Closed A Dreamy Night

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Alice Briar

🌼 Social | Energetic | Optimistic | 2053 grad 🌼
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Elliot)
Curly 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Mahogany Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
3/2035 (28)
Alice had been delighted to be asked to the ball by Phineas, especially after she had misinterpreted his jokes. She had thought he didn't like her, but it turned out that he did! Now she was on her very first date, and Alice was thrilled. She had asked Diana to help her with her dress and her hair, and felt like she was looking quite beautiful. Her older sister wasn't always the most patient, but she knew how to dress up for parties. Alice was now waiting for her date near the entrance of the great hall, nervously playing with her necklace while looking around for any sign of him. Hopefully he would turn up soon, she wanted to go in and dance with him. It was so nice to finally have a date of her own, and not be the only one of her sisters to go by herself.
Finn was more excited than he was willing to let on that Alice Holland was his date for the Yule Ball. The Minister's daughter!! He was practically, like, a celebrity already. Uno was going to be super jealous!! Throwing on his suit just a few minutes before he was due to meet Alice, Finn combed a bit of gel through his hair and called it quits. He didn't really need to impress her - it was obvious she fancied him already. He swung out of the door and jogged through the dungeons, nerves suddenly hitting him as he emerged in the entrance hall. There she was. His breath hitched in his throat. She really was pretty - not in a memorable way, but still pretty. He smiled sheepishly as he walked the last distance to meet her. "Hey, ready to go in? I'm so hungry - like, how long ago was dinner? A million years, lol."
Alice's eyes lit up as she saw Phineas approach, and a bright smile spread over her face as she noticed how nice he looked. He had dressed up, for her! It was just as she had imagined, and that made her happy. Alice had always been a bit of a romantic at heart, and had imagined her first date many times. She hoped this would be fun, even if she knew it wouldn't live up to any fantasies she may have had. "Hey! I am." She said brightly. "You look nice." She giggled at his comment. "There's always tons of snacks at these events, lets go get some." Alice was glad to have a purpose. She wouldn't mind dancing, but she wasn't sure if Phineas would want to. Maybe she would ask after they chatted and ate some snacks.
Finn hurried quickly into the hall, afraid Alice would see his blush. He guessed it was probably polite to tell her she looked nice, too, but he didn't think he was going to be able to without his voice cracking, so that was that. Once inside the hall, which had been transformed into a beautiful winter wonderland, Finn made a bee-line for the snack table and grabbed a handful of snowflake-shaped cheese biscuits. He wondered whether Uno was here yet. A quick glance failed to find her, so he turned back to Alice, giving her a sheepish smile. What did people normally do on dates? Was this a date? Finn shoved another biscuit in his mouth, holding the rest out for Alice to take one. Suddenly a girl in the most beautiful dress Finn had ever seen walked past; the fabric almost seemed to glisten like real snow. "Wow," said Finn, watching her walk away. "That's a nice dress."
Alice had to admit she was kind of hoping for a compliment in return, as she had worked hard on her appearance and had put a lot of effort into it. But when Phineas didn't say anything, she simply followed him into the hall. She wasn't surprised when he headed to the snack table, and watched as he grabbed some cheese biscuits. She wasn't quite sure what else to say now, as he had been quite for a little while. She was relieved when he smiled at her and offered her a biscuit, glad he hadn't forgotten she was there. "Thanks, are they good?" She asked as she took one from him. But before she could try it, she noticed him watch a girl in a beautiful dress, his gaze following her as she passed. Alice's throat felt dry as he complimented her dress, then she glanced down at her own for a brief moment before looking at the girl who had passed. Suddenly, she felt like none of this was right. Why hadn't he said anything nice about her, or really anything to her at all, only to compliment another girl when she walked past? Alice broke the biscuit in half and looked at the two pieces in her hands. So far, this wasn't really going how she imagined. "Yeah." She said after way too long a pause, as she didn't know what else to say.
"Yeah!" Finn said happily, spraying bits of biscuit everywhere. "Oops." He wiped his mouth and looked around again, wondering where Uno had got to. He expected Alice to agree more enthusiastically about the girl's dress, and frowned instead at her half-hearted reply. Why was she...? Oh. Right. Alice was his date to the Yule Ball, and all he'd done so far was eat biscuits and check out other girls. "Wanna dance?" he suggested, dropping his leftover snacks back in the bowl and then beckoning her towards the dance floor. Maybe he'd find Uno there. He couldn't wait to see the look on her face.
Alice's shoulders were a little drooped, but she was trying to keep smiling. She placed the pieces of biscuit back on the table before looking at Phineas, who was wiping his mouth and looking around the room. He wasn't giving her as much attention as she would have liked, and she wondered if perhaps he didn't like her. That would be sad, but it would explain why he was looking at other girls. Right as she wondered if they should just call it quits, he asked her if she wanted to dance and her heart skipped a beat. Perhaps he did like her. She hadn't expected him to want to dance with her. "Yes, I'd like to." She said, her smile becoming more genuine as she followed him to the dance floor. She was too shy to take his hand, but placed her hand on his arm as she followed him.
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