a lonely evening

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
It was the third wednesday of the new school year and anyone who was watching would see a ravenclaw sixth year slip out from the ravenclaw tower and quietly slip behind a tapestry a little down the corridor. this sixth year was Elvera Le Fey, and she was heading down a secret corridor she had walked thousands of times before since she found it in her second or third year, it somehow lead directly to the top of the north tower without climbing down thousands of steps and then up just as many. tonight promised a beautiful sunset, and the view from the ravenclaw tower was in the wrong direction. the north tower however offered the perfect view. he took a seat on the west facing window seat as she looked over the sky remembering all of the times she had sat in this tower in the last six years ( or at least some of them). as she watched the sun sink lighting up all of the clouds into a gold flecked pink.
Eden had her cloak up to cover her face. In her hand was a cup of jasmine tea and her trusted pet Judas was wrapped around her arm. Eden made her way along a secret path through the castle. She wanted to get to the North Tower but she could not stand the thought of the other students looking at her like she was a freak cause she was named a Seer in training and also the shame of having her love Chase thrown into Azkaban. Gently pushing aside a wall hanging Eden stopped out onto the landing. Seeing a fellow classmate Eden walked over to her and coughed to let her know she was there. "Hello Elvera long time no see." Eden said in her dreamy voice.
the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs made Elvera look around. what she saw made her jump, there was a hudded creature holding a cup of tea, which smelt like jasmine, however it wasn't until the figure spoke that she realised it was Eden, one of the friends who she had most of her classes with but had never realy gotten to know. "Hello Eden, how are you, how were your holidays?" she asked wondering how Eden was, she had heard some stories about her through the grapevine (why was it even called the grapevine?) but she didn't know if they were true, they must be wildly distorted at least, or just purely made up.
Eden pushed the cloak off of her head, Eden looked around the room her glowing green eyes scanning everything for a moment as she took a drink from her jasmine tea. "My holidays where interesting to say the least. I did a few things saw a few things and just all around did not have a relaxing holiday at all. How about you Elvera?" Eden asked nicely, her pet Judas made his way from her wrist and onto the floor pausing every now and than to look around.
(( what kind of animal is Judas))
Elvera looked at Eden her holidays sounded nice, but she thought that she was holding something back. "mine were the same as always, helping my mother run her shop, The inner eye, i dont know if you know of it but i think you'll like it" she said smiling. she watched as Eden's pet made its way from her wrist across the floor. "what's his name? she asked wondering what he was called.
((Judas is a silver snake.))

"I know the Inner Eye. I have gone there more than once for one thing or another." Eden needed to go back there again. She was almost out of tea and that was bad. Eden flicked her eyes over her snake. "His name is Judas I got him from the Silver Snake on Bleak Street." Eden did not care for many things ever since Chase went to jail but any one could see that Eden cared for the snake.
Elvera smiled as she heard that Eden had been to the inner eye before. "It is a nice shop, but some days it it painfully quiet. she looked back at the snake, "Judas suits him. she looked up at eden, she knew no one else who had a snake, although she had contemplated getting one before her first year, she had stuck to her raven, was she? she was in slytherin, but Elvera doubted that she was a parcelmouth, something about her didn't seem to fit the title. "I went to bleak street once years ago, but i dont think i have ever been to the silver snake. Elvera saw that her cup was almost empty. "can i have a go at refilling it, i have never tried anything like it before so you may want to put it down" she said gesturing towards the cup. she was going to try and refill it but her charms were known as being a little unreliable.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry I took so long.

"Yes I agree the Inner Eye is a very nice shop I get all my tea from it I should be returning to there shortly for more." As Judas made his way across the room Eden nodded. "Yes Judas fits him perfectly." Eden could not help but care for her snake he was always by her side even in class. Most of the time he stayed sleeping in her bag but sometimes when she was really down he would come out and stay around her neck like an over-sized necklace. "Bleak Street is not somewhere I would suggest wondering down in less you have a reason to be down there." Taking the last drink from her tea Eden looked at the cup and than to her friend as she offered to try and refill it. "Ahh yes sure go for it, hot water please cold jasmine tea just does not taste as good." Eden placed the cup on a window seal and stepped back so as to give her fellow classmate some room.

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