Closed A Fun Night Ahead of Us

Asaiah Murphy

Trying to Be a Dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14 Inch Rigid Cypress Wand with Acromantula Web Core
10/2028 (33)
After picking which movie the two of them could watch together in one of these Muggle cinemas, the fact that he needed help with getting the tickets online really showed how inexperienced he actually was with the other world, Asaiah couldn't be more excited. He had been looking forward to their date, even with the possibility of it all going down south popping up in his head every so often. He had never been that good at dates, much rather preferring to do something that would make both parties as comfortable as possible, but he was an adult now, or at least trying to be one by asking Freya out on a proper date. The fact that he was putting actual effort in all of it also made him realise that he actually really liked Freya as more than just a friend. He didn't know if that tingly feeling he was feeling in the pit of his stomach was something good or not, but he decided that he liked it for some weird reason. It made him feel happy. ''I'm ready if you are,'' Asaiah said, moving towards the front door of their apartment and putting on his jacket.
Freya had been looking forward to her date with Asaiah, although she couldn't help but to be a little nervous as well. She didn't know whether it was because this was actually happening or because she couldn't help but to think of the possibility that things might not work out the way they'd want to. She tried not to let her thoughts betray her though, tried not to think of that possibility. Why would she even? They had a great friendship, so why should she think something a little more might not work? No, things were going to be good and she had to believe that they would. She couldn't help but to still think the whole situation was a bit funny. Not so much the fact that they were going on a date, but more the fact that they already lived together and were basically doing what they did every saturday, just not in their own living room. "Yeah, ready." Freya replied as she quickly grabbed a bag from her room and followed him towards the door. "You know most people don't start their date by already being in the same house, but I kind of like it." She chuckled, honestly liking this better since there wasn't any waiting to be picked up or meeting at a specific place.
Asaiah wasn't that afraid of the possibility that something might go wrong between them and ruin the friendship. She was one of his oldest friends, and the fact that both were able to pick up their friendship again after not having spoken to one another for a couple of years, was enough for him to go through with the date. If they could reunite that quickly with each other, then this would not ruin it. Of course one could never be sure about that but he knew Freya and she knew him and neither would ever hurt the other. Asaiah chuckled at her response and opened the door. ''I could wait for you around the corner if you want that authentic date night feeling,'' he said, grinning slightly. It was true that most people weren't already together in the same house, but he liked it like this, as they now could skip the awkward first interaction and instead just walk straight towards the cinema.

After a couple of minutes of walking around downtown Auckland, the two of them finally arrived at the place Muggles watched their movies at. Coming from a wizarding family that didn't often interact with the Muggle world, it had taken Asaiah about ten minutes or so to scan the tickets for the movie they were going to watch. ''Okay, I think I've got it now. We're good to go - I'm sorry you had to witness that,'' he said with a little smile, slightly embarrassed by the fact it had taken him ten minutes to scan in their tickets. He glanced down at his magical enhanced watch and said, ''We've still got a few minutes before we should go in and find our seats. Do you want anything to eat?''
Freya laughed at Asaiah's response. She tried to visualize what it would be like if he actually had waited around the corner, but the thought only made her laugh more. "No that would just be weird." She replied with a little shake of her head as she stepped out of the apartment. Yeah, she was sure she liked this better. There wasn't any weirdness, wasn't any meeting up with someone she might not even know that well. This was Asaiah after all and she knew Asaiah. Or at least she liked to think that she did, but she was rather sure of it. The walk to the movie theatre wasn't too long and they had already arrived before Freya even realized they had. She tried her best not to laugh when Asaiah struggled with the movie tickets but still had a pretty obvious grin on her face. She couldn't say it would've gone a whole lot more smoothly if she had tried, but perhaps just the tiniest bit. There wasn't a lot of muggle influences during her childhood but during her years travelling around after graduation she had learned a lot more than she would've expected to and she liked to believe she'd get around as a muggle quite okay. "I feel like that might've just been as entertaining as the movie could be so maybe we should just head home." Freya joked when he apologized, certainly not bothered by the fact that it took him a little while. She appreciated him trying. "Is that even a question though?" She questioned him when he asked her if she wanted any food. "I mean you've gotta have your movie snacks."
Asaiah turned red in the face at Freya's joke. He had always felt stupid when interacting with Muggle technology, there was just something so confusing about their technology and other works. It was part of the reason why he had never taken his mother up on her offer to work in her flower shop in downtown Auckland, he'd have to interact and work with all that Muggle stuff which always turned out to be more difficult than it seemed to be. He was glad that he eventually managed to get them their movie tickets, though, as he could feel the people behind him judging him for taking so long. ''Well, we can't exactly take a pizza inside with us. Don't Muggles sell popcorn and stuff in their cinemas? Eh, would you mind getting popcorn for us? I don't really feel like embarrassing myself even more tonight. I still got to leave a good impression on my date, right?'' Asaiah joked even though he was totally serious. He handed him the last of his Muggle money though didn't know if it was enough to buy them two popcorn. He wondered if perhaps he should have paid more attention in Muggle Studies or asked Marisol more about the world she'd grown up in.
Freya had the idea she felt a lot more comfortable around muggle places than Asaiah did and in her head she silently thanked the people who had dragged her along during her travels and had gotten her far more used to it. "I think you're getting better at this stuff though." She smiled as she placed her hand on his arm for a second. It had been a little funny to watch but she appreciated him trying by going out to a muggle cinema at the first place. They could've easily gone to get drinks or something at a place they both would feel comfortable at but she liked the fact that this was just a different version of their normal movie nights. A version that included a bit more effort. "Sure." Freya nodded as she took the money from Asaiah. "Well you better try!" She joked at his remark of making good impression. By now they had known each other for so long she wondered if she could have anything but a good impression of him, even if this was a situation they hadn't found themselves in before. With the money in her hand Freya made her way over to the food counter where she got them both a box of popcorn and a drink, putting in some of her own money as well. The interaction had gone pretty smoothly and she happily made her way back to Asaiah, trying her best not to drop anything. "Right." She nodded after she handed him the popcorn and drink. "You ready for this movie?"

this is terrible i apologize lol
Asaiah was happy that making a fool of himself in a world semi-unfamiliar to him was appreciated by Freya. He didn't really mind it, he had always liked to make people laugh by being a bit silly, but there was something serious about all of this, which was why he didn't feel like screwing it all up by not knowing how to handle something as small as money. He smiled at her when she handed him his popcorn and drink and nodded excitedly. it had been some time ago since he last had done something that wasn't Quidditch related. Once the two of them found their seats, they chatted until the movie started.

It was a fun movie, not as funny as he thought it would be, but he still enjoyed himself. Asaiah could only hope that she was enjoying herself too. There had been a moment or two during the movie where he tried his hand at flirting a little by gently grazing his fingers against her hand. He didn't know how or why but he was feeling rather bold tonight.

no worries this is equally as bad lol
Freya had to admit that going to an actual movie was a whole lot different than watching one at home. She really liked movies though, enjoyed the stories people seemed to be able to tell through acting and especially how muggles seemed to be able to use their technology to put it all together. It wasn't magic like they had, wasn't anything like their moving pictures and she thought it was intruiging. Even with one of her parents being a muggle Freya still felt like she knew remotely little about the muggle world and even though after travelling she felt like she could fit in better, there were still plenty of things that surprised her. What had also taken her by surprise at first was Asaiah touching her hand during the movie. Freya was glad it had been dark inside because she could've sworn her cheeks had turned bright red every time he did yet her smile had only grown bigger. She could still feel her cheeks slightly burn once the movie was over and the lights turned back on and could only hope her face wasn't still as bright red as it had felt. She smiled at Asaiah as they made their way out of the cinema, stopping when they'd reached the street again so turn to him. "So.. you wanna walk me home?" Freya asked with a small chuckle. Obviously since they lived together it wasn't much of a choice but that didn't mean she couldn't joke about it and act like it was.
Growing up in a family that spent the majority of their time in the wizarding world, Asaiah was still very fascinated by the way Muggle movies were made in general when the two of them walked out of the cinema. Were all Muggle movies this much fun? If so, perhaps he should go to the cinema more often from now on. He turned his attention back to Freya when she asked him if he wanted to walk home with her. ''I was actually thinking that I might go back the other way,'' Asaiah said grimacing, though obviously joking by the way he couldn't stop himself from grinning whilst pointing over his shoulder to indicate which way he was talking about. ''Jokes aside, even though it was rather dark in there, I still had a fun time,'' he added. Apart from the embarrassingly long time it had taken him earlier to get those tickets, he thought it had gone rather well tonight even if they hadn't been able to talk as much during the movie like they did at home. ''Did you still want to grab that pizza on the way home?'' he asked.
Freya jokingly rolled her eyes at Asaiah as he mentioned walking the other way, resisting the urge to nudge him with her shoulder. To say she had been nervous about the whole idea of going on a date with her best friend would probably be an understatement. She felt like she hadn't even just been nervous, she had actually been slightly scared as well although she wasn't even sure why. They had been friends for a long time so she didn't think anything could ruin that yet at the same time she had been scared that was exactly what could happen. "Yeah, me too." She smiled, feeling her cheeks turn just a little bit pink again and even if she wished them not to because they so easily gave away how she was feeling. It did make her wonder how she had managed to keep it a secret for quite a while. "Sure, I'm down for that." Freya gave him a smile when he asked if she still wanted to get pizza. In all honesty she wasn't feeling hungry but she also didn't mind stretching the sort of official date part of the evening a little bit longer. She felt like as soon as they'd get home it would be over. They would still be together but it would mean that their date had ended and she wasn't sure if she wanted that to happen yet. She put her arm out in front of her, gesturing towards the street with a little laugh. "Lead the way."
Asaiah could feel his cheeks burn slightly when Freya said that she had a fun time too. He didn't know if she actually liked the movie he had chosen for their date, so to hear that she too had fun eased his mind a little. He was glad that she still wanted to grab that slice of pizza whilst walking back to their apartment. He didn't know what would happen once they were home again and he wasn't quite ready to find that out since he was really enjoying himself. ''Why, thank you, m'lady,'' he said when told him to lead the way, cringing a little at how bad this little joke was. He was still trying to leave a good impression even though they had known each other for the bigger part of their lives. He led the way towards the pizza place he knew that made reasonably good pizza, and talked to her about whatever came to mind at that moment, which funnily enough wasn't something Quidditch related for once. ''So if you had to pick between working at the Ministry and working and working at Hogwarts as a Professor, which would you pick and why?'' Asaiah asked randomly, curious to know what she'd answer.
Freya laughed at Asaiah's words, shaking her head a little. "Let's pretend you didn't just say that." She chuckled, although happily following as they made their way to the pizza place. Things had been going good so far and she had been thoroughly enjoying their date, even if at times it felt a bit odd every now and then to suddenly have this deeper meaning to them just hanging out like they often did. She figured it was probably just the nerves for both of them, the idea that this could possible lead to them being more than just friends which was a title they'd both been carrying for a long time now. During their walk Freya had been wondering if she should be a little more bold, just take his hand as they were walking but before she could even get herself to just do it they had already reached their destination. "Wow, where did that question come from?" She smiled, looking at Asaiah curiously as she tried to figure out which nook of his mind the question had wriggled its way out of. "Ministry, I guess. I mean I like my job and I don't really think teaching would be for me." She gave a little shrug. "Although it would be cool to see those kids evolve during the years, watch them make friends and hopefully keep them." She added, keeping on the subject of school by reforming the question and returning it to him. "Okay, if you were a professor what would you teach? Flying?"
It seemed that most of the initial awkwardness of going on a date with one another was slowly wearing off, which Asaiah was more than happy about. As they continued to walk to the pizzeria, their conversations were starting to sound normal again. He shrugged. ''I don't know, it was just a random thought.'' He honestly didn't know where his question had come from, but with not having seen much of her after he dropped out of school and until he had invited her to come to visit him at his apartment, it was probably curiosity that had caused him to ask her that. He listened attentively and nodded along, trying to ignore the fact that he thought that she had very beautiful eyes since he was trying to listen to her. ''Either that or maybe Arithmancy, I think,'' Asaiah answered when she returned the question to him, finding it funny that he eventually scored an Exceeds Expectations on a subject he had considered for a long time to be his least favourite one. ''Although I doubt that anyone would actually listen to me, I don't exactly ooze authority.'' He had thought about pursuing a career in teaching back during the break between their fifth and sixth year. Even though the thought of dropping out of school after the following year would end was slowly manifesting in his mind, it had been Marisol who tried to convince him to stay and finish his education by telling him that teaching was still an option he could consider. He hadn't done too well on his OWLs, however, only achieving three passing grades out of the six he was taking that year, which left him with very limited options at the start of their sixth year. Thankfully, Quidditch was an option still.

After arriving at the pizzeria and making a quick pitstop by ordering a couple of slices of pizza for both of them, they continued to walk back to the apartment. And because he did not want the night to end just yet, he thought that he got the same impression from his best friend as well, Asaiah let them take the long way home. ''So eh,'' he began. ''Do you think a second date would be nice?'' he asked, not sure if now was the moment but also eager to know if he still had a chance with her or not.
By now Freya wondered why there had ever been any doubt in her mind that going on a date with her best friend could end in anything else than something good. It had definitely felt a bit awkward at the beginning, perhaps because they'd both been so focussed on the fact that they were on an 'official' date, that it had to be different from the times they'd normally just hung out together. In reality though when that initial awkwardness had rubbed off and it seemed like their regular hangouts just.. different in a couple of ways. Maybe even better. She chuckled when he didn't even seem to know where the question had come from, although school obviously had been a shared experience for them in some ways. Even if they didn't spend so much time together back then as they did now and even if back then Asaiah had left without letting her know. It was still the place where they became friends in the first place. Freya gave him a look of surprise when he mentioned arithmacy. She never would've guessed that answer. Flying she could get, was her first choice when she guessed what his answer might've been but arithmacy hadn't even come to mind. "I figure you could, if you wanted to." She gave a little shrug. Perhaps at first he wouldn't look like someone with a lot of authority but she did think he could muster enough to control a class of kids. And if he couldn't then there she was sure there were other ways that could get kids to listen.

Freya tried her best not to chuckle when she realized Asaiah was leading them the long way home, rather than the shortcut they would normally take. She appreciated it though, happy to take some more time to get home. Perhaps also because they literally already lived together, so even if their 'official' date ended they'd still be at the same place which could also be just the tiniest bit weird. "We haven't even reached the door yet." She laughed at his question, although definitely happy she hadn't been the only one enjoying tonigh. "But yeah, that sounds good."
Was it bold to ask Freya for a second date when their first one wasn't even wrapped up yet? Perhaps, but he had gotten the feeling that both of them had been enjoying themselves throughout the night, so he felt confident enough to ask. Asaiah smiled widely when she agreed to another one and found himself unable to stop smiling as they continued to walk the long way back to their apartment. He was glad all went well tonight and could only hope things would continue to go well from now on.


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