A Few Girls

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Jacob Holland

Moutohora Macaws Coach | Animagus Wolf | Daddy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Irene's ♥
Okay I'm young 15 to be exact and I need to have fun with a few girls before I ever settle down. If you want to know about Jake, I don't mind telling but for now I just need about three girls. They can range from the age 14-17. Just to tell you a little bit about Jake future, he's gonna be a beater for a quiddtich team. But it might be for a team in Puerto Rico. In honour of his passed mother home country, he will be making a team in Puerto Rico. Of course they will be known only in the wizaring community world. Anybody interested?
Hehe, this is perfect!

i have a character, her name is Sanctuari Ellison. She just moved to NZ with her foster parents, from Honduras. She is sweet, naive, and very believing. She is likely to get walked all over in a relationship; though she isn't clingy. Seh's 15, maybe 16 now; so if you want, she could be a flirty girl; possibly a relationship.
Ah she doesn't sound bad. Even better since she Spanish. So if you like to start something or I shall it be great! I just need two more, Jake right now honestly doesn't know what he wants so he's bit free spirited. Until the times comes for him to realise what he wants.
Awesome, can you please start it for me?? :D

Thank you!!
awesome, thanks again! :D
No problems. Any plastic interested?? I need a few argumentive chicks to tick Jake off??
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