Closed A Familiar Face

Eugene Nestor

passionate; musician
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (Renata <3)
Sexual Orientation
Renata <3
Knotted 13" Sturdy Pear Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
09/2041 (19)
Eugene was settling in for the year ahead. He knew that this would be a much better year already. He had his new apprentice with him in Accio, which was a lot of work now, but would pay off quickly. It did mean he was running just a little late for Lunch. Most of the hall had cleared out already and there were just a few people sitting still eating. he did wish the lunch time was on a little longer, given that he so often forgot about it, or was late to it, but he knew that most people weren't late for it. It was though as he went to sit at the Hufflepuff table that sat at the Ravenclaw table, that he spotted someone familiar. Eugene hadn't seen her in a little while, and hoped that it wasn't just because he'd been so busy. She had transferred out, he was sure. Eugene approached her and sat down in front. ”hey Crystal, when did you come back?” he greeted warmly now facing who was definitely an old and good friend to him.
Crystal was glad to be back on Hogwarts New Zealand. At least she could walk the halls without having to be scared that someone would put an prank on her. Forced her to do their homework, people secretly giggle when she walked by. Or some days completly got ignored. She was back and had already spoken to Louis and her dormmates weren't so bad either. But pretending someone you weren't was also exhausting. It was asked to face fears, and fighting against an devil inside your head who was telling all kind of stuff what people would think of you. And sometimes hard to tell which was right and which was completly wrong. But this would be an new start. An new Crystal and new goals to achieve.

So as the white blonde found her way to the great hall to get some lunch. Usually an thing the blonde liked to avoid with many people staring at eachother while eating. And as she went sitting down, seeing some of the food. It made her think of the humiliating moments where her hair wasn't so white blonde anymore but more red covered with food. Crystal tried to shake away the past memories and smiled to her fellow Ravenclaws as she took some bread. As she took the first bite, suddenly someone went sitting in front of her. Her heart raced for an moment as she tried to hold her face straight and confident. But than as she looked up and saw the face of someone who seemed familliar. He knew her. The blonde actually smiled noticing it was Eugene. '' Eugene? Hi!'' Crystal said happily. It was really nice to see him just as she had seen Louis. But part of her was scared, what if he thought strange of her. He did noticed her being gone at least. '' Just recently.'' Crystal replied. She would spend the last two years of her education here and it was the best choice for sure. '' It's good to see you.'' The blonde than added.
Eugene smiled easily at Crystal as she greeted him. He was very happy to see her, she was great. He was glad that his business in the last year hadn't prevented him from realising she was actually back. He'd have felt pretty bad if she'd been back like six months and this was him just noticing. "it's good to see you too," he told her. "Where did you go?" he asked, very curious about where she'd been and what she had been up to. Sure that it had been interesting and cool.
Crystal watched Eugene trying to look at his face, to see something truth. But it was so hard to tell, and people had been letting her lose her mind over trusting people. But she would just have to go along with it all and it wouldn't help her if she thought he was lying, so she had to believe it was true. And it wasn't fair to Eugene, he had always been kind to her before. But now they were teenagers and that was something different. Smiling quickly at his response as she figured she could use some friends here. And as she looked at his badge, she noticed the prefect badge. Something she could ever dreamed off. But she wasn't good enough for that. '' I transfered to Hogwarts Scotland.'' The white blonde explained. Figuring to directly just tell the reason, so it was like she had practiced over and over. '' My parents wanted to have me closer to England and figured it was an nice opportunity to take.'' The blonde said. It felt bad blaming her parents, but some of it was true. They didn't mind having her closer, but it was actually her decision. And how stupid she was than and regretting her choice. '' But I've decided to come back. How great it even was, I wanted to graduate at the same school as my cousins had.'' She added to it, lying ofcourse about the part how great it was. The coming back part was very true.
Eugene thought it must've been so cool to transfer to Hogwarts Scotland. "What was it like?" he asked curiously, "Were you in the same house as here?" he followed it up with, thinking it would be pretty cool if she hadn't been. Though equally if she had. He didn't know much about the other school just that it was pretty similar to this one. He wondered if being close like that had helped her and her family. Because even being close kids were still away most of the year. "I'm glad you're back," he told her. "And it'll be nice to all graduate together," he said, they were still a little away from it, but it was getting close.
As the blonde took some orange juice she was glad that Eugene just believed what she said. But he was now asking as she had already knew people would. And how it was, ofcourse she got taken back for an moment. But put on her smile as she practiced and would let people believe otherwise. '' It was amazing..'' The blonde said.And than continued figuring to tell some more details so it had to look like the truth. '' It's a lot like this place. And I've made a lot of friends, so them I have to miss.'' Crystal added. And that was good enough for her, and he could ask away. But she wanted to focus on now and here.'' I was in Ravenclaw as well indeed.'' Crystal still had prefered to be in Gryffindor like most of her cousins, but she could have be placed anywhere the sorting hat told her. She had some of it all so tried to hold on to that. Smiling as he mentioned that he was glad she was back. '' Thanks. I'm glad too.'' Crystal said and sighted. It was kind of an relief ofcourse, although she hoped things wouldn't turn around badly again. '' So what did I miss?'' Crystal said putting her hands over eachother after taking an sip of her orange juice.
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Eugene was very, very curious about what the other school was like, and he was curious about what it would make it different from this one. What would set it and them apart. He knew the other school a whole lot more history than this one did, and had been around so much longer than them. ”That's cool!” he said. ”That is so cool, Ravenclaw twice!” the boy exclaimed to her. ”Oh not too much, I'm a prefect, you have a new girl in your dorm, well, she's not really new though, she arrived in third year. Slytherin won the house cup a couple of times. We got close but, not enough,” He said laughing lightly, ”But I don't know much else,” Eugene had never been one for knowing the gossip, he was usually too busy for it.
She smiled as he seemed to like what she told. And for an moment she actually believed it. How could he lie? But an voice in her head told her to watch out. To protect her from getting hurt again. '' Yeah I guess. It's fine.'' At least there was someone who was excited about Ravenclaw. As he told her about what she missed she already had noticed him being prefect, that was nice. '' Oh wow congrats.'' The blonde said to him about his prefect thing. Crystal than figured trying to impress him. '' I was prefect last year too in Scotland. But it didn't hold me back from going here.'' She than explained with an smile. It was an lie, but it could be. As that was it all she had missed stuff, but not too much. Or perhaps Eugene didn't noticed too much. '' And how are you? Who do you hang out with mostly?'' Crystal asked him, wondering if people she had knew were his friends or that he had others who she perhaps could meet too.
Eugene was surprised that she had been prefect while at the other school and still chosen to come back to this school. ”Oh wow, congrats Crystal,” he told her, even if she hadn't held on to it. He didn't put too much stock into prefect positions, thought he wouldn't lie and say he wasn't proud of his one. It was nice to have it. Nice to be considered for it. ”Oh I'm good, I've been really busy so this year I'm aiming to take it a bit easier. I still have the band, with Nolan and Manaia. I spent time with Bella and Sky in the arts club – I run it with her, we have fun,” he said, listing the people he spent the most amount of time with, not realizing how many of those were Hufflepuffs.
Crystal was glad that he seemed to believe her. And she had trained hard in front of an mirror at home to try and be confident. Her mother even helped her. '' Thanks.'' She replied with an smile. As he explained what stuff he was doing and who he hanged out with the blonde tried to remember if she knew some names. But she didn't knew for sure. '' Sounds good. I can't remember if I ever met them.'' Crystal than said and smiled shortly. '' I did saw Louis outside already.'' She mentioned wondering if they ever spend time with the three of them, but wasn't sure. Her adventures in the forbidden forest were with Gryffindors mostly she remembered. '' I'm gonna join Heta Omega again.'' She than mentioned since she figured that was good to be at the club her cousins were once and she had been in her first years here.
Eugene shrugged a little. ”You probably met Charlie, but maybe not the others.” he wasn't sure. He couldn't remember when exactly she had left to figure out if she might've met them, but he was sure that she'd have met at least Charlie. Maybe. ”Oh Louis!” He knew the other boy, didn't know him well, but he seemed pretty good and nice. ”Oh that's nice, that's good fun, and it's good to get involved,” he told her. ”Could I persuade you to also join the arts club? I run the music section of it, but we have an arts section and some people do cooking with it. It's really fun,” he told her.
As he mentioned the name Charlie she figured there rang an bell, but it had been some time too. So she just nodded. It wasn't suprising that he did know Louis. Crystal figured people would know the people in class, but some knew eachother more than others. And Louis had been an person you couldn't miss, so she figured it was not bad to hang out with him too. In a way Crystal had been thinking of boys, as she had heard girls in Scotland speaking of boys in another way than friends. She wondrerd if the people here were busy with that and all. She hoped someone would like her in that way too. But wasn't really confident. It was already hard to trust someone as an friend, so that was just another level too. Joining the arts club was perhaps fun, but Crystal would want to join cool stuff. She had to see what was cool and not, she couldn't use something that put an label on her direcrly. '' Perhaps. I shall think about it.'' The blonde than said with an smile. Crystal did made up her mind about something. '' I do want to try out for Quidditch. Do you play?'' She than asked him.
Eugene smiled at her and nodded, ”it's good fun.” he said, since it was good fun. Perhaps he was a little biased, given that he helped run it, and he'd enjoyed it since day one. The Hufflepuff had been part of the club since he had been able to. It was just a good room and place to practice his music. ”Oh god, no,” he replied, laughing lightly. He didn't have the time, really, and he wasn't good at flying. ”I'm not a good flyer and don't really have the time. I run the yearbook, so between that and everything else I do not have the time,” he might've had the time at some point, but he also wasn't very good at it. ”I'm sure you'll do awesome, though. What position will you play?”
Since it seemed Eugene would like to have her at the club she felt nice about that. But next to Heta Omega and Quidditch she figured it would be busy. Since she had in mind what she wanted to do after Hogwarts she needed good grades as well. So it was a lot of pressure to deal with. Crystal smiled shortly as it seemed he didn't liked quidditch at all. It made her wonder if it was cool after all, but it was not ment for everyone perhaps. '' Sounds busy for sure.'' The blonde than replied. Wondering how it was to work at the yearbook. She really would need an good photo for sure. Not one where everyone would laugh at, like they had done in Scotland. '' Thanks. I would like to play as keeper.'' Crystal than said to him. It seemed like the position that suited the most. Beater was nothing for her and that would be an good match than to be cooler, but not if she would get hit by the bludger herself many times before even hitting it. And scoring didn't seemed something for her too as she was too afraid to miss everything. '' Do you already have an idea what costume to wear for Halloween?'' The blonde than asked. It was still far but she didn't want to be dressed like an fool.
Eugene smiled at her, and nodded, ”I was busier last year, but I've cut things back,” he did say, assuring her in a way that he wasn't too busy. He knew that he was telling someone who hadn't been there when he had been very, very busy. But he just wanted to be sure she knew that he would never be too busy if she needed an old friend to spend time with. ”Oh nice!” Eugene replied, he though keeper was a cool position, but admittedly he didn't know a lot about quidditch, just enough to be able to enjoy the matches. ”I don't have a costume….costumes are expensive,” he said a little awkwardly. ”So I mostly go in whatever I can in my clothes. Do you have a costume yet?” Eugene asked.
Crystal wondrered why last year was more busy than this year. And normally she would just have that thought in her mind, but now she asked. '' What did you all have on your plate?'' Crystal asked him curiously. She was mostly busy with running away from her bullies and trying to figure out how to escape that hell. She smiled as he seemed to like what she suggested as position for quidditch. As Eugene was just straight forward about him not having an costume she kind of felt for him. And in a way she knew he was all honest, and that made her think again of how much trouble she had of believing people and their intentions. But as he said this to her, he had to be honest right? She had two idea's herself. And since her family was in the fashion it wasn't hard for them to make her an costume. Perhaps she could ask them to make one for Eugene too. '' Oh.. yeah. If you like I can ask my mom. If you say what you like she can make it?'' Crystal knew her mother could design too, she wasn't as good as Evelyn but she worked with her and brought in some ideas too. But she had put a lot of thought into it to make an good comeback here. '' I think as queen. My cousin had made an beautiful dress.'' Crystal than said kind of feeling proud of her cousin. But how people would like it was an question mark.
Eugene gave a light chuckle, ”Well, it was being a prefect, OWLs, running Accio!, doing all the work for Accio, then also being the co-leader of the arts club and the music leader, then my band and music,” he said, knowing he was doing almost the same now, just it was a little more spread out, and he now had specific help to do things. ”I didn't balance it well,” he said honestly. Knowing that some of his stress could've been avoided if he'd just been a little better at balancing everything. The teen shook his head lightly, it was a kind offer, but he didn't think it was really all that necessary. ”Oh it's okay,” he said, ”I tend to work on Accio so I don't have time to 'enjoy it',” he said. It would be cool to have a costume, and he was sure he'd use it time and again, but still. The teen nodded. ”You'd make a great queen!” he told her excitedly, thinking that Crystal would be good as a question. ”Is dress making the sort of thing your cousin does?”

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