A Lover =O

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Adam Bomonti

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Adam needs some Love in his life =wub=

It's ok, no need to take it fast :woot:

Anyways would somebody like to dat Mr. Bomonti? I promise I don't bite :D And i'm not that bad of a rper :)
It depends what you're looking for..
I have Valkory - She's fairly new and I don't know her very well yet but she's a bit of a spoilt brat.
She's also the sort to look at other guys but hey, if that's what you like then fine with me.
I don't know what she's like yet so don't be surprised if she changes dramatically.
Hmm interesting. Except you are like 5 years younger 0.0
Well, if age is a problem then.. *strops off* xD
I kid, I kid.
No worries, I did think about that.
Don't worry, you'll get a flood of offers soon. :)
It would be very Barselona if one sister got a boyfriend and one of her sisters wanted to steal him just because she could.

If that doesn't work they could just meet at work or something because even though Vicky is not part of the Ministry persay she is the personal assistent to a member of the International Confederation of Wizards :D
I'm very sorry :o I found someonz already xD

Nick if you could close this??
He found me :)

Even though im 5 years younger....
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