A friendly wager

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Since the game between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor was drawing near, Cyndi decided stay on the pitch after the team's practice in order to get some additional practice in. Although she loved being co-captain with Kat and Bruin, it was sometimes difficult for her to truly give it her all in practice, especially when her co-captains were unable to be at practice. She would be so focused on helping and watching her teammates that she didn't get as much done as she would like for herself. She knew that it would be a tough game, but the Gryffindor team had been doing exceptionally well in practice and she knew that they would be ready.

After putting away all of the balls, Cyndi mounted her Sienna Storm and began to speed around the pitch, working her way from the North Hoops to the South Hoops and back again. As the wind blew past her, Cyndi bent further down on her broom and nosedived back to the ground, pulling up short right before she hit the ground. Stopping to scoop up her bat, Cyndi rose slightly in the air and began taking practice swings.
Estrella was so pumped after Ravenclaw's victory against Slytherin that Quidditch was mostly all that occupied her mind these days. Her classes had taken a back seat to the competitive sport. Although NEWTs were near, she was beginning to hate her lessons and everything that pertained to them. She was even considering skipping Transfiguration one of these days. The Ravenclaw hated that class with every fiber of her being, and each failure egged her on to just drop out of it altogether.

She found herself on the pitch once again after a rather grueling study session. Her Amethyst streak in hand, she scoped the pitch and saw one of her fellow seventh years. Kicking off the ground, she vaulted to Cyndi, one of her greatest friends at the school. "Hey Weasley, are you prepared to have your butt whooped next game?" she called out, grinning broadly at the Gryffindor.
"Ha! You wish!" Cyndi said with a broad smile as she turned and saw Estrella, her fellow seventh year, up in the air near her. Although they had classes together, she rarely got to spend any amount of time with her friend. Classes and practice had kept Cyndi far too busy for anything social.

"The Pride is going to wipe the pitch with you guys" the Gryffindor replied with a smirk.
Estrella stuck her tongue out at Cyndi. She leaned on her broomstick, gripping it for support as she hovered next to her Gryffindor friend. The girl thought about taking up a beater's bat herself to improve arm strength, but figured she would just practice keeping techniques today. "I don't think so!" she jeered, "You may have beaten out the Wussypuffs, but us 'claws are going to tear up you silly kitties!" The eighteen year old girl really didn't have house prejudices. However, she was confident in her house's ability to win the Quidditch cup. Gryffindor versus Slytherin was going to be an engaging match.
"Kitties?" Cyndi said in an appalled voice. "Your birds don't stand a chance next to us." In truth, Cyndi knew that the match between the Ravenclaws and Gryffindors was going to be a battle. Both teams were coming off of a win, and neither team wanted to leave the match with a loss on their record. On non-game days, the Gryffindors usually got along really well with the Ravenclaws. She had a feeling that on game day, this would be different when everyone put their game faces on.

"Well, " Cyndi began slowly as an idea came to her and a mischievous grin rose on her face. "If you're soo confident that your team will beat mine, why don't we make a bet on it." The Gryffindor grew quiet for a moment and then smirked. "Unless you're too chicken."
Estrella raised an eyebrow at Cyndi, her voice oozing amusement. "Oh, really. We don't stand a chance? Even though we're ahead in the tourney?" The Quidditch tournament went by points- if she wasn't mistaken- and with one hundred points from the last game, Ravenclaw was in the definite lead. The eighteen year old smirked at her friend as she ascended into the air about ten feet to reach the Gryffindor's level.

"I like the way you think," the Ravenclaw responded. "Chicken? That is not me, I'm an eagle, remember? Bird of prey." Her gaze was challenging, lit up at the very idea. After a few moments she started, "What are the stakes?"
"Hmmm..." Cyndi said as she tapped her finger against her mouth as she thought. "Maybe we should...nah" the Gryffindor started and then stopped again, not liking the idea. Finally, something came to her.

"Ok...how about this? When the Gryffindors win, you have to wear a Gryffindor Pride shirt and if anyone asks you why you are wearing it, you have to tell them 'Because Gryffindor is the best!" Cyndi grinned as she finished, "and if I lose, which won't happen, I'll do the same." The Gryffindor hovered on her broom as she waited for her friend's reply.
Estrella crossed her arms over her chest as she squeezed the Amethyst Streak with her legs. Her features lit in amusement, she raised an eyebrow at Cyndi's suggestion. "The day after the game, right? The whole day?" She chuckled and leaned forward, extending her hand to the Gryffindor girl. "Deal. I'll get to finding a nice Ravenclaw shirt for you to wear. I think I have a few that will suit you perfectly." Bets always pushed Estrella to do her best, though she had lost a share of them over the years. She could only hope that she would come out the victor this time around.
Cyndi sat comfortably on her Sienna Storm as she listened to Estrella. She nodded as the girl made sure that the bet would be in effect for an entire day. The seventh year Gryffindor took the Ravenclaw's hand and gave it a good shake. "It's a deal then. I can't wait to see you in a Pride shirt...It'll be so sweet to hear you having to tell everyone how great we are." Cyndi added with a grin.

Now that the bet had been made, Cyndi felt even more excited for the game between the two teams to begin. She had never gone back on a bet before, so come win or lose, she would certainly honor the term's of the bet. She sincerely hoped that the Pride would be able to pull out a win though.

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