A Late Finish

Kingwood 10 1/2" with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
<SIZE size="50">Giving a large sigh of relief as the last customers exited the restaurant, the tall brunette was finally able to sit down and just rest. She'd been on her feet for most of the day, as she was most days, but it seemed on this day, on this particular night, that everything hurt more. Her cheeks hurt from smiling so much, and her arms hurt from carrying plates. Her feet in completely agony as she'd barely sat down since starting work some six hours before. That's what you get her mind playfully reminded her, as it mocked the fact she'd not chosen the job in the store which had much more sitting down time. Some days, the brunette wondered the same, but each time her mind drifted to such a topic, the image of her eldest brother flew in front of her minds eye. Quick but clear. This much more difficult job, surprisingly paid more than any other job she'd applied for. And since it was a good restaurant, tipping was generally generous. Most custumers had something to drink before hand, and by the time the meal was finished, the brunette thought most should not be allowed to drive their cars home. Muggles she thought to herself as she shook her head. Maralina Valentine was the second eldest of the Valentine family, and the eldest female. She had inherited most of her mother's looks. Not unlike young Jamie. Mara had long dark brown hair, that was soft and silky to touch. It held itself in small waves, giving it extra volume. Obviously at work her hair was tied up in a ponytail, but this did not mean that at least the length and colour could not be seen. She had also gotten her mother's deep blue eyes, with the smallest flecks of green. Which was not unlike most of her family. All but Zander had gotten those eyes. He was the only one with the green eyes of their father. And when Mara thought about her father, she was reminded that Zander was like his younger double. The brunette was fairly certain that if she saw a picture of her father at 23, he would look exactly like Zander. A fact, she pretended to forget. A rough, but friendly slap on the shoulder, brought the brunette out of her exchausted haze, and to the now empty restaurant. She was vaguely aware that she was being told to go home. And aware she was nodding.

Standing up and going to the staffroom, the twenty-twp year old moved to gather her belongings. In her mind she was pretty much already asleep. It was tiring work. People were difficult, and Maralina was not the most patient of waitresses. Mara at least did not have to worry about anyone being home, since the family was out in New Zealand with Justin. Mara was glad of this. Since she had the house to herself. Not that the young women would do much, apart from sleep. It was most likely that in the morning their would be a visit from Zander picking up several different items he had forgotten to take for either Jamie or Tyler. Mara was glad that this year was her last at university. As much as she enjoyed the challenge of the course, Mara was ready to graduate, and get a job. Move out and away from her family, and just start her life. Without being held back by all the other Valentines. Mara was she that she was one of the few surviving Valentines that had come to terms with their parent's death and was in her own fashion moving on. Putting on her large jumper, it was cold in London in November after all. Maralina knew that soon the cleaners would be in to the restuarant. So she quickly gather up the rest of her belongings, stuffed them into her bag and then headed out the back door. A puff of smoke was emitted from her lips, as the cold air hit her breath. The brunette took a deep breath and blew out slowly. Doing it as if she was smoking. A small smile crept on to her lips as she began to walk in the direction of her house. Mara avoided bringing her wand to work, while it meant she had to take the long walk home in the dark streets of London, it also didn't mean that the people she worked with found it and decided she was very weird to have some random stick. She didn't want to have to explain it. She needed this job. To keep herself afloat, as well as helping Zander look after the siblings. As Mara took out her ipod, her eyes stayed glued to the floor, and she didn't noticed the person in front of her until it was too late, and she had already walked into them. Mara put her iPod in her pocket and looked up. "I'm so sorry. I didn't look where I was going." She said quickly, hoping that the person would not be too annoyed.​

OOCOut of Character:
I hope this is Okay.

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