughed as Madlyn accidentally spilt something onto him. "Hey don't worry I don't care." He re-assured her, wiping the mess off of him, and onto the floor. "But I can't just let you off the hook..." Joe said with a cheeky smirk as he looked at Madlyn. Joe gathered some crumbs together that had been left from the cake that they had eaten for the night before, then threw them at Madlyn, allowing his more immature side to come out. Joe laughed as he stood up behind the bench, ready to dodge Madlyn's reaction.
"Hahahahaha funny!" Maddy laughed getting hit by a few bits of cumble cake. "I think you messed a spot with that punch" she gather a bit of mash potatoes, and with that she flung to hit Joe on the side of his face. With the mash potatoes in between her fingers. It made Madlyn want to taste a bit of it, so she did. "Mmmm, not bad?" she let out a small giggle shaking her head. "I think we had enough of lunch? Perhaps?" she chuckle again, still sitting with a bit of her finger inside her mouth.

Joe laughed as the Mashed Potato hit the side of his face. He wiped it off with his hand then squeezed it into a snowball shape before throwing at Maddy, hitting her on the arm. "I think that deserves you right." Joe laughed, as he walked a couple of steps down the centre of the Great Hall. "Bet you can't get me now." Joe joked with a teasing laugh, ready to run, as he awaited Maddy's response.
Madlyn felt the same mash potatoes content hit the side of her arm, apparently around the same time she had been standing, the small ball of smash potatoes smeared across her arm. "Oh funny Larry" she laughed, amused that they weren't mad at each other at all. "You wanna bet I can't get you? Why don't you try me!" she took after Joe with now a pumpkin pie in hand. It felt light as a feather. Her hand coiled around the foil before she let it go flying in the air. To bad it smelled good, appetizing to eat. Though she rather see it smashed on top of Joe's head than eating the pie herself. She laughed when she saw that she missed him. Her aimed at been falter, and sort of just landed on the ground besides Joe. "Okay you win this round! Though I rather chase you out of before you claim victory" she started to pick up her feet, heading towards Joe now in a much faster speed. The entire hall ignoring what was happening between a Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. Her plan was to run him out till they reached the bottom steps outside the hall and let him if fall from running by using the trip jinx. A spell she never used once yet, but seen her sister used it plenty of time on her growing up.

Joe watched as the Pumpkin Pie landed next to him and laughed. He began to pick it up, before noticing that Maddy was running towards him. Joe stood his ground, he figured that, him being so small, and Maddy being a giant, when she reached him Joe could just dodge underneath her legs, smashing the pumpkin pie into her leg in the process. "Oh I'm sorry, I think my hand must've slipped." Joe said with a cheeky laugh as he stuck his finger into the pie on Maddy's leg, then putting his finger in his mouth to eat the pie that he had collected. "Round 2 goes to Sir Joseph Walker...Ding Ding..." Joe said, laughing as he bowed like he was some kind of star. "Yes...Yes...Thank-You...I know...Thank-You..." Joe joked as he finished the bowing and clapped himself around 3 times, before stopping and smiling at Maddy as he waited for her reaction.
OOCOut of Character:
LoL she tall, but not that tall yet. I think

Madlyn felt the bit of pie land at the bottom of her legs, were her ankle were now coated with pie. "Hey! No fair Walker!" Madlyn laughed. She didn't seem mad, she had enough of the food throwing though. And a few students were suddenly paying attention to the duo food fight. "Ummm, maybe we should quit now. Or you still want..." she picked up someone food plate full of pasta. "Wait I think you missed a spot! she dropped the plate down on Joe's head, the pasta dripping down his head. Madlyn laughed so hard, before she started to run out the great hall.

Joe laughed as the pasta hit his head. "Ohhh you're in for it now Margera." Joe said, shaking the food from his head, then chasing Madlyn out of the Great Hall. He struggled to catch up with her, but Joe just simply waited outside the doors, with some spare pasta from his head in his hand, ready to be thrown when he caught sight of Maddy again. "Ohhh Mmmaaadddyyy, come out come out, wherever you are..." Joe said with a little giggle afterwards.
Madlyn had taken shelter behind a very tall statue. One that suited her well and made her invisible from Joe Walker. She covered her mouth, holding in the frights of giggles. She always loved playing hide and seek. One of her all time favorite games and she manage to do well despite being half the size of a 12 foot tree. Or something like that. She lowered herself slightly to peak in between the statue back space. She saw Joe, he still had pasta stringing down his hair. This made her giggle more but she bit down her lips to keep quiet. If he found her now, she would have to run after him than. She wanted to hide, not seek. She pressed one hand over lips some more, she wanted to laugh but wouldn't allow herself too.
As Joe walked past a statue, he could've sworn he heard a giggle, but Joe got distracted by the piece of pasta still dangling from his hair. He pulled his out then popped the clean end into his mouth. After enjoying the piece of pasta, Joe looked around again and couldn't see Madlyn anywhere. Joe felt a little stupid, how could he loose someone as tall as her, she was a giant? Joe walked around the back of the statue, and there she was Madlyn, he crept up quietly, then poked her in the leg. "OY." He said with a little giggle, before running off again, jumping onto another nearby statue and sitting on it.
Madlyn closed her eyes. She just witness Joe eating a piece of pasta! She wanted to laugh but held it in longer. Till Joe found her hiding behind the statute. "It took you long enough!" she moved herself out of the statues away, that's when Joe went running away from her. Madlyn squinted her eyes, she saw him dart away just not where he ended up hiding. "I'm gonna find you Joe! When I do be prepare to be spun around" she shouted, avoiding the eyes of two students roaming by her. She heard one gasp, not caring about their stares she kept hunting for Joe. Her head popping in between small spaces in which she tried to avoid at all cause. Yet she kept going, trying to find that little puff friend of hers.
Joe sat on the statue, trying not to giggle as he listened to Madlyn speak. He put his hand over his mouth to stop the noise from coming out. He wondered if Madlyn would be able to spot him that easily, with her being so tall and Joe being so small. Joe slowly climbed over the statue, pointing his toe's towards the ground as he stretched his leg down. Joe's feet were further away from the ground than he thought they were, and his feet clattered the ground as he landed. He let out an unexpected burst of laughter, before running to hide behind a tree. Joe tried not to giggle as he waited for Madlyn to find him.

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