A little Charms with lunch

Zazuka Getathorn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V [main]
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Zazuka finally got her brain to buckle down and work on what she was sopped to. Though it was taking alittle work. She desided that if her brain was going to go into a million diffrent directions than she might as well make it work to her advantage. She had her Herbology and Astronomy notes around her plate while the wand was in her right hand seemingly making a salt shaker work more like a yo-yo. "Accio, Depulso, Accio, Depulso, Accio..." She repeated under her breath making the salt shaker go back and fourth. In her mind she was running over the notes about the planets and yet there was still enough room for her brain to tell her left hand to pick up a fork and place her food in her mouth.
As she was about to enter the Great Hall, Jolly's bag split and all her things came pouring down. "Oh man!" she said, bending down and starting to furiously pick up her stuff and putting it back into her torn bag. Then, she held the two split ends tightly so that everything wouldn't fall back out. In her condition of inattentiveness, Jolly accidentally settled herself down at the Ravenclaw table, beside a girl she knew by face. "Hi. Know a spell to fix my bag?" she asked, though she doubted the girl knew.
Kasey walked to the Great Hall which was less full than usual maybe becasue it was Sunday, so people would be enjoying outside.She saw Zazuka on the Ravenclaw table and many parchments lying beside her and than she heard something fall.It was Jolly's bag."Hey Joly everything allright?"she asked as she helped Jolly pick her things."I guess I know one, but I am not sure if it will work on bags"she said with a smile.Withdrawing her wand she said"Reparo"her wand pointed at Jolly's bag and it was back to normal."hey it worked"she said cheerfully."So, you are looking forward to a good breakfast?"she asked
((It's lunch time))
All the comotion made Zazuka lose her many trains of thought and the salt shaker she was summening and baneshing slide several feet accross the table. "Oh I'm sorry if I was the one to do that to you bag Jolly." She said biting her lip. She also saw Kasey there and smiled. "Again if I'm the one that cosed it sorry." She said softly.
The girl turned out to be Zazuka, Jolly's classmate. She smiled and shook her head. "That's alright, Zazuka, it wasn't you. Probably my stupid scruffy bag," she assured. Just then, Kasey came along and surprisingly managed to repair the tear on her bag. "Thanks muchly, Kasey." Jolly looked around and blushed, realizing she was sitting at the Ravenclaw. "You guys mind if I sit here?" she asked, not wanting to get up and walk off, drawing attention to herself.
Zazuka sook her head. "No table open to anyone really exsept for dinner then we have to sit with our houses. The only table I think is really exclusive is the Slytherin table." She way to quickly while starting to gather all her notes.
Jolly nodded knowingly. She watched Zazuka gather her notes and wondered what she had been doing before Jolly interrupted her. She had probably been magic since she apologized when Jolly's bag split. "So what were doing before I arrived, Zazuka?" Jolly asked curiously.
"You are more than welcome"she said with a smile to Jolly's question.Kasey looked at Zazuka's parchment and than said"You know what?I hope that you are the higest First year scorer.How good will it be to see ravenclaw win for the second time in row?"she asked cheerfully as she helped herself with rice and curry.
((Ignore that))
Zazuka smiled at Kasey's comment. "I was practecing my Charms but there is always a chance I could have gotten something wronge and split the bag. Any way I'm probobly not going to be the highest scoring first year. I'm sure that Brian will manage that title." Zazuka said. She was never satefide with her essays and it showed how litte practice she had in that departmanet.
"Kinda sort of I am but he's really good." Zazuka said helpfuly. "He even mastered a dificult spell in Charms." She added
"You did not split my bag though, so relax," grinned Jolly. "It was very full already. Look the bulge in there?" She shrugged and listened as Zazuka and Kasey talked about Brian. "Yeah, I've seen him fly. He's really good. Is he trying out for the team?"
"Charms?"asked Kasey rather impressed."Anyway, whoever it is you or him,but I hope its you.It has to be a Ravenclaw, how nice would it be to see ravenclaw top in all years?"she said cheerfully at the happy thought.She at emor eof her rice and curry and than asked"So, ready for the exams?"
Zazuka looked at Jolly's bag. "You know if you orgenise your books in certin way you bag wouldn't blug so much there for avoiding ripping it so often." She said helpfuly. She hoped the Jolly took it as friendly advice and not her trying to be a now it all. "I wouldn't mind being a the highest scoring first year but I'm sure it's going to be a Ravenclaw." She said brightly.
"You know they sell good bags at Dervish and Banges(sp?), which can hold tice the ammount of its size"Kasey said on the matter."I haven't seen Brian fly but the way you both are talking, I'm sure that he will be good at it. Zazuka are you trying out for Qudditch team?"she asked

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