A home schooled girl can only come out of her shell if...

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Sanctuari Ellison

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
So, Sanctuari is a transfer student, who had to move to New Zealand from Honduras with her foster family. She had been home-schooled all her life, so this is a ginormous change. She will definitely need some friends, maybe study budies; and even some enemies. Ri had never made enemies easily though, so this character has to be really mean. She is very hard headed, and smart; though sometimes she can be absent minded. She has a knowledge of three languages (Spanish, Latin, and German) so that could give some interesting conversation.

Just because she is new, doesn't mean she isn't a teenage girl. And flirty. Sanctuari has always been extremly flirty and lovable; however, she is shy when the boys return the favor. so if anyone wants a 6th year hufflepuff as a flirting buddy; that could work. She will also be loking for a real relationship...

Thanks for looking here!

Well, I have a fellow sixth year Hufflepuff here...all the other 6th year Puff girls are gone, I think, so I think Violet would appreciate getting to know another girl in her house and year to study with e.t.c. Also, cause she's a Hufflepuff, she's extremely nice and friendly. She can be snarky sometimes, and will stand up for herself, but she's mostly just a sweet and kind (almost) seventeen year old, who mostly keeps to herself but will offer a shoulder to cry on, a friendly pair of ears and any help with study.

So yeah, friend available. ^_^

She sounds like the type of person that Ri would love; Can't wait to start it. Would you like to choose where and when? You can even start! LAWL! Oh, and I love your siggy!

I have Simon Blackmoore here, who happens to be Artemis' older brother. Technically he's already been here for three years but I've only just made his character, so I'm just getting started. If Sanctuari liked Artemis the she'll certainly liked Simon. He's like a slightly shyer version of her, though a bit more of a trickster, too.

He's open to friends or anything else, (since he's rather cute and gets girls a bit) and likes a bit of a flirt, too. Drop me a line if you're interested ^^
This is good; this is a fun time. (Wait, when did I start quoting Icarly?) Yeah; Ri thought Artemis was nice, so I'm sure she would get on with Simon just fine. I can't wait till the year starts, I'll have a lot to do. Do you want to wait till then, or have a quick RP in town?
Whatever is more convenient for you ^^
I have an rp or two lined up for him in the new school year so it'd be good if I could start them then, however if you wanted them to meet beforehand then I'm sure I could arrange something.
(Everyone's a bit swamped around this time, aren't they xD)
Oh woot!
Well I was thinking of throwing a little party at the start of the year for all the sixth year Hufflepuffs (all five of them) so we could do that? =)) :woot:
Well Anything is really convenient (I'd be swamped if my other characters had any life what-so-ever...)

I can deal with waiting for the year to start; I think it would be more likely, and she'd be in a better mood (Hiding things from your adopted twin really takes a tole)

And yes, Violet, I love the Idea of a party for the lot of us! Though, i'm not sure it can be called a lot....
Hi Cole!!!

How about Jake? He's in Durmstrang but, if they meet during Brightstone weekends and holidays it could work?

And yes, before you ask, I am still stalking you :p :D

Summer x
i don't even need to ask anymore to find out if you are stalking me Summer.

Jake?? Which one there is like three in Durmsrtang! I probably should know by now who it is.... but, i don't...

Either way it should work.
Oh, okay. That's who I figured it was!

Yeah, this could work! =D
Yesss Please!!!

Thanks for thinking of my, Girl!

Thanks Friendly Neighborhood Stalker!
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