A new First Year

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Briony Harper

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Hello, I've decided to try my hand at creating a first year and putting her through school. I like the idea of molding a character from the ground up.

Anyhoo, I need friends for her, and perhaps a sort of object for a little crush. Nothing serious, no relationship, just a guy that Briony has a crush on but doesn't exactly know what she is feeling for him.
I can offer Ella Palmer as a friend. She is a first year Hufflepuff. She loves to be her funny self, have fun, and stand out. She stands out just so other people won't feel they are too different. She thinks they are different, but not exactly in a negative way. She plays the electric guitar and is in a band (it's just getting started). She stands up to bullies, trying to get to their weakness with words, but if she needs to she can use her fists. If you don't think they would be a good match for friends, then I have 2 other first years that could be friends. :p
Jeremy could be a friend for Briony. He comes across as a bit too serious especially when it comes to schoolwork but he's a really nice guy. Since they are housemates, perhaps they can practice together and become friends that way?

Maybe he could be the crush, though I honestly don't think he'd even notice. He's still too young for girls so I'm not looking for anything serious for him either.
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