A letter to someone close

Nina Patrokov

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yellowheart with a mix of satinwood and a core of pixie dust.
Nina walked to the owlrey, she knew she had to talk to Alex but was unable to speak to him any other way before backing down. Once Nina was in the Owley she took out some parchment and a quill and began to write Alex.

Dear Alex,

I know that this is weird recieving a letter from me when we sleep almost right beside eachother but I need to tell you something that I know I wont be able to say to your face. I know this will change everything, but I think that you need to know, you have the right to know.

Alex I like you. If you would like to talk to me, come find me, it wont be hard, I know this may come as a shock to you, it is a shock that I am able to write this to you, and am unable to say this to you. Please think about us before writing back or coming to see me.



When Nina finished her seemingly brief letter she took out the owl she usually used out of it's cage and gave it a treat, she had forgotten to after it had mailed her broom to her. Nina began to think nervously to herself, What if he doesn't want you, what if he wants you as a friend?.... You'll never know if you don't try Nina's mind began to answer her own questions. Nina was becoming more and more nervous with each second until her heart was pounding so hard she had to take a few seconds to breath calmly. Nina folded up the letter than tied it to the Owl's leg and said, "Find Alex Cullen and give this to him" Nina pet the owls head and it flew off and Nina sat down anxiously as if Alex was reading it right now.
Alex was struggling with his homework when an owl landed in front of him. 'hey owly. You wanting someothing. I got a couple of biscuits you kow or whatever you things eat,'Alex said, going through his bags finding some biscuits and handing them to the wol smiling. He suddenly realized the letter and took it off. Weird, since when do I get letters?he thought before reading this, laughing. Yeah, right next door, he thoguht before understanding what it meant. He bit his lip and thought about it. He didn't know what to say. It wasn't like he was whiz kid or anything. He didn't even understand how she could like him in the first place. He pulled his trainers on and started walking to the owlery where he thought she would be, not bothering to tie his laces. He wasn't going to write back. That would be stupid. No, he was going to speak to her like normal. He stopped at the owlery seeign her sitting down nervous looking. 'Boo,'he said smiling.
Nina was still sitting down when she saw Alex come in and she said nervously, "Emm hi Alex, how is it going?" Nina hoped he hadn't read it yet but also hoped he didn't get the letter infront of her. Nina bit her lip nervously and gave Alex a weak smile, turning more red with every second.
Alex smiled and walked in to the owlery from the dorrway. 'It was going good but I'm a little confused on why you sent this.'he said bringing out the folded letter. 'For someone like you that is'he added.
Nina blushed harshly once more, "Umm what do you mean someone like me?" Nina asked hoping it was supposed to be a good thing.
Alex smiled, holding back a laugh. 'Well, come on Nina. Isn't it obvious?'he asked wondering why she wasn't getting it. 'Look at yourself,'he said not meaning any harm with that though.
Nina looked down still unsure what he meant then said, "Is this going to make me feel bad about myself? Because I am pretty sure I can do that myself." Nina looked up at Alex nervously.
Alex sighed at what she said. 'I don't know why but probably yeah,'he said looking at her. 'WHy didn't you just say it to my face?'he asked confused.
Nina looked down she was hurt and mummbled, "Because I become a babbling idiot around you."
'Nonsense,'Alex said before feeling very guilty. 'I'm sorry.I didn't mean to hurt you. It's just I don't know why on earth you like me though. There's plenty of other boys out there, far better than me, ones who won't say something to make you feel sad every time they speak'Alex said meaning it.
Nina looked up at Alex and said, "Don't ever say or think that, you know what I think of you." Then mummbled, "Or now you do."
'Yeah I know but it's true and you know it. I'm a bad choice here,'Alex said leaning against the wall. he was thinking about this alot right now. It just didn't make sense how he felt about Nina.
Nina shook her head forcefully and said honestly, "No, you are better than you think you are, much better." Nina began to think to herself, This is just an excuse, just like Tyler he doesn't want you why do you always go for guys like him, you always get hurt!...No! Alex is different, I can tell. Nina's thoughts were contridicting themselves over and over.
Alex smiled weakly. 'Sure,'he said before staring at the floor. He noticed it was pretty clean up here for an owlery. His thoughts went to Nina. He liked her but was it really that way. He wasn't sure. He hadn't even felt liking in that way before so how was he meant to know what it felt like. He fiddled with his hands unsure what to say. It just wasn't like him.
Nina stood up swiftly and walked smoothly over to Alex and she simply looked at him, she had forgotten what she wanted to tell him. "Alex, I'm sorry, I should never have said anything, I should have left you alone, I should have stayed in Scotland." Nina said to Alex then mummbled the last bit, New Zealand had made her have the best moments of her life.
Alex listened and looked up shocked. 'No, you shouldn't of. Nina, you're being stupid. You haven't been the only one here thinking.'Alex said before biting his lip. He had been thinking that was true. 'Well, i umm, dunno how to put this either. It's well umm, see, I eh,'Alex said trying to find the words to put this in. No wonder Nina had written this down. He looked back up at Nina annoyed at himself. 'Here goes nothing.'he joked calming himself down instantly. 'Umm, I was umm thinking you know I you wanted to umm come with me to the ball? I practised my dancing honestly, it's not perfect but you know,'ALex said smiling weakly and glad he had finally got it out. He felt a lot better with it said.
Nina looked into his eyes widely then he asked her to the ball, at first she thought she was hearing something different then she smiled widely and said with as much dignity as she could pull off, "Yes I would love to." Nina looked at Alex and seemed relieved and Nina gave him a puzzled look she didn't understand why he was so nervous.
Alex smiled. 'I guess this means I have to go now. Oops,'Alex said jokingly. He looked at Nina. 'So, yeah, You owe me a couple of biscuits here,'he joked referring to the owl.
Nina smiled and said, "Oh yeah he is a little greedy isn't he?" Nina smiled.
'A bit yeah,'Alex agreed. 'My fault though. I offered him the busciut pack I guess. I didnae think he'd eat it all though,'Alex said chuckling a bit.
Nina chuckled a bit then smiled. "So you have an owl here?" Nina asked curiously.
'No, I don't have an owl,'Alex answered. He didn't want one either but then it was for the owls sake in the first place.
"Yeah me niether," Nina said honestly, she had just been borrowing the owls from people she knew and this owl took a liking to her.
Alex smiled. 'you been studying then?'
Nina shook her head and said, "Not really, the only subjects I will have to study for are Divination, COMC, and Transfiguration." Nina didn't find these classes particularly difficult they were just boring and she didn't pay much attention. "What about you?" Nina asked although she assumed Alex hadn't been studying either.

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