Closed A Good Night

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Oskar Strom

guarded ⏳ calculating ⏳ new in town
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 16 Inch Unyielding Larch Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
02/2048 (15)
Oskar wasn't sure what possessed him to try and make an appearance at the Valentine's day dance after the Yule ball had been a bit of a disaster. He had been able to make things right in the end even if it wasn't his best moment. But as avoidant as he tended to be he was really trying to give this school more of a chance. He couldn't say he actually hated it here without experiencing all it had to offer, even if he wasn't impressed so far. Not like it really mattered if he did hate it, he was stuck here. Durmstrang hadn't been paradise but at least he knew where he stood and at least he still saw his family. He shook his head, not wanting to think about them and instead looked up to the flower petals drifting from the ceiling. They were pretty and he wanted to focus on that, and he did, a little too much. He had a cup of juice in his hand as he walked along the edge of the crowd, and in his distracted state he didn't notice someone in front of him until it was too late. In a state of panic he refused to make a fool of himself again and he managed to keep his cup from spilling a drop. Even so he turned to the girl. "I'm so sorry." he gushed. "I didn't spill any on you did I?" he asked urgently before devolving into muttering at himself in Swedish.
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