A Lone Puff

Wednesday Hardley

Well-Known Member
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Griffin Feather
Wednesday had not been spending all the time that she would have liked up in the gardens. So finally she decided to descend from the Hufflepuff dorm and go outside. Her outfit today consisted of bright orange leggings and a long white short sleeved shirt which went down to her knees. Her hair was down today but she was wearing a bright orange head band that matched her leggings.

This young hufflepuff walked carefully across the grass enjoying the day that actually was nice and bright for once in a long time. Entering her favorite place, the gardens, Wednesday took a deep breath taking in the scent of the surrounding flowers. "I love this place" She said to herself rather loudly as Wednesday always seemed to exclaim things.

Taking her normal seat on the white stone bench, Wednesday just looked at the bright purple flower that was in bloom ahead of her. Her gaze only faltered when something moved around her such as a small butterfly or a leaf gently blowing on the ground.
Arisa had just gotten out of potions class and the last bit of pink was coming out of her hair. She noticed Wednesday sitting on the grass and froze. She sighed, she would have to know sometime, and Arisa wanted to be the one to tell her. "Hey Wednesday" Arisa said picking up a flower and handing it to her "where have you been?" she asked.
Wednesday's gaze remained on that wonderfully red flower. Maybe she would be able to pick it before she left, yet she Wednesday wasn't sure how she would feel next time she came to the Hogwarts Garden and had no beautiful red flower to keep her gaze intact. Yet when this young Hufflepuff heard the voice of Arisa, she turned her head to face her, a bright smile now on her face. "Hey Arisa. Long time now see it seems" Wednesday said as she pulled her legs in crossing them indian style.

"I guess I've just been a bit busy lately. Pity I've been anti social" She added still smiling knowing that she would no longer be anti social now. She had people to talk to, people to see. But of coarse first she wanted to visit her favorite spot. "So what have you been up to?" Wednesday asked.
Arisa listented to Wednesday said she would be around more, "Wednesday, lets say you did something bad to a friend, would you tell that friend?" Arisa asked in a quiet voice. She started to feel a little sick, she couldn't believe she had done this.
The wide smile on Wednesday's face faded ever so slightly. It was just an odd question that was asked randomly in what Wednesday thought was a nice and friendly conversation. Maybe Arisa trusts you that much with advice and such Wednesday thought almost proud that this might be the case.

Thinking about the question for a short bit a small silence came over the area. "Well I think I would tell them. I mean friends aren't supposed to keep secrets and if something bad happened both friends should know" Wednesday commented hoping that this was a good answer. Sure this young hufflepuff was a great listener but always she had been not the best at advice. "Why?" Wednesday asked curiously as she saw a small leaf blow by feeling the small gust of wind as it did.
Arisa took a deep breath, "Wednesday, I... I kissed Sern" she finally said disgusted with her self, lets leave out the part where i love him she thought. She began to blush, "Please, do anything you want, punch me, yell at me, hex me anything" she said quickly. "I'm a horriable horriable friend who dosn't deserve friends like you" Arisa added. He bowed her head in shame waiting for Wednesday to explode on her.
The words were not at all what Wednesday had expected to hear from Arisa, her friend Arisa one that she trusted. Looking down at her lap, Wednesday couldn't even look up at the red flower that had moments before brought her happiness. She didn't want the flower to be associated with this moment. How should she react?

"You like Sern?" Wednesday said her tone questioning though really it didn't need to be. Of coarse she does. Why would she kiss him if not. That means he likes her too The thoughts brushed through Wednesday's head. The silence due to her now newly dry mouth overcame her.

Swallowing hard, Wednesday opened her mouth to speak. "You are not a horrible friend. You told me the truth. I mean how many friends would" The young hufflepuff said her thoughts once more surrounding the thought that she had the first time she realized she had a crush on Sern. She was too young for love and relationships. She should have listened to herself back then. None of this would be happening then.

"I guess this is what happens when I don't see socialization for awhile" Wednesday added with a small laugh but the laugh was fake and it was obvious. Be calm Be calm She thought over and over again not wanting to explode on one of her best friends, or at least Wednesday thought Arisa was one of her best friends. Maybe Arisa didn't feel the same way. Maybe this was why she kissed Sern in the first place. Sadly that logic didn't fit in Wednesday's mind.

Looking up at Arisa, Wednesday forced a smile on her face even though it was not at all how she was feeling at all. "Umm" She began her mouth once more going dry. "Does this mean that..." The words couldn't come out. "Sern likes you more doesn't he?" She asked finally. Of coarse he does. Arisa is perfect. I should have known She thought realizing that Wednesday herself was nothing but plan. Sern deserved someone better, someone perfect. Someone not Wednesday. Well didn't he? Right now Wednesday wasn't sure.
Arisa took a deep breath "I'm so so sorry" Arisa breathed. She looked up to her friend with guilt and shame filled eyes. "I don't know how he feels" she lied softly. She hated that she was doing this to a great friend, Wednesday had never done anything to anyone. "I've been avoiding him for the past two days" she said. She missed him horriably, every day she stayed away from him hurt, but she told her self it was for Wednesday. "If i had of been thinking at the time none of this would have ever happened, I screwed everything up" she added.
Wednesday was not the jealous type of girl nor usually the girl that would leash out at someone over something. But this case felt so different than the rest. This was so odd, so almost saddening. "It's not your fault" Wednesday said wishing that she knew how Sern felt about the matters. "You know how you feel though" Wednesday continued. Feelings and emotions were not easily missed.

Turning her head to Arisa. "Don't avoid him. Talk to him. Work things out" Wednesday continued the words hurting as she spoke them. Her face blank with a hint of fake happiness overcoming it. Don't react. Don't cry She thought the strong part of her luckily holding up in a situation like this. Not that Wednesday ever imagined a situation like this would occur. How much drama had occured first semester with a few of her friends in the other groups, but now it was in her close knit group. This time the drama included her. The sad part was this eleven year old wasn't certain how to handle it.

Pulling her legs into her chest and wrapping her arms around them, Wednesday placed her head on her knees remaining silent for a moment so many questions running through her mind. "What do I" She paused. "We. What do we do about this?" She asked not knowing if Arisa was anymore knowing in a situation like this.
"I'm so confused right now, I know how I used to feel, but I'm not sure any more" she replied, she knew she used to love Sern, she was pretty sure she still did, but right now all she felt was for Wednesday, the friend she hurt. Arisa looked beside her to see a yellow rose friendship she thought sadly, right now friendship is all that matters. When Wednesday asked what they should do Arisa felt even more guilty, she wished she would at least yell at her "I'm not sure" she replied, "I think, i might just stay away for a while," she said, "theres so much going on around here" She thought of all the drama that had happened in the last week. The boys death which turned out to be a sick joke, her mom kicking her out, and now this. "I think you me and Sern all need to talk," she added.
Wednesday understood where Arisa was coming from at least being confused. Never had Wednesday doubted her feelings for Sern. Never had she even thought about liking anyone else and she never thought she would have to deal with two people liking him at the same time, never imagining that the other person would be Arisa. Sern has to like her as well Wednesday thought looking over at Arisa then back at herself. Beautiful. He called me beautiful. What a joke that was Wednesday thought almost bitterly balling up her fists for a moment. Letting out a sigh she unballed her fists and relaxed her shoulder.

When Arisa suggested that the three of them talk, Wednesday's stomach dropped. "I don't...I don't think I can do that" Wednesday admitted not looking up at Arisa. This young hufflepuff was so confused about what was going to happen so afraid that Sern would want Arisa over Wednesday. So afraid that Sern would want Wednesday over Arisa. Things were so complicated now.

"If you want us to all talk we can" Wednesday muttered her voice quieter than normal. "But I don't know if I want to know what the conversation is going to lead to" She said truthfully
"i wont make you do anything you don't want to" Arisa said, she knew what she had to do, she would stay away from Sern, Wednesday was a friend and maybe if Sern and Arisa stayed away from each other he would forget about her and they could make things up. The thought of never seeing Sern again, hurting him like this caused Arisa so much pain, it covered her in waves. "I'm sorry" she mumbled again. "please, tell if I can do anything to make it up to you, i doubt there is though" Arisa said.
Wednesday shook her head her thoughts now going so fast in her mind that she couldn't understand anything. The thoughts telling her what to do, what not to do, what she could possiby do, and so much more. This young hufflepuff put her head ocne more down on her knees and let out a sigh. "We should talk to Sern" She said hating the fact that the choice was basically up to Sern. Arisa's happiness and Wednesday's happiness were all decided by one boy, Sern. No matter what the choice was at least one of the two girls sitting in the garden would be heartbroken and/or saddened. It was just who that would have to be decided.

"Don't be sorry" Wednesday repeated again as she lifted her head. Of coarse she would forgive Arisa and Sern. It was just what Wednesday did, what she knew. "But promise me something" She began "Promise me that no matter what happens in this situation we will remain friends" She said her normal voice not even apparent more quiet and much more reserve was Wednesday's voice.

"I can't lose a friend" She said almost in a whisper thinking that she might lose Sern after this whole situation played out. I can't handle two losses this young hufflepuff thought.
Arisa looked at Wednesday and gave her a half smile "of course" Arisa said, she hugged Wednesday. "some times i wish I had stayed at home like my grandpa wanted" she muttered under her breath. She could have been raised as a muggle, nothing wrong with that, she acted enough like one most of the time. It was to late to go back now though, magic was in her blood and she loved it. "We need to think up a time to meet with Sern, want to send him an owl?" Arisa asked
Wednesday was glad that Arisa had promised that their friendship would not be effected. Even though Wednesday knew things would be odd after and during this whole thing was going on but hopefully things would fall back into their place soon enough.

Hugging Arisa back she smiled softly for only a brief moment. One issue down the huge one to go She thought catching Arisa's next comment. "And don't say that. I'm glad you came to Hogwarts" Wednesday said truthfully. Without Arisa, Wednesday probably wouldn't have many friends at all. It would be much like the private school she used to go to. Shaking once with the thought, Wednesday tried to push that out of mind. No need reliving the past at a time like this. Other things were more important.

"We should send him an owl but can you write it?" Wednesday asked feeling stupid. As of now, Wednesday didn't know what to write or even what she was going to say to Sern. "We should meet him as soon as possible though. To get things settled and all that" Wednesday continued her voice fading slightly.
"thank-you" Arisa said when Wednesday said she was lad she came. Arisa nodded and pulled out a spare peice of parchment and a muggle pen from her bag. "where do you think we should talk?" Arisa asked, they needed a place that wouldnt be crowded "i was thinking the north tower?" Arisa asked.
Wednesday closed her eyes once she saw that Arisa pulled out some parchment. They were really going to talk to Sern. Arisa had really kissed Sern. This was completely real finally and it hurt Wednesday so bad. So badly she wanted to cry right now, break down in tears. But she couldn't. Not in front of Arisa and not in front of Sern. If Wednesday would break down it would be later, in her dorm alone. Be strong for now She thought blinking her eyes a few times before keeping them open.

"The North tower is usually quiet and empty. That should do nicely" Wednesday said trying to keep her head up and her voice strong. She was going to get through this, really this Hufflepuff had no option.
Arisa took a deep breath and put pen to paper,
Sern, please be as soon as you get this go to the north tower, its urgent

- Love Arisa and Wednesday
Arisa wrote down the last words, how could Wednesday be this strong? not even crying? Even Arisa was having a hard time right now staying calm. "I'll go send this, do you want to come with me? or would you rather be left alone?" Arisa asked standing up.
Wednesday looked over at the letter Love Arisa and Wednesday She read keeping the statement in her mind repeating it over and over again. Love was such an odd word, one Wednesday wasn't sure she understood anymore or even ever. As her thoughts twisted, Wednesday was less and less sure.

"Umm" Wednesday began as Arisa asked if Wednesday wanted to come. I shouldn't be alone Wednesday thought knowing that if she was going to cry it was going to be after she spoke to Sern, after everything was over and done with. No matter what was going to happen, Wednesday would cry. It was just too much not to cry at all after hearing such news.

"I'll go with you" Wednesday said "if you don't mind that is. I mean we can send the letter and then just go up to the North Tower" She said hoping that it would work out alright.
Arisa gave Wednesday another half smile and helped her up. Arisa was getting misty eyed, she had always known it would come to this, ever since that fait full day in the forest she had always been scared she wasn't good enough for him and he would choose Wednesday. "lets go" she said.

(want me to start a topic in the north tower? :( )

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