A Male Group

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Elijah Tine

musician | <3 Kynleigh
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Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
4/2013 (34)

Well there are enough groups of girls. About time there should be group of guys.

Elijah is obsessed with music, so maybe it could be a group of about 4, 5 people who all really love music.
Only guys and they could even form a WRock Band.

It can be of any ages, but preferable 11 or 12. Houses don't matter but it would effect the group but it makes for good roleplaying

It would also be cool to have a male mentor, who's older and wiser.
And who drives them to mischief.

So, anyone interested?
Yeah, I'm very interested.

Blair is a big fan of music, I wouldn't quite say obsessed, but it does make up a large proportion of his life. He can also play a few instruments which may or may not be useful. And, I think it would be a create some great roleplaying, especially if there are some different houses involved. :D
I'm interested :D

Daichi is into music and Quidditch.
He's a huge Quidditch fan so don't be surprised if that all he talks about mostly.

This is great already, Elijah, isn't very good at quidditch, so if Daichi, is always talking about it, He'd hang on to every word. They could maybe be the more dominant two.

And Blair thats awesome, he'd be very valued!

Anyone else?
Could I be the older wiser one that drives them to mischief? Tohoru loves music all kinds. Chasing girls and causing trouble. So pretty much a typical Koshiba.
Zayden might fit in. He loves listening to music, though he can't play any instrument yet. He is just starting to learn how to play the piano. I'm planning as the years go by Zayden will learn how to play a few other instruments maybe the guitar or something like that, but piano is first. Zayden is also into sports (mostly muggle) but he does know a thing or two about quidditch.


It would be good to have a slightly more awkward member of the group.
Elijah would take him under his wing. And help him learn the piano.

And Tohuro that would be great.
We can wait until after sorting to begin to rp.
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