A Guy Needs Friends

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James Green

Well-Known Member
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
Heyy Folks,

So this guy here is James Ithuriel Green. Now, I got this character from Alice Hills, and I have been some what neglecting him since I got him. He's a fifth year durmstrang student currently living in a half way house in Poland. He speaks fluent english and polish and russian. He grew up in England, but was born in Poland, when his father died, and his mother run, James was left with his grandmother, however, his grandmother, a women he hardly knew didn't want to have to look after him, so she handed him over to social services, who sent him back to Poland where he now lives.
Since then, James has a taken a semester out of school, to readjust his life and get ready for another term. He's gotten in with the wrong crowd of people and got arrested in Poland, for what I won't say. He did a small 2 month stint in a Polish juvenile prison before being let out on Probation for the next two years. This is a little tricky for school, and after explaining the situation James is back at Durmstrang for the school year.

Now about him: James is primarily a d1ckhead, he doesn't really care what happens to him, or those around him. He does what he wants, regardless of the circumstances or what the consequences to his actions might be. He makes rash decisions and is very short tempered. Say the remotest thing bad to him, and he will become very threatening very quickly. This means he generally doesn't have too many friends. However it also doesn't bother him, since he has friends at the halfway house. Even if he doesn't trust them with anything that belongs to him.
James is very guarded, he'll manipulate and lie so that people believe what he says, so that people won't ever think about what he does. He'll always keep people at arms length and will never admit to feeling down. He's the type of person who could be hit by a car and still get up and walk away denying it ever happened at all. He doesn't want people to get to know him, or understand him. He just wants to keep going through life with no attachments, since all his previous attachments have gone. Being a d!ckhead, means most people would not stick around long enough to even realize this about him. Since he's gotten good and his front is very strong.
At Heart, James is a romantic, when he falls for a girl, or a boy (since I think he's better bi) he really falls for them, and it's hard for him. Since he can never show it, he wants to be the guy whose always there, that can be trusted. But he believes in the end people will always leave him, so he doesn't ever let himself become too involved with anyone. He might love them, but he would never do anything about it. He'd probably be a lot worse to them that he would be to anyone. He'd want to be with them and bring them flowers, but he wouldn't. So instead he'd probably just hit on any girl or boy, and not even remember their name the next time he's out.
Studious, while he has always been kind of a slacker when it comes to homework, he knows what to do, and when to have it done for. He might give minimum attention during classes, but he still wants to do fairly well in life. So, he might sit and yawn, and generally be bored, but he will still hand in the work that needs be done and it will be done well. He does often get detention, but nothing worse than that, since the professors see potential for a lot of careers.

What I need, James is complicated guy, he needs a friend or two, people who see right through his bullsh1t, but who decide it's best to just let him be himself and then see if he changes. James as he gets more comfortable with people gets better with them. And a possible future girlfriend/boyfriend. It wouldn't be soon, I'm think he could instantly fall for them but he would have trouble dealing with it, so he'd be horrible to them, and this would be back and forth or just from him, however the underlying fact that he does care will eventually seep through and I'm thinking that they are having at it again, and suddenly either James or the other person just kisses them.
Hey Emzies,

I can offer Mizelea here, she's the same age as James. The two before, I think?
Though back then James was more well.. nice? I'm a bit surprised that he's now the violent type.
Anyway like I said, I can offer Mizzy here as a friend or if you're up for more. ;) ^_^
Hey Emzies,

Well after reading this and thinking about it I decided that I could offer James up for this one as my muse for him is kicking. James is of course from Beauxbaton but also had a rather unique background with being handed off from person to person but he however had a better hand dealt as he eventually was adopted by his uncle (a social worker and his dead mothers brother). Jamie is sorta of the polar opposite of James in most facets but I am wanting my Jamie to sorta man up and be a little wild and it seems that if him and your James met up it would be interesting to play the "I am your weakness but you are mine" card.

Jamie is an artist and gay which if a future romance blossoms between the two that would be wonderful! But if not I still need some characters to help balance my little boy blue out here before he is eventually set out into the real world. To get a better feel you can check out his bio as I have not got C.D. up yet (do not kill me!). Any other question just ask and you will receive!

I know that since the last time, the character has changed, but the more I thought about him, the more it made sense. Like he's this guy who had his life completely in order, then one terrible thing happens and his life is completely torn apart. He gets sent back Poland, even though he would class the Uk as his home and has to deal with living with a bunch of muggles his age all of whom have a variation of issues, desperate to fit in, he finds he needs to be hard, he needs to act like one of the guys. And the violence is something that has erupted from that. He doesn't talk about things, he just lashes out or gets to be a little threatening.
Anyway, I would like that. He'd remember her, and feel a little bad, but wouldn't really do anything about that. He'd just be who he is with everyone.
Would you like to start something? Or would you like me to?

I like that idea, I don't think that James would instantly take to him, he'd probably get annoyed at the fact they share a name, but I can see a form of friendship growing from that point. I think they'd do well together. I think that over time, he'd maybe develop deeper feelings, but it would depend on how they interact in RPs.
So, Would you like to start something, or would you like me to?
Heeyy Emzies!

Well I have Adalyn here and he seems to be a male version of Adalyn. Adalyn is a singer first and formost, music is the only thing she actually cares about in life. She hasn't had many relationships in her life that have really accounted for anything being more of a loner herself. Though she attracted to people similar to her or in some cases the complete opposite. She'd never admit to liking someone first and in which case she's more likely to actually use a person to her advantage, unless the person is someone she considers a true friend. Those type of people for Adalyn are hard to find and most people get pushed away from her.

Anything between them can be up to you in this case ^_^

If you would be so kind as to start that would be wonderful! It really does not matter where the thread takes place and under what circumstance... just to warn you I tend to have long post but you do not have to as well.
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