Closed A Little Shop

Isadora Novak

✨ Rebellious | Free Spirit | Angry🍀
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Rigid Applewood Wand with Boomslang venom Core
3/2044 (17)
Isadora was sad. She felt like she had missed the train to Hogwarts, like she should be there with Margo and Cameron, like there had been a big mistake. But no, they had graduated. They all had, and now... now they had to do something else. Isadora had gone home to her parents only once and had grabbed as much of her stuff as she could before rushing out of the house. She knew it wasn't a big shock to them that she went no-contact with them, they had all seen the writing on the wall, but she still felt oddly guilty. When she had imagined leaving her parents when she was younger, she had always imagined they'd at least still have Natalia. She had never thought her sister would leave first, nor that she would leave without Isadora. But she had, and now here she was. She had tried to fill up her days as much as possible with work, but fewer people needed owls now that the school year had started. She was grateful to be staying with Margo's grandmother for now, though she was saving up as much as she could. She was hoping maybe she and Margo could be roommates, maybe Cameron too. Though that might be awkward. Isadora was thinking it all over as she wandered around a smaller shopping street. She glanced at a few display windows, thinking she might buy something for Margo's grandmother to thank her for her hospitality. She stopped in front of a tiny, interesting looking store. Then she headed inside, drawn in by the items on display. Maybe she could find something here, if nothing else, it was fun to look around.

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