A 'friendly' talk

Gaspard Lorka

Well-Known Member
Gaspard sat with Gisella in his lap, sleeping, it was quite the image for a man that installed so much fear in people he knew, but he...liked his daughter very much, and she didn't know anything, she was innocent, and ignorant, Gaspard only wished that his eldest and only son could be this way. But Aiden was a horse of a different colour, everyone in the family knew this to be true.

As his daughter slept he read the Wizarding newspaper, surprised to see that Alicia Barker was back in the community, he would have to write Aiden later to get the truth, he knew that with all of this propaganda it was a big mess. Gaspard then heard foot steps come down the stairs, he could tell from the swagger it was Rosaline, he rolled his eyes while thinking, When will she get over that mudblood? Vaschel was nothing but bad news for the family. Gaspard shook his head slightly wondering when she would finally get over her depression and try and make the move to Bulgaria.
Once again Rosaline woke up later then someone her age ever should, but what did she care, she didn't have a job, she barely had a life. The only thing she did when she wasn't sleeping, eating or being with her family, was being with Chavdar, which she quite enjoyed, she only wished for their sake that it was under different conditions. She cared for him - as much as you can after two or three dates, and two other meetings - and she didn't want him to get hurt, but she knew that it was a possibility if he was dating her, she didn't like 'lying' to him, she hadn't told him that he was being kept a secret from her family. Would he care?

Rosaline shook her head to rid herself of thoughts of him, and she began walking down the stairs slowly. When she reached the first level she turned a right from the foyer of the house and walking into the sun room. Rosaline spotted Gaspard and Gisella. She couldn't help but be a little surprised at this, but she didn't look like it she just said, "Hello Uncle." Rosaline took a seat in an over sized chair and she got the house elf, Afra, to get her a cup of coffee.
Gaspard looked up from the paper for a brief second and said, "Hello Rosaline." Gaspard let out a bewildered sigh then he looked back to the newpaper then found himself not actually reading it so he put it on the coffee table and turned his head to Rosaline and opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Afra bringing her the mug of coffee, but little did Rosaline know, Gaspard had told Afra to put some Veritasium into her mug while she was not looking.

Gaspard needed to know where Lily was, and he would find out one way or another, he wasn't going to wait around for Lily to slip up again, he knew that she was in New Zealand and that Aiden knew as well, but he could not go to Hogwarts just to find this out, the Co-Head Master and Mistress would kick him off the grounds of course, and would probably do the same to his children. He did not want all three at his house now, it was too busy, he could barely handle Gisella with Afra and Rosaline here to cater to his every whim as well.

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