A Good Drink And Nothing More

Olivette Tchovinski

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Since three weeks ago, since Olivette and Leon broke it off, the blonde had been able to do nothing by cry, play with her dog, and drink. She'd been trying hard not to do so in public, as she was an educator, but her brother convinced her that perhaps she needed to get out and meet people. Olive wasn't the kind of girl to rebound. She'd now slept with two men - one as a high schooler and one she thought she'd marry. Even the thought made her want to cry, but being three jagerbombs in she thought it would make her look like a weak drunk, so instead she sighed and ordered a water shot to follow her other alcoholic beverages. However she missed her mouth spilling it down the front of her outfit. Olive groaned. "Naaaapkins!" She cried out, though the bartender seemed ignored.
Climbing over another fence and laughing as the dogs barked at him, Dmitri patted himself down of dirt and fixed his hair nicely. Running from the law was always good fun, whether it be from magical or muggle law, of course, there were more rules in the pursuit of criminals in the muggle world than there were in the magical world. Still, he enjoyed using magic in new and creative ways, he was ever the artist. Well, when it came to magical escapes he was anyway. Grinning and waving at the men now trying to climb the fence, Dmitri quickly ducked around a corner and apparated to a pub he'd been to a couple of times. Getting lost in the throws of people, Dmitri made himself disappear close to the bar, knowing that if the Police caught up to him, they'd never find him anyway. Reaching the bar, Dmitri sighed and called the bartender over ordering a round of drinks for everyone in the room. He played his aces for a while before his eyes settled on a gorgeous girl sitting by herself. He frowned because she was rude not to accept the house offer. He zeroed in on her clearly broken demeanour and grinned to himself. Another easy target. "Hey, what do you think of this guy, huh, getting drinks for everyone?" Knowing her response to this would show him which character to play next.

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