A Knight in shining armour

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Aspen Knight

OOC First Name
Ceara xox
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Okay, here is Aspen Knight. He isn't very well developed yet, but here goes.

He is a sweet boy, who really tries to live up to his last name. He won't let bullies get away with anything, and he is particularly protective of his brother and sister.

I want everything. Enemies, who hate him because he stopped them picking on someone, friends, no romantic stuff yet, he's only 11 ^_^ . If you have any other ideas, I'm willing to hear them. :D
I have two unsorteds. You can choose to RP with both, just one, or none. They are very different.

Ebony Payne: Ebony is a bully. She's mean, and doesn't even try to hide it. Except of course, when an adult blames her for everything. She puts on an innocent face and gets away with it most of the time.

Amanda Pike: Amanda has two personalities. Most people think she is the shy, lonely girl and consider her a nerd because she's smart. But with her friends, she likes to have fun and can be random. She's nice to all, and tries to stand up for what is right, even if it is hard for her sometimes.
I like all these. Aspen would become an instant enemy of Ebony, and Amanda sounds perfect for a friend. He would try to get her out of her shell more often.

I think I need to know more about Rainbow?
ZOMG just had this idea that Amanda would be bullied by Ebony and Aspen would help Amanda. But yeah, if that doesn't work then I'll start a topic for Amanda and Aspen and you can start one for Ebony and Aspen.
Elspeth Brookes said:
No, I like that. He would definitely help Amanda. Do you want to start it or should I?
I'll start it. Will post the link when I'm done.
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