Closed A Friendly Housecall

Roman Hyde

Who Wants to Live Forever?
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
10/2021 (34)
Roman finally felt like he was starting to actually get somewhere with his research now that he'd settled into New Zealand. It had taken awhile to find his bearings and find out which witches and wizards were quite worth knowing. The Scitorari had been extreme beneficial in that regard, and a few of the right questions in the right places had directed him towards one Rupert Cresswell. Cresswell supposedly dealt in quite a few cursed artifacts, and Roman was certain if Cresswell didn't have something that Roman was looking for, he might know how to get one.

It was edging into dusk by the time he'd apparated outside Cresswell's house and Roman spent a moment straightening his coat. It was one thing to make an unannounced housecall, but he could at least try to look decent for it. He hesitated as he approached the front door, muttering a quiet spell to check for any obvious curses before wrapping his knuckles jovially on the door. Wouldn't do to go getting himself cursed for showing up without an invitation, but he supposed at least he knew a cursebreaker was nearby. Roman pasted on a friendly smile, tucking his hands and wand behind his back as he waited for the door to open.
Getting established in a new country came with all kinds of complications, and Rupert had elected to take things slowly. He had brought what stock he could with him, and was beginning to build professional relationships with local dealers and develop a vision of what the less legal networks looked like in New Zealand. Sadly a much smaller country meant a much smaller potential sales base, but Rupert had expected that when he moved, and was hoping his unique skills meant he would be able to charge a bit more to balance out the more limited market.

Still, he hadn't done much in the way of trading just yet, and he certainly didn't think his name would have reached the ears of local law enforcement. Still, an unexpected knock at the door was something to be cautious of, and Rupert made sure he had his wand on him before peeking through the peephole. The man on the other side of the door was unfamiliar, but he didn't look like an auror, and Rupert hadn't gotten to where he was without taking a few chances. So he hesitantly opened the door, giving the man a measured pleasant smile. "I'm afraid you may have the wrong address, my fellow." He said calmly, studying the man's response to figure out how to proceed.
Roman felt his smile grow wider when the door opened without any major fanfare, glad that Cresswell didn't seemed prone to enough paranoia to dispatch unwanted callers without at least a friendly hello. "I sure hope not," He said warmly, tucking his wand into his sleeve and swinging his arm forward to hold out a hand to shake. "Roman Hyde, I'm looking for Rupert Cresswell? Friend of mine mentioned this was the best place to find you. Terribly sorry for dropping by unannounced." Roman was also pleased to hear that Cresswell had an English accent after spending the last several months around the kiwi drawl. "Thought you might be the person to talk to if one's in the market for some harder to find items," Roman said brightly. "If you've got a minute to spare, of course."
Rupert kept one hand near his wand as he extended his other to shake hands with the man, listening warily as he introduced himself. Though it had been difficult to get his name out there, it didn't seem entirely implausible that it would have made it. He searched Roman's face for a moment before nodding, opening the door wider for the younger man to enter. "I hope you aren't expecting to find anything illegal." He said smoothly, closing the door behind Roman. "I run an entirely legitimate business." And a second, substantially less legitimate one, of course, but anyone dealing in illegal matters would have to be a rank fool to open a conversation with an inquisitive stranger that way.
Roman didn't bother to hide his interest in Cresswell's home as they stepped inside, curious if any of the benign looking objects might be magical or even cursed. But he reigned in his curiosity enough to laugh politely at Cresswell's comment about illegality, shaking his head. "No, of course not, nothing like that," He said with a small laugh, unable to keep his eyes from continuing to wander about the room. "I was actually after a mirror of some sort. A friend off Bleak Street thought you might be the one to talk to about finding one," Roman explained, folding his hands neatly back behind himself again. He doubted he was in any real danger here as long as he didn't start any trouble himself, but Roman still wanted to do his part to come across as non-threatening as possible. He could probably put in the time to source a few cursed items himself, but it was would be far easier if he could get Cresswell to help him, and for that, he needed to be trustworthy, or at least approachable enough to do business.
Rupert didn't lead Roman further than his front room, a room he wasn't near stupid enough to keep anything of real interest in. Rupert nodded with interest as the man continued, explaining what he was looking for. Mentioning connections in Bleak Street didn't necessarily lessen his suspicions; the center of illegal activity in this country was hardly difficult to find, and he didn't expect an undercover auror would be fool enough to miss that. The enquiry was interesting though, and Rupert nodded slowly. "What kind of mirror in particular, might I ask? I trade in a variety of objects of interest, and I'm happy to lend my services when it comes to any cursed item you may need curses removed from."
Roman kept his face pleasantly blank, tone friendly. He'd rather Cresswell think he was an idiot than a threat, but it was a hard line to toe, especially if Cresswell was the cautious type. His interest in Cresswell and his potential wares was genuine though, and Roman wasted no time going into more depth about what he was looking for, spurred on by the hope that Cresswell might actually be able to provide him with the sort of mirror he required. He also did note Cresswell's comment about curses, filing it away for later.

"I was specifically hoping to find a haunted mirror, if you happened to have any. I've rather been struggling with any sellers around the Harbour, New Zealand being as young a country as it is and all, it's hard to find a good haunting," Roman said, his enthusiasm clear. There was nothing technically illegal about owning or buying a haunted mirror, though it did rather depend perhaps on the nature of the spirit. And what Roman wanted it for definitely pushed the bounds of legality he was sure.
Rupert's eyebrows raised in interest as Roman explained what he was looking for, mind racing as he tried to figure out what on earth use there could be for such a thing. "I see...." Rupert said slowly, considering the matter. "Interesting, I can't say that's a request I've heard before." He commented, wracking his brain for which supplies he might be able to procure such an item from. "Haunted, specifically, not cursed or enchanted? And it has to be a mirror? Any size or style preferences?" He asked, crossing to his desk and quickly taking a few notes with a sleek black-feathered quill. "I may be able to source something, but you'd likely be in for quite a wait."

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