Closed A Little Shop

Isadora Novak

✨ Rebellious | Free Spirit | Angry🍀
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Rigid Applewood Wand with Boomslang venom Core
3/2044 (17)
Isadora was sad. She felt like she had missed the train to Hogwarts, like she should be there with Margo and Cameron, like there had been a big mistake. But no, they had graduated. They all had, and now... now they had to do something else. Isadora had gone home to her parents only once and had grabbed as much of her stuff as she could before rushing out of the house. She knew it wasn't a big shock to them that she went no-contact with them, they had all seen the writing on the wall, but she still felt oddly guilty. When she had imagined leaving her parents when she was younger, she had always imagined they'd at least still have Natalia. She had never thought her sister would leave first, nor that she would leave without Isadora. But she had, and now here she was. She had tried to fill up her days as much as possible with work, but fewer people needed owls now that the school year had started. She was grateful to be staying with Margo's grandmother for now, though she was saving up as much as she could. She was hoping maybe she and Margo could be roommates, maybe Cameron too. Though that might be awkward. Isadora was thinking it all over as she wandered around a smaller shopping street. She glanced at a few display windows, thinking she might buy something for Margo's grandmother to thank her for her hospitality. She stopped in front of a tiny, interesting looking store. Then she headed inside, drawn in by the items on display. Maybe she could find something here, if nothing else, it was fun to look around.
Mystic was enjoying having more people around. Perry was a sweet boy, if not a withdrawn one. Savannah was a bit prickly as well, but she was a hard worker and mystic was sure she could get through to the girl eventually as well. She was watching her shop at the moment, fresh cupcakes on the counter with a lighter whipped cream icing. She was flipping through a magazine, debating some new porcelain cup stock- there were just so many cute cups, wouldn't that be nice? A display or two of unique and cute little cups? She was drawn from her thoughts, though, as someone entered.

Mystic looked up, her wild curls dancing around her shoulders and a big black bow in her hair, fabric roses wrapping around it and threading through her hair. She wore a slimmer, slightly victorian style dress that day, in stunning shades of black and gray. Even when her color palette was muted she liked to wear clothes with a statement.

"Hello!" She greeted brightly, shutting her magazine. "Welcome in! How can I help you?"
Isadora looked up as the lady working in the store spoke to her, giving her a hesitant smile. She was an interesting person to look at, as she had a very distinct style. Isadora was just wearing shorts and a faded shirt, her hair pulled up in a hasty bun. She felt strangely under dressed to stand in this little store. Isadora tucked a free tendril of hair behind her ear and smiled hesitantly. "Oh, just looking around... this is a nice store." She told her. "You sell a bunch of different things, I see."
Mystic smiled brightly. "Oh, we do," She laughed, moving around the counter. "Anything in particular tickle your fancy?" She asked. "I like to try and have a little something for everyone." She hummed, straightening a few things as she moved over to the girl. "Mystic Rain," She introduced herself with a flourish, curtseying. She straightened back up with a smile.
Isadora looked around a bit more, uncertain now. She glanced at the woman. "I figured I might buy a present for someone- my friend's grandmother temporarily took me in and I wanted to thank her, but I'm not really sure what she likes." She admitted, scratching the back of her neck a little uncertainly. She blinked when the woman said some words, then realized it was her name. "Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Isadora. Er, Isadora Novak." She said, not sure if she should bow as well. She decided not to.
Mystic smiled brightly. "Oh, how sweet of you! How wonderful." She hummed happily, looking around. "Let me think," She moved away, tapping a finger to her chin. "Usually tea is good, but you never know who likes tea. Can you tell me about her?" She asked, looking back to the girl with an earsplitting grin. "I'm sure if we put our heads together we can come up with something she's bound to love."
Isadora watched curiously as the woman thought and looked around the store. She hesitated when she asked her if she could tell her about Margo's grandmother, because she honestly couldn't say much. She didn't really know her all that well. "I think she drinks tea, but I have no idea what kind." She said with a small shrug.
Mystic hummed, and started walking through her store a bit more. "Hmm... well, in that case," She came to stop in front of her mug display. "A lovely cup is always a wonderful gift. Everyone uses them," She flashed a bright smile to the girl. "What do you think, Isa? A lovely cup, perhaps?"
Isadora felt a little pathetic standing here, trying to figure out a gift for the person who literally housed and fed her when she had nowhere to go, and she had no idea what to get. She swallowed. "Yeah- I think that's nice." She said a little sadly.
Mystic caught the tone and turned with a warm smile. "Don't feel bad, lovie. It's really just the thought that counts," She reassured her. "Most people just love to know they've been on someones mind. A gift is precious in that its a gift, not for what it may actually be." She promised.
Isadora was a little embarrassed, apparently she was easy to read. She shrugged. "It just- doesn't feel really adequate." She admitted. "She took me in after- well, I left my parents' house and I had nowhere to go." She shrugged slightly. "I'm not sure a cup really measures up to that, you know?"
Mystic smiled warmly, turning to the girl. "Sweetheart," She murmured, voice soft. "I've been in the same situation, taking in someone who left home with nowhere to go. Presents don't really matter- they're sweet, and appreciated, and cherished, but my dear, the greatest thing was a simple hug, a thank you, and having the chance to watch him grow and thrive and find a place in the world he felt he belonged." She reassured her gently.
Isadora looked up at the woman as she spoke to her gently, telling her she had been in a similar situation and taken in someone who had nowhere else to go. Isadora let out a breath as she said presents didn't really matter, that what mattered was giving them the chance to grow and thrive. Isadora thought it was a sweet sentiment, but she wasn't growing or thriving, she was just kind of existing. She was sure deep down that Margo's grandmother would be glad to be rid of her when she finally managed to scrape enough money together. She forced a smile. "Thank you." She said. "Though the cup is probably still a good idea."
Mystic chuckled and nodded, heading over to the register. "Would you just like the cup?" She asked with an easy smile. "You're welcome anytime, of course. A cup of tea, some snacks, it's always pleasant to have a cookie and a chat, yeah?" She smiled easily as she invited the young girl back.
Isadora had appreciated the woman's thoughtfulness and her help. She was slightly surprised to be invited to come by for tea or snacks, and wondered briefly if she said that to anyone or if she just felt particularly sorry for Isadora's situation. She smiled hesitantly. "Thanks, and I'll take the cup." She said softly.
Mystic smiled, moving to ring up the cup. "Of course," She agreed. "Would you like a gift bag, or to have it wrapped?" She asked, thinking of some cute bows they could put on it. "It's complimentary of course," She gave the girl a playful wink.

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