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Callie Cardoso

confused | keeper
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Curly 15 1/2" Swishy Chestnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
05/2048 (13)
Callie had seen the dress when she'd been home, and had managed to build a whole costume around it. It was just a pity that this was the magical world, and the person she was dressed as was old, very old. She had just thought the dress was perfect and paired with a hat, and some black heels. it wasn't maybe exactly, or the icon looking dress of breakfast at tiffany's but she liked it. Thought it was closer on the vibe of it. The hufflepuff twirled her way into the hall, glancing about the room, and deciding to head over to dance, wanting to just have a bit of fun, and really make the most of the pretty dress she was wearing.
Marama had never really celebrated Halloween before coming to Hogwarts - it just wasn't something her family did. She hadn't bothered to dress up last year, and had forgotten to put anything special together this year. She had managed something last minute though, hoping a pizza delivery girl was better than nothing. She immediately felt out of her depth though, gawking at the beautiful costumes all around. She stopped in awe as she saw one of her classmates in a beautiful gown, not even bothering to hide how hard she was staring. "Okay, that's amazing." She said earnestly. "Are you like, a princess?"
Callie was enjoying her costume a lot, it was just proving to be fun to move in and be in. She wanted nothing more than to just twirl and twirl until she got dizzy. She was stopped by another girl, a classmate, though not a housemate. "Oh no, I'm an old muggle actress, Audrey Hepburn," she said, knowing there was very much a chance that this girl wouldn't know what costume that was at all. "What are you?"
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