🌹 Rose Giving A Favorable Flower

Hazel Ashworth

🧵Quirky | Bright | Try-Hard | Fashion Designer📸
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 10 Inch Flexible Birch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
6/2049 (12)
Yellow rose for @Morrie Ayre

Hazel had intended to just give Morrie her rose later when she saw her in the dorms, but when she saw her roommate as she was crossing the courtyard, Hazel headed over to her. She adjusted the brightly colored rose headband on her head and beamed. "Hey, you have a rose." She said. Morrie wasn't Hazel's favorite person, but she believed in being nice even when the other person wasn't. Besides, surely not even Morrie could be grumpy on a day like this. "It's yellow," she added helpfully as she started digging around for it.
Being by the lake hadn't deterred a rose delivery so Morrie decided to retreat to her dormitory and hide there instead. She was making her way through the courtyard when Hazelnut, one of her dorm mates, approached her. Morrie huffed, "Fine, hand it over then," she said impatiently, crossing her arms while the girl rummaged around, looking for the rose.
Hazel's smile didn't waver, even as Morrie was rude to her. She found the yellow rose and handed it over to her. "You're lucky someone out there apparently likes grumpy girls." She said with a grin. "Hope you enjoy it!"

Dear Moaning Morrie,
I am facinated by how someone can be so dumb and acting like an wild beast all of the time.
Keep this up, it's entertaining.
Morrie found Hazelnut's sunny disposition irksome. "Grumpy? That's rude. I'll go straight to Castillo and report you for bullying if you keep that up!" she snapped, snatching the rose from her hands. "Oh, I won't," she added dryly as she opened the note to read the message.

"Ha, another one where they're too much of a coward to sign their name," she scoffed. She crumpled the note, then threw the note and the rose to the ground and stomped on them both.
Hazel rolled her eyes and smiled. "Calling you grumpy isn't bullying, it's just a statement of fact." She teased. Then she blinked when Morrie said she wouldn't enjoy it, then frowned as she mentioned a coward and stomped on her note. "Wait- was it a mean note?" She asked. "Have people been bullying you with these roses?" She asked, suddenly concerned. Morrie may be grumpy, but she didn't deserve that.
Morrie wasn't upset, just heightened in her anger, but stomping on the rose made her feel a little better. She looked at Hazel, unsure how to take her. "Yeah, well, I'm not surprised. Just confirms what I already knew - that everyone hates me at this school." She looked at Hazel for her reaction, expecting her to agree.
Hazel frowned at Morrie's words, stepping a little closer. "What? I don't hate you- surely this is just one or two jerks with nothing better to do." She said, frowning down at the rose. "Did they sign their name? Do you know who it was? We could tell Professor Castillo, I'll back you up." She said urgently.
Morrie's scowl stayed firmly in place, the kind that kept people at a distance, which was exactly how she wanted it. At least, she thought she did. She snorted, not believing a word Hazel was saying. "Yeah, right. You all hate me in the dorm. Summer told me herself." Morrie probably shouldn't bring Summer into this, especially since she had sent her a less than kind rose herself. She shook her head, "They're not signed." she muttered, her anger simmering just below the surface. "But revenge would be sweet."
Hazel faltered as Morrie spoke, she knew Morrie and Summer disliked each other, but it still shocked her to hear that Summer said that. She bit her lip. "I don't hate you, I don't hate anyone." She said with a small shrug. "I'm sorry for calling you grumpy, I was trying to tease you in a friendly way- I didn't want to make you feel bad." She added. Then, hesitantly, she asked. "Did Summer really say that?" She glanced at the note again, a horrible thought crossing her mind. Surely she wouldn't have sent a note like that too?
Morrie gave Hazel the bizarrest look, she couldn't fathom that she didn’t hate anyone. For Morrie, it was the opposite, she could easily reel off all the people she hated. How could Hazel say she didn't hate anyone when there were so many people around here to hate? Then she asked if Summer had really said that, and Morrie hesitated. Summer had definitely told Morrie she didn’t like her, but did she really speak for everyone else? Maybe not. But it was easier to believe she did. Morrie nodded, "Yeah, and she said all I do is moan and make problems." That part she definitely did say.

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