Closed A Korean Rose

Elio Boneheart

playful; hard to understand
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 8 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
31st October, 2045
Finding Mikael, as it turns out, is not particularly difficult when Elio exits the classroom and sees him standing across the corridor, waiting. He rolls his eyes and shakes his head, the flower tucked behind his back carefully so he doesn't accidentally crush it. "You know, you do have classes of your own, right?" What is his schedule right now anyway? He thinks back on it and laughs slightly because actually, Mikael doesn't have a class today, lucky sod. "No wait, you don't, well, I suppose you can enjoy just hanging around waiting for me then, huh?" he asks, walking straight up to Mikael (as he is taller than him, as he likes to remind the fifth year at every opportunity) and leans down slightly to kiss him, thumb stroking his cheek. "I have a present for you actually, since we didn't send roses or anything, I conjured you one," he says, holding the pink and white flower between them so that Kael can inspect it. "Do you like it?"

@Mikael Nightray
Ever since coming back for the second semester, Mikael has made it a point to memorize his and Elio’s class schedules. Of course, he has far fewer classes than his overachiever boyfriend. Not to mention far fewer club activities since he has none. This usually meant that he and Elio have less time to spend together unless Kael figures out how. The conclusion he came up with was to walk with his boyfriend whenever he could, which meant waiting for him outside of his classrooms and to walk with him to the Great Hall or to his next class. Which was why he was currently standing outside of the Transfiguration classroom.

He hadn’t been waiting long, thankfully, when Elio walked up to him reminding him that he has class to which Kael only raised an eyebrow at. He wasn’t stupid enough to skip classes to meet up with his boyfriend, especially since his uncle taught at this school. He accepts the kiss, responding to it eagerly though it was cut too quickly which made him frown. But not for long. He looks at the flower being presented to him. Recognition follows after, his eyes widening just a fraction as he gingerly takes the flower, inspecting it. “I do.” It was a beautiful piece of conjuration. Far from perfect but that didn’t matter - it was from Elio. He wished he could conjure one for him now, but… He carefully holds the flower in one hand as he takes Elio’s hand in the other, twining their fingers as he walks - a destination already in mind. “Do you know what it means?”
Does he know what it means? Kind of very vaguely. He chuckles lightly to himself and squeezes Mikael's hand in his. "A little, I thought about you mostly and this was what my brain decided to supply, I wanted something that means deep affection, something eternal," though that does make him think it might be a little cheesy, the point is for it for it to be something that Mikael will like and that's what he hopes he's achieved with this. "It's not perfect, but this is the first one I managed to make whole, the one I had before this was just a stem, and I wasn't going to give you just a stem, I feel like that wouldn't have made much sense," he says, shrugging.

He falls into step beside Mikael as they start walking, he's not sure where they're headed, usually the great hall for food, or somewhere he can study, like the library, but he's not got any study sessions with Hinata today, so they have no need of the library. "Where did you want to go today?"
Hinata was on her way back to the Common Room, map in hand when she passed by Kael and Elio walking down the stairs, fingers entwined. She giggled a little at the sight, waving to them before continuing on her merry way.
“My Korean isn’t very good but I believe the mugunghwa is meant to be eternal. Never fading,” he says as they walk. He’s not sure how well-versed any of his siblings are in Korean but they were probably all on the same level since his dad didn’t really speak Korean. His Nihonggo was only a little better mostly because his mum was still fluent. But he at least knew enough about part of his culture to recognize and know about the flower. “I believe some places call this an althea. Consumed by love,” he glances at Elio walking by his side to see how he would react to that. He had been surprised when Elio had given him the flower, not just any flower - but one he’d made himself with his own magic. He would have kissed his boyfriend senseless for that alone if they weren’t in the middle of the corridor. “It’s perfect,” he says with conviction, as if he would take no arguments. Because it was. He didn’t need it to be flawless for it to be perfect. He thinks a little on how Elio would react to where he was taking him before deciding that it didn’t really matter. “My uncle’s office. Then we can go anywhere you wish.”
Elio sort of knew that, maybe vaguely, it's one of the things he'd thought about as he'd conjured the flower in the first place after all. Not that he really specifically understands things like the language of flowers or what things are supposed to mean in that respect and he's noticed that a lot of the time cultures have their own readings on things too, because some flowers don't exist in some places and others do. Usually when they share a continent it's fine, but Asia and most places in North America have different interpretations of different flowers, as well as Europe too. He needs to really do more research on it bit with all of his class work he's not sure he can.

He raises an eyebrow as Mikael mentions some of the other things the flower means, going into a bit more detail than Elio had really thought about in the first place. "Althea is a nice name... like your cousin," he says, thinking about one of Mikael's cousins who seems to enjoy picking on him whenever he shows up around the Nightray family. Not like... badly, she just tends to have something to say all the time, the kind of girl who knows exactly what she wants and won't allow anyone to tell her no. "I'm glad you like it, I can probably make you another one later if you want." he's not sure why they're hiding to Conan's office, but he's not really against it either. He's curious to see what he wants to do there, because usually Conan isn't in his office, he's somewhere else.
Mikael was frankly amused that Elio mentioned his cousin. He didn’t think they got along. He would have thought Elio would get along with Theodore the best. Aside from Hinata apparently. “Althea is a nice name. Not a nice cousin.” Though he supposed it was rare for him to actually like his cousins. There were a number of Nightrays his age, the new heirs among them, though he supposed Althea was one of the more tolerable ones. Not that he has a wide pool of choices. He looks at the flower in his hand - they were supposed to be resilient, but he did not dare handle it too harshly. “You can make me as many as you’d like,” he nodded as they headed the last bit of steps, turning towards his uncle’s office. He was definitely going to accept any gift Elio deigned to give him but this tiny flower was special.

It didn’t take much longer to reach his uncle’s office. He looked at his hand entwined with Elio and the other hand holding the flower and had to make a difficult decision. He carefully knocked once with the hand holding the flower and then opened the door. His uncle really should start locking the door to his office. “Uncle,” he greeted the man apparently working on his desk as he walks in, still holding Elio’s hand. “How’s your conjuration.”
Conan was not expecting visitors today. Or well. At all really. He never expects them - though he probably should. Jonah, Rose, and Sayuri still avoid him like the plague. Hinata sometimes says hi in the halls while Elijah pops in at random times. Those were his kids. His niece and nephew however. Well Eurydice always seemed to greet him whenever he sees her. Mikael, he doesn’t know how, but he’s not seen his nephew outside of mealtimes. Or well. At least until now.

Conan blinks as his nephew all but barges into his office, holding the hand of one of his sixth years. Who also happens to be his sort-of nephew? It’s a whole thing. And then he blinks again because that question came out of nowhere? And when he hadn’t even heard a peep from his nephew since starting to work here. So he sets his work aside for now and just looks at… wait… hang on… oh my god… He rubs his eyes as if that would change the image in front of him. But it only shifts enough that Mikael was obviously getting more impatient. Of all the common Liam and Ai traits to inherit really. “Why hello Mikael, I’m doing very well thank you. And you? Good. Yes my conjuration is perfectly up to snuff though I can’t imagine why you’ve come here just to ask that.” Not that his nephew asked so much as demanded. He sighs. Too much of his parents. He waves a hand in greeting at the Gryffindor boy. “Hey Elio. Any difficulties with classes this semester?” That was about the only question he could ask unless he wanted to ask about the hand-holding. He can’t wait to tell Taylor.

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