Closed A Fragile Little Flame

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Alicia Richelieu

Strong willed | Restless | Beaux transfer
OOC First Name
Knotted 13 1/2 Inch Swishy Dogwood Wand with Doxy Wing Core
5/2047 (15)
Alicia wasn't completely inexperienced when it came to romance, but she had never gone to a ball with someone before. She had known about the dances at Hogwarts beforehand, so she had brought a dress, but she had never thought she would get asked out by a cute girl. A cute girl who also happened to be her only close friend here so far. Alicia knew it was risky, starting to date someone she liked as a friend too, but they were both Gryffindors so it made sense they took the risk. Alicia was waiting right outside the Great Hall, she smoothed down her skirt for the second time in the last minute, waiting for Marama to appear. She beamed when she saw her, raising her hand in greeting. Any doubts she had fell away as she saw her date. Marama looked beautiful, this was going to be a wonderful night.
A date. Her first date, and Marama was doing everything she could to keep herself together. She knew she shouldn't be as worried as she was - Alicia was great, and they always had a good time together. Why should this be any different? But it was, somehow, and Marama could feel it. She'd taken a lot longer on her hair than she usually would, and as happy as she was with the result, Marama regretted it a little as she rushed down to the spot they had agreed to meet, glad that she wasn't late-late. Alicia had beaten her there though, and Marama's face was a little flushed as she met the older girl, grinning nervously. "Hey..."
Alicia was floored when she took in Marama's appearance. She looked so good, her makeup making her look very mature and grown-up in Alicia's eyes. She wasn't very good at things like that, and normally she didn't mind, but right now she wondered if she looked plain next to Marama. She pushed the thought away, giving the younger girl a bright smile. "Wow, you look amazing." She said, reaching for her hand. "Let's go in. Do you want to dance? Or should we get something to eat or drink first?" She asked her as she started leading her into the great hall.
Marama beamed, face flushing at Alicia's compliment. "So do you..." She beamed, heart hiccuping slightly. She linked hands with the older girl, heart feeling light as they entered the hall. "I don't mind, either or is good." She looked around, spotting her brother twirling his boyfriend around the dancefloor, impressed he had managed to drag Emery that far. "Maybe get something to drink first, so we don't wear ourselves out?"
Alicia squeezed her hand and took in the great hall for a moment, smiling brightly at the winter wonderland in front of them. It was beautiful and reminded her of Christmas at home. She followed Marama's gaze and laughed. "Your brother looks like he's having fun." She said, glancing at Marama. She nodded at her suggestion. "That sounds great." She said, starting to lead her over to a drinks table.
Marama laughed fondly and rolled her eyes at Rāwhiti. "Glad to see him a bit less gloomy." She smiled, going over to the table with Alicia. "He's been a mess since losing the last match." She confessed, though she was fairly sure Alicia must have noticed at practices. She looked over the table, determined not to let her brother distract her from her date. "Okay, have you ever tried feijoa juice?" She asked instead, much more interested in introducing Alicia to local delicacies.
Alicia nodded. "Yeah, I've noticed he has seemed down." She said, though that was a bit of an understatement. "It's nice to see him like this now." She added, glancing at them one more time before turning and looking at what Marama was doing. She shook her head at her question. "No, is it good?" She asked curiously, glad to have Marama with her. On her own, she probably would've just gone for the pumpkin juice, but it was nice to try new things.
Marama smiled fondly, looking at her brother again. "Yeah, it's kind of a relief." She said as she watched Rāwhiti almost trip like an idiot as he twirled around. She tore her eyes away from her brother after a moment though, determined to focus on her own date. Rāwhiti would be fine with Emery, even if Marama still didn't really understand why. "Oh man, it's great." She grinned, pouring them each a glass. "It's sort of sour and kind of... flowery? It's really good, you've just gotta try it." She grinned, taking a sip of her own glass.
Alicia smiled excitedly as Marama poured her a glass of juice, taking it from her as she finished. She took a sip and tilted her head as she processed the taste. Then she smiled brightly. "Not bad, not bad." She said after a beat. "Thanks for making me try new things." She added a bit more seriously as she took another sip. "This transfer has really helped me get out of my comfort zone a bit." She admitted.
It wasn't that nobody had asked Eluned to the ball. Well, all right, nobody had asked Eluned to the ball, but that was only because she'd diligently avoided talking to any boys in the week leading up to it. The thought of some kid's hand on her waist frankly made her want to hurl. Kissing? Totally out of the question. She would rather have written a two-thousand word History of Magic essay than make out with somebody. It was all just so... gross.

She refilled her glass with juice and sat down at a decorated table. Couples all around her danced and giggled and whispered in each others' ears. Was there something wrong with her? Why was she the only person who didn't seem to enjoy all that?

Her gaze drifted across to the drinks table, where Marama stood with an older girl whose name was escaping Ned. Date? she wondered. Or just friends? They were both very beautiful. She sipped her own drink, absentmindedly admiring Marama's hair. She could never get her own to look so silky.
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