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Clara McCarthy

🧁 Flourish and Blott's worker, Cupcake princes 🧁
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking) (Hetero)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 8 Inch Unyielding Rosewood Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
15 (13 October, 2049.)
Some pie smelled on the table, and Clara could not just go down when she could taste it. While she was snacking on sweets and cakes, she was waiting for her best friend, Evan. She was realy happy be there in Halloween feast first time and she realy enyoi this. Clara hoped Evan would be soon here and she with her finaly can started something fan.
Evan was so excited to see how Halloween was celebrated at Hogwarts. She had promised to meet up with Clara, so when the time came she made her way down to The Great Hall. She had managed to piece together a costume by taking apart and sewing together pieces of her own clothing. She wasn't sure exactly what she was supposed to be, but wandering around the castle in the get-up she had managed felt very fitting! She arrived at the feast, looking forward to whatever the night had to offer. Clara was already there, helping herself to some cakes. "Hi Clara! Wow, look at the place! This is going to be so fun!"

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"Hey, Evan! Great costum and what are you? Oh, yes this place is so good and i can't wait start dance our eating apples" Clara wanted so much enyoi Halloween feast and later write her brothers and telling him about this greaf adventures.
Evan looked down at her costume doubtfully "Uh, I don't really know what I am supposed to be! I just made this out of my own clothes! I guess I'm just someone from way back in the olden days! " She giggled a little, she hadn't really thought this far ahead "I know you though, Red Riding Hood? You look lovely!" Evan admired Clara's gorgeous red hood, it reminded her that she had hoped to make something similar for herself someday.

Evan looked around the great hall to see what was going on all around her. She decided to try one of the cakes that Clara was eating, and took a moment while she ate to take a good look at what everyone was wearing- hoping to spot some enchanted costumes.

"Let's take a walk around the hall and see what's going on!" Evan gestured for Clara to follow her, hoping to make the most of the night and maybe try one of the activities if they weren't too scary.
"Great costume. I love so much movies of medivial times. I summer wached a cool musical serial Galavant. " She answered Evan and Clara was realy enyoi galavant and reign serials. " Yes, Red Riding Hood! Aww, thanky Evan!" Evan was a realy good friend and listening to hear. She was interesting friend and Clara was happy meet her. "let's go and explore!" She was finished her apple.
Evan offered her arm for Clara to link up with her, the hall was a bit chaotic and she didn't want to get separated from her friend. As the two walked around Evan admired the different costumes, wondering who had made gone to the efforts of making their costumes themselves. She pointed out to Clara some of the costumes she especially liked and laughed at some of the more ridiculous costumes.

Everyone appeared to be having a wonderful time, and Evan felt quite at home wandering around the great hall of a magical castle in her 18th century attire surrounded by suits of armour, and various students dressed up in similarly themed costumes. As they made their way around the hall Evan decided she wanted to try bobbing for apples, something she had never done before. "Should we try the apple bobbing?" She asked Clara.
"Deffinetly, we need try. But i'm just happy you are here with me" Clara smiled Evan and she realy was happy. "Let's go eat all candy?" Clara asked the girl.
It was then that Evan reazlied that she hadn't actually tried any magical candy yet. She knew that it was different from muggle candy, but she hadn't given anything a try yet. "Oh, of course! It's Halloween, we have to have candy! I haven't tried magical candy before!" She excitedly skipped back over to a table with snacks, drinks and candy. She had her eyes on the large jar of jellybeans, but she wondered what could possible be so magical about jelly beans. "These just look like muggle candy to me." She popped one in her mouth, and instantly regretted it as a bitter taste filled her mouth "Blaaahh, why did that taste like that?! I think it tasted like grass!" She swallowed the candy with a look of disgust on her face. "What is wrong with the jelly beans?!"
Teddy liked to dress up, and had been busy making his costume all week. He was particularly proud of the blue and red eyeshadow that matched the tips of his hair. Although he didn't like crowds very much, he knew he couldn't make friends unless he left his room.

He recognised the girl who had seen Teddy eat a howler, and was sure the other was in his house. He couldn't tell what either of their costumes were, but they were pretty. "They have every flavour," Teddy said to the girl who had just gotten an unfortunate jellybean, quietly approaching the girls and waving nervously. At least she hadn't eaten a handful of them at once, or gotten vomit flavour. He reached into the jar and took a jellybean. "I got, um, salmon," he said, looking firmly at the floor and hoping they didn't think he was rude for interrupting.
McCharty was enyoi this talk about magical candy and be with her best friend. She finaly be happy and understand she belong to Hogwarts and that was a great fealing. ''Magical candy is a realy great. I never eat muggle candy. '' She smiled and hoped Evan vount be laft to hear. '' You think?'' She was know
Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and theres candy was interesting with taste. Some taste was so good and some tastes was so discusting. Clara laughded about Evans vords and she take some to. '' I got a marshmalow taste. ''She was lucky to have this candy. '' Nothing, but some peole realy like it this candy. Belive me! ''She know her twin brother Max and he love eat this candy. ''Hello, great costume. What are you, a Indian from Peter pan movie?'' Clara asked the new girl.
Though she had only met him briefly and under very strange circumstances, Evan was certain she recognized the boy who approached her and Clara to be the boy she had witnessed swallowing a howler.

"Theodore, is that you?! You look amazing! Did you make this yourself?" she squeaked excitedly, quickly jumping in closer to admire the detailing on Theodore's costume. She pulled a face at the jar of jelly beans, but she was now more curious than ever. She made another face when Theodore said his was salmon flavoured. She smiled as she listened to Clara explain that people do actually enjoy the candy. She considered the pile of beans carefully before picking a bright orange one.

"I see how this could be fun! Okay, I think this one's going to be, hmm, not orange or carrot- that's too obvious. Maybe something like donuts or even... plastic!" The girl laughed as she threw the jelly bean into her mouth. "Oh, it's caramel!" This was a great game, Evan thought.
"It's uh, just Teddy," he said, flinching a little at the name. People only called him by his full name when they were mad at him, which this girl had already seen from the howler. "Thanks. I like both your costumes!" he enthused. Teddy smiled shyly at the girl in the red hood. He didn't know what Peter Pan was, but maybe it was a muggle thing he hadn't discovered yet. "I'm a wasteland wanderer," he said. Teddy was a little embarrassed by his costume not being obvious, but he'd worked hard on it and was proud of the outfit. He took another jellybean from the jar and popped it into his mouth, grimacing at the flavour. "Soap," he laughed and made a face, screwing his eyes shut and sticking out his tongue, cursing his bad luck.
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