A girlfriend for Callum

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Callum Yarn

Active Member
OOC First Name
As you might have known, I was going to make Callum fall in love with Karly, but RPing with yourself is boring. So, because there are more girls than boys here, I am making Callum single and looking.

I would prefer a ravenclaw, although I have no real preference to the house. A second or third year is fine, fourth is pushing it, and not a first year please! :D

I will try not to be picky, so fire away.


I have Imogen Day, not a Ravenclaw, but she acts like one with her brains.

She's smart and courageous, she likes to have a good time and is generally pretty idependent. She's friendly and always smiling. Though, half way through the year, I have a plot planned for her where becomes more rebellious and less hard working.

I'm open to any ideas.
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