A Kitchen Expedition

Amber Chou Wilson

🎀 Friendly | Gladrags Owner | 2048 Grad 👗
OOC First Name
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Mixed Blood
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Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
After finishing all her homework for the day, Amber had been planning to do some exploring in the castle. After more than one semester she felt like she hadn't even seen a small fraction of the huge building, and she wanted to remedy that. There had to be many amazing places just waiting to be explored.

It helped that she was feeling a little hungry. It was still a few hours from dinner time and she had heard rumors about the Hogwarts Kitchens. When she set out to do her exploring, she had been playing with the idea of finding them, it seemed like fun. She wasn't sure exactly what to expect, but all the stories had talked about friendly house elves and all the food one could wish for. It seemed too good to be true, and Amber vowed to be content with even a bit of plain bread if she could get it. She could eat whatever she wanted at dinner later, after all.

But as she thought about it more, she realized she wasn't really sure if students were supposed to go there or not. So when she finally made her way to the area she thought the kitchens would be she had sort of lost her nerve. She had planned to ask any friendly looking older student to show her the way. But instead, she chose to wander around aimlessly, looking at the different paintings on the wall. She wondered who had painted them and if they had any idea hundreds of students now looked at their work every day as they moved between classes. It was a strange thought to have. She stopped in front of one painting, her eyes glazing over as she let her mind wander into a daydream.

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