A lovah

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Leah Winters

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
13" Sequoia Dragon heartstring
Leah needs a lover to take her mind off of a certain someone. :p

You know the deal, revenge purposes and the like. Maybe someone a bit older that Leah, because she's not into young guys to much. I'm looking for RP's that are more than a few sentences long, and such.

I wonder who that certain someone is :r
Well i could offer Riley Smith as you are already in a rp with him. And i dont usually do one sentence rp's
LOL, Link. Yes... who could it be..

Also. LOL, Faith. Isn't Riley already attached to someone? o_O
Okay, Riley. Since we have an RP going on then, everything is settled.

I think it would be cool to have some sort of subplot with Ana as well. I don't know if you want her character to find out, but if she does it could get really interesting around HNZ.
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