A king among clouds

Liir Goodwitch

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
9" Alder wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Liir stood underneath a see of white clouds as his gaze was aimed towards the heavens, the breeze was mild and the sun was warm against his skin. It was a perfect day for him and his friend to get a little exercise as the castle had begun to feel stuffy and confining especially to someone who grew up on the beach of his California home. A shadow crossed over him as a smile crept across his face, a gesture that was reserved for special occasion or in the company of a true friend, as he gave out a low whistle that floated in the air with perfect clarity as an almighty cry was given in response. A bird of prey with wings open wide soared the skies above the young Liir its watchful eyes always looking and always searching for its next meal however today was not a day for relaxation as Liir was a strict master who expected nothing less than perfection. Icarus, Liirs pet Lagger Falcon, began its spiraling decent from the heavens as the whistle was his sign to return which he did eagerly to please his master and himself a treat, However respect was a two way street and Liir knew that he could not belittle his winged companion unless he wished for Icarus to leave after finding Liir unworthy of his ownership.

Liir had been at Hogwarts for a short time and overall the school stood up to its reputation which he was sure his mother would be thrilled with given that she wanted nothing but the best for her son. Not only was the school in fine standing in his book but everything around him seemed to be falling in place just the way he dreamed it would when he was younger. He had been placed in the house he wanted, he found the perfect wand , and last but not least he gained a new partner who was worthy of his praise. All in all everything was good but with classes staring in the next couple of days he knew that he would be put to the test as he worked eagerly to become stronger than ever but until then he wanted to spend a little time training Icarus which he had been doing with every free minute of his time that he could spare. So far the fruit of his training had begun to show signs of success as Icarus was recognizing the different whistles that told him what was to be expect and with each good try the young Icarus would be given a treat and scratch under the beak much to his approval. Liir however had been drawing a crowd as students of all ages seemed to stop and observe what was going on if only for a passing moment while some watched faithfully every minute they could which brought great pride to Liir. Icarus landed on his gloved hand as Liir sat down on the grass below him as he gave the young falcon a small mouse to dine on as they took a small break from their training.​
The days of Benjamin Chase being a second year were not as numerous as they were in his first year. The apparent reason was that he only started his second year a few days after the Sorting Ceremony. The ceremony just wasted Benjamin's precious time that led him scowling at the first years that were walking on the marble floor of Hogwarts New Zealand. Benjamin sat down on the couches of the Slytherin common room, his feet swung over a small desk. The first years were nowhere to be seen. His first initial thought about them to was that they were small. Smaller and younger than him. There were some though who barely reached the height of his shoulders. That, he felt bad for them. Benjamin looked over to his wristwatch and said that the time was still in the middle of the morning. A lot were already awake but still lounging around the common room. Quick green eyes flowed around the room, taking in every single thing that was in it, including the occupants. Sighing, Benjamin swung his legs off the mahogany table and stood up abruptly. His mind had nowhere to go but getting out of the silent common room was definitely a plan for him. The season of the year were beginning to reach Summer and the heat would give him a heatstroke. Taking advantage of today's weather would be quite a good thing for the Pure Blood.

The sun's heat was radiating, boasting its tormenting heat at Benjamin. He was glad though that he did not really experience it at its full height. His sensitive skin brought him rashes of some sort, causing dark red marks to cover both arms. To prevent it though was to stay cool and avoid heat. Benjamin's feet scuttled on the soft grass of the Great Lawn as his head was bent downwards. Nearby, a soaring and magnificent creature was in the air near a boy of Benjamin's age. He looked his age though but as Benjamin casually walked closer, he was actually a first year. His lips had a smirk on it as he approached the younger boy. "Nice pet my fellow Slytherin. I've never seen a kind of creature like that in the grounds of Hogwarts." Benjamin greeted fairly as he stood near the boy. His green eyes recognized him as the Slytherin who was there in the Sorting Ceremony. His name was unfamiliar though since Benjamin did not really pay attention to names like his. Benjamin took a quick glance to the bird on the boy's hand, standing gracefully on his master.
"Icarus is the King of the Skies and is a fitting companion for someone with goals of equal grandeur." Liir said with a smirk as Icarus gave a proud shrill before returning to his treat while Liir looked to the stranger. The boy was a slytherin which was made obvious by his statement but also by the green and silver uniform that was standard issue for all students who attended the school. He was charming and polite with good posture which was uncommon among the rest of his peers but it was slightly insightful as only those who grew up with a proud upbringing would command his attention. "Hello my name is Liir Goodwitch and as you are a slytherin then you are welcome to join me if you would like as I do not fancy the company of someone from any other house at the moment." Liir said as he plastered on his mask of polite conversation and smiled for the young man which was a gesture that was meant to ease some of the awkwardness that still hung in the air when strangers met for the first time.

Liir had shared a word or two with a handful of individuals since he had arrived but he had made no effort to actually get to know anyone more than a name or simple banter. He did not like anyone to get close as it could be used against him when he became worthy of the ministry position and as such he was keeping everyone he met at arms length until he knew what it was that propelled them to move forward. He did not wish to be in the company of simpletons or lackluster witches and wizards who would amount to nothing more than a Las Vegas magic act that his grandfather use to grumble and rave about when he had a few glasses of scotch. Their was only room for the fittest and in a world full of weaklings it seemed that finding those truly powerful would be a grueling task but he would achieve his goals no matter what the cost was at the end of the day.​
The prideful reply of the blonde male was indeed a response of a true Slytherin, whose nature was to have ambition usually. His words were also deep and intensifying which irked Benjamin a little. Certainly, Benjamin was not a boy of deep vocabulary and he would always prefer to speak in hushed tones with fellow Slytherins. It was some sort of a common thing that he had with his housemates and he was always comfortable in their presence. No matter what blood status they held, they were still considered Slytherins and most of them had the same cold and hostile personality as he contained. Benjamin never admitted that he was cold and arrogant to others though, it would only cause others to ruin his reputation. His pride was big enough for him to maintain and keeping a low profile to the higher years was also a thing he did. "Your pet is. . . one of a kind I admit. It's a falcon, isn't it?" Benjamin took a step forward, observing the beautiful creature in front of him. He was an odd looking one, but a falcon for a pet was exceedingly rare nowadays. The boy himself did not have a pet in his possession. Only his father and mother were allowed to send letters via owl and Benjamin always needed permission to use it. He rarely did anyways, since he lacked friends to contact over the holidays. The bird gave a loud cry, making Benjamin cringe slightly at his wrong move to step forward. He shockingly took a step backwards, eyeing the bird cautiously as he did so. "Ooh, shut up." Benjamin hissed as he narrowed his green eyes into slits and turned to the owner of the creature. It was apparent that the bloody falcon disliked him, maybe because Benjamin intruded easily, trying to observe it from a closed up distance. Benjamin gave an expression to the boy, telling him through his eyes that it seemed that the creature wouldn't be fond of him, despite his efforts of trying to feed it or something else. Benjamin sighed and took another step back again.

For a brief moment, the Slytherin titled his head to the right side. He wondered why Goodwitch did not fancy the company of people who were sorted in the other houses excluding Slytherin. Was he also someone who cared about having decent people around him? Benjamin felt excitement spark in him as he thought of this. The boy straightened his head and looked at him with a lazy smirk covering his entire thoughts about the boy's opinion. He approached the boy, cautious about the falcon and regarded him smoothly. "Nice to meet you Goodwitch. I'm Benjamin Chase and I'm just a year older than you." The pureblood did not offer his hand, and just nodded politely at the younger Slytherin. He was taught polite manners in the Manor, but all was different in Hogwarts. He was stealthy enough in Hogwarts to remain unknown to most of his batchmates. At least, that was what he knew off. He definitely did not have a clue if others were familiar of him, because of his arrogance and cunning personality at all times. He was a Slytherin anyway, and so he thought that having an attitude like this was something expected from Slytherins. "Is it difficult to actually take care of that?," He said, while jerking his head towards the direction of Icarus. "Can't believe you can manage that thing." He added too, alongside with a lazy laugh that he emitted. Benjamin was truthful now, and he certainly wanted to know why the hell was the falcon acting peculiarly around him. Benjamin was not a fan of creatures like Icarus and it looked like they weren't fond either of boys who had the same personality of Benjamin.

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