Open A Floral Christmas

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Apolline Fontaine

eldest child
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Curved 14 Inch Rigid Aspen Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
09/2049 (13)
Apolline had seen the dress during the brightstone weekend and though it wasn't a floor length gown, or anything fancy like that, it was a pretty dress, with nice flowers on it, and she was wear little white heels that didn't overly hurt her feet. She was eager to get to dancing, eager to spend the time having a bit of fun and knowing that this would be a good celebration. She always enjoyed Christmas, and the yuleball the year before had been a really fun experience.
Jean Lancaster-Snow would not have bothered to attend the dance, but he heard through the grapevine that Apolline Fontaine would make an appearance. So, he dressed up in some of the very best dress robes that his father got for him a week ago. He made his way into the Great Hall, and looked around to see if he could see her. And when he did see her, he had to pause. She really did look beautiful. Not overly done. Could he approach her? Jean let out a sigh, bringing up whatever courage he had in him, and approached the daughter of the Minister for Magic. "Hi, Apolline."
Apolline glanced up at the voice, a familiar and welcome one. She had thought maybe Caius would approach her, but in the end she was quite glad to see Jean. She liked the other boy a lot and was eager to at least spend a little time with him. "Hi Jean," she said with an almost nervous smile. "You look nice, those dress robes suit you," she complimented easily.
Jean thought that the dress robes worked well. He did take after his mother so he thought that he looked better than his dad. At least he did not get hand-me-downs of those. Lucien would never allow it. "You look amazing, as always. Oh, I'm not interrupting a date, am I?" Jean asked since he did not want to cause her any sort of drama. He knew that some of his family members could be extremely jealous. Jean was not like that though. He was more respectful.
Apolline blushed deeply at the compliment, she liked her dress, she thought she looked good in it. It was however another thing for someone else to say that she looked good, to compliment her. She shook her head. "Oh no," she said quickly. "No," she repeated herself a little, but was saying it to be clear. "Am I?" she asked, she couldn't see him with anything, but she was sure this was also the first time she'd ever seen him at the dance.
Jean was definitely relieved that she was not here with someone, but he tried hard not to smile too much - not that he could hide how his eyes lit up with delight. She did not have a date, but he did not ask her either - maybe he should do that next time. "Nope, didn't ask anyone. I thought about it, but I delayed too much." Jean did not want to say that he was wanting to ask her, but now it sounded like he was going to ask someone else and maybe that person had a date now, not that he was thinking about asking Apolline herself.
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