Closed A "Double" Date

Kieran Borisyuk

middle triplet
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
In an Open Relationship
Sexual Orientation
Poly with Vanessa & Liliana
Kieran Borisyuk could hardly, and he meant hardly, believe that Kaelan got married to a woman named Lilah Styx the previous December. And apparently, not long after, she was giving Kieran another niece or nephew. Kieran was just happy that his brothers were happy with their lives, having children, and being with their one true loves. Kieran, on the other hand, was taking his life in another direction. The middle brother was the referee, and somehow, he did not end up with just one beautiful woman at his side, but two. He was not sure if he was in love with them yet, but he knew that it was getting there. Vanessa Denton-Raven and Liliana Fuentes. After losing his wife, Kieran never thought that he would settle down - which was probably why he had two girlfriends.

If either of them wanted to get married, they would have to find a country or somewhere that would allow him to have multiple wives, and them to have a wife and a husband. Kieran did not know the laws and was not going to do research unless either one of the women wanted a ring on their finger. He shoved that thought out of his head as he walked with them to Italy to try this pizza place that Vanessa went on and on about. Kieran was just glad that they were in a magical place. He would never understand cravings though, that was for certain.
"No but listen, I'm telling you," she says, gesturing wildly down the street as they head down a particularly sharp turn. "This pizza is going to ruin your life, honestly, because you'll only ever want it from here for the rest of it. When my Uncle brought me here for the first time," she closes her eyes at the memory, her mouth salivating already just thinking about it. "I've never eaten pizza from anywhere else since because it's just not the same and they make it right in front of your face. Best pizza joint in the world. Best thing is it's magical too, so you don't even have to wait that long for it, you go in, order it and that's basically that, you know?" She says again, cackling slightly to herself. Man, they're going to love this place as much as she does, good thing they can apparate and use portkeys otherwise they would all be broke from all the plane tickets.
Liliana watched, amused, as Van went on and on about the pizza place that she'd decided to take them to. Honestly, pizza sounded very heavenly right now. She'd been having trouble keeping anything down in the last couple of weeks, and the mention of pizza had been the first that her stomach actually grumbled in approval rather than in utter loathing. If this is the preview of the next nine months, then Lili was seriously considering a refund. Well, not that either of her lovers were aware yet of the little nugget that decided to take up residence within her. She'd only just found out herself yesterday. Well. She'd already suspected for a week now. But yesterday was when she'd finally faced the music and downed that potion to test for pregnancy. And it was official. She was pregnant. She hadn't gone for a check-up yet. But she had sent in a notice to work, considering curse-breaking was definitely not a job for a pregnant lady. She was going to be stuck on desk duty, paperwork, and research for the foreseeable future apparently. Which brings her back to now. It was obvious that she should really tell both Kieran and Van of the current circumstances but she was heavily procrastinating on it. Maybe after pizza. Priorities and all that. "This pizza better be the stuff of gods because I am starving Van. I need food like yesterday."
Vanessa's excitement only made Kieran even more attracted to her. She was so lovely that he could hardly stand it. Same with Liliana. How did he ever get so lucky? "So, you are saying that we will want to live here half of the time, just for the pizza? I doubt it, Nessie," Kieran jested with a big smile on his face. Good thing they were all magical, otherwise it might be hard to fit his gigantic butt on an airplane. He'd never fit in one. Even if he took something to make himself closer to average. His green eyes gazed over to Liliana and wondered if she was feeling better. She didn't look 100% lately, and never once considered that she might be with child. He had been around his nephew and niece, but never the mother when she was pregnant. Kieran's smile faded when Liliana mentioned she needed food yesterday, "Wait, you didn't eat at all? Lili I would have brought you something if that were the case. I'd bring it to your work if I had to." Kieran didn't know anything about curse breakers, but everyone needed a good meal, at least three!
"No, no, I'm not kidding, listen, I grew up on this stuff, I'm half Italian, trust me when I tell you this is the best thing you'll ever eat - at least in terms of pizza. They make it soooo good, and you can fold it and eat a whole pizza in one go, honestly it's divine," she said, almost salivating at the thought. If she hadn't been hungry earlier, she was definitely hungry now. She then shook her head and threw her arm lovingly over Lili's shoulder. "That's not what she means big guy, it's an expression... right?" She asked turning to Lily, just to make sure. She wouldn't want to think that Lily actually hadn't eaten, especially as they were at her inn before this and she would have had someone make her something. People didn't leave her presence and not eat something, it just wasn't done. Even with her moving to New Zealand to be closer to Kieran and Lily, that didn't mean that she would have been happy to know that Lily just forgot to eat. "Doesn't matter, either way, we should be there soon and we can all eat a pizza each.. maybe two in your case," she said looking back at Kieran with a grin.
"It's an expression big guy," Lili assured Kieran - he was such a worrywart. And it didn't help at all that even Van was riding on that worry when it was really up to them to be the levelheaded ones in this relationship. Or at least Lili liked to think so. Who even knew really? "I ate earlier," she insisted because otherwise they would never be done with this particular conversation. Well, sure she hadn't really managed to keep it down, curse morning sickness that didn't stay in the mornings, but that was all semantics. She was really looking forward to this pizza and the two loves of her life were not going to stop her from getting it. She might just end up cursing them, which really was bad form for a curse breaker. Hunger and hormones did not mix well, she supposed. She did laugh though at Vanessa telling her to eat two pizzas. She didn't even think she could finish one on a good day. Two was definitely impossible. "I can't eat two whole pizzas Van," she chortles as they walked. Sure she was eating for two now, but she doubted the growing baby inside her was actually going to help her digest both pizzas should Van and Kieran ever decide to shove them down her throat after worrying that she hadn't eaten at all.
Kieran really wondered if the pizza was that good or not. But he felt that he could most certainly have a whole pie or two. The part-giant could put away food. He needed a lot of protein to maintain his figure. He was also monstrously tall. Still, Kieran was worried about Lili. "I can't help it. I just want my girl healthy. Both my girls." Kieran shifted his eyes over to Lili, even though she said that she ate already, she still seemed to be hungry. Did she have a huge appetite before? Or maybe she just did not eat enough. That could have been it easily. Kieran kept his pace slow though, so that he did not step on either of them. He had walked along with average humans many a time. He was extra cautious about walking with Lili and Nessie. "If you can't, I'll take the extra. Or we can box it up and save it for later. Might need it after we are done here." Kieran stuck his hands into his pockets of his pants. "I almost feel like this is celebrating something. Did someone here get a promotion?"
"Well I did move from the Cannons to the Kea, but nothing other than that, there aren't really any promotions in Quidditch, although Mum says I can grow the Inn in New Zealand if I want to." So she felt like that might also mean a celebration, but she got the feeling that wasn't really what Kieran was talking about and so she turned to look at Lilana, "did you get a promotion?" As a curse-breaker she might have had more to get promoted into, but she didn't think Kieran had much options promotion wise either and Liliana was the only one of them who worked in a job linked with the Ministry, even if it probably required more travel than most ministry.​
"Are there no captains in pro Quidditch?" Liliana asked curiously. She was familiar with the sport enough to know the rules and how to play, but the nuances between amateur Quidditch and professional Quidditch was lost on her. She knew that captains existed in school teams and though the teams had coaches, shouldn't they still have captains? "And I think being offered the reins to the inn definitely counts as a promotion," she commented as she thought about new possibilities if Van was given full management of the inn. "Maybe I could help with managing for a while," she offered. While Lili wasn't anywhere close to quitting her curse breaker job, being on duty meant she would, more often than not, be just sitting on a desk and working on files and research. Things that she usually brought home anyway. With her being out of the field for a while, it would probably be best to just bring the work home instead of her being cooped up in the office. While being cooped up in the inn didn't sound any better, at least she would have options. "Of sorts," she said with a shrug as they finally arrived at the pizza place. "Food. Please," she half-begged, half-laughed at her companions as she took a seat.
Kieran wondered if Nessa really wanted to grow the Inn or not. She seemed to like she might be into her Quidditch a bit more. But that was not really a promotion so much as just more work. So, he turned his green eyes to Lila and see if she had a promotion. Kieran did not have one with what he did for a living, though he thought about opening a huge greenhouse for all the plants and herbs he could think of growing in there. "I think that is what a coach for. But I am not 100% sure." Kieran loved watching it, more so now that he was involved with Nessa. But he did not know the inner workings. Lila offered her services to help with the Inn, which he immediately thought that something was up there. Had she ever expressed interest in that career before? Kieran took a seat himself, though it definitely looked different between the two women and him. "Are you sure you are okay?" Kieran asked. His gut was telling him that something was up. "I mean, you can order everything you wish, but just your tone."
“There are Captains, but I’m not likely to get that, not on my old team, and I’m too new on this new one, we’ll see,” mostly she’d wanted to move teams anyway, the canons were great but, they were sort of cursed, that’s what she thought. She was a bloody seeker, just apparently not enough for the canons. “But yeah, I’m excited about what I could do with the Inn, you know? I have a lot of ideas… like making more sturdy walls,” she said, laughing up at the memory of how she’d first met Kieran and not long after that, Lili. “It would be great to have you helping out, if you want. I’m not going to say no to an extra pair of hands you know.” She looked back at Lili with concern as Kieran spoke again. “Maybe we should take her to see a healer, your brother is one isn’t he?”

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