Open A failed attempt to be social

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Zagreus Kohler

loner + finding his voice + german
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 15 Inch Rigid Aspen Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
9/2043 (16)
Zagreus hadn't made much of an effort to actually attend any of the dances before. He just wasn't much of a dancer or a sociable person, and simply didn't think he would enjoy it very much. But this year he was trying to be better, actually making an attempt to go to the Valentine's dance. Not that he had gone with anyone and now he was there he was just standing awkwardly off to the side by himself. He didn't really feel like asking anyone to dance, and just hanging around by the food meant he was most likely going to stand there all night and just pity eat. Which meant he was just standing off to the side, hands in his pockets and rather unsure of what to do with himself now he was actually here. Maybe no one would notice if he just left again. It was not like anyone was waiting for him to arrive.
Yuelia tended to avoid the social events, especially of late when she was more wrapped up in duelling and focusing on that over her studies, which wasn't exactly helpful. But she had wanted to get out of her dorm room, and the duelling chambers were pretty dark and intimidating at night, and her stomach was starting to rumble, so she'd headed up to the dance. She felt overwhelmed by the sheer volume of people there once she was in the room, so had quickly darted to the side of the hall, trying to get her bearings. Though she hadn't paid much attention, turning her head to face a boy next to her. "Sorry...I hope I am not in your way..." she said, softly, barely loud enough to be heard. "I just...need a moment."
Zagreus hadn't said anything when a younger girl appeared through the ground and decided to come and stand next to him. Wasn't any of his business as far as he was concerned. Though the way she spoke did get his attention, tilting his head just a fraction s a small frown creased his brow. "It's, um... okay," he supposed, he didn't mind her standing there if she wanted to. But there was a more pressing question at the forefront of his mind. "Are you okay?" If he had to guess, she seemed quite a bit overwhelmed by everything. It was a look he recognized from himself years ago back when he was even more awkward around people. Not that all much had changed for him, but at least he wasn't too put off by large crowds of people anymore.
Yuelia nodded. How pathetic was it to be overwhelmed by crowds, or dark and confined spaces? She was at her best in duels, and that was dealing with other people, but crowds were something else entirely. "There are a lot of people here," she said, although that was pretty obvious to anyone who had eyes. "I never thought Valentine's was such a big deal." She tilted her head at the older boy, a little curious about him but not wanting to bother him too much. "Were you...waiting for someone?"
"Mmm, there are," he easily agreed with that statement, letting his eyes wander the room for just a moment. He would reckon that most of the student body had decided to show up for this dance, so a lot of people were to be expected at an event like this. "I think most people don't care about the Valentines side," he also had to offer with a shrug, "They just want an excuse to dance around and eat food like it's a party." Which he supposed was understandable in its own way if you were into that kind of thing. Then, he shook his head. "No."
Yuelia drew in a breath, trying not to be overwhelmed and steady herself a little. How was she ever supposed to be impressive if situations like these made her nervous? She had a black fabric rose with her to give to Emrys if she found him, but she didn't want to go through the crowd looking. She pointed at some couples around. "There's a few people kissing or dancing really close," she said, as though that mattered to point out. It seemed some cared about the valentine's side. "The food is nice. Logically not coming here would mean no food I guess."
Hopefully just standing there and having a chill conversation would help the girl calm down a bit. Zagreus knew how overwhelming this could be if you weren't used to large crowds of people and so many noises and smells. "I did say most people," he offered with a small chuckle. The girl did have a point, some people were quite a fan of this romantic vibe and were making the most of it with their significant others. "But not coming does have its benefits. It means the rest of the castle is pretty much empty."
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