A dinner & some firewhiskey at the pub

Benjamin Carla

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mahogany Wand 14" Essence of Unicorn Hair
Benjamin entered the Hollawarth mansion that was situated close by the beach and had good sunlight and wind most of the time. It was spring in New Zealand and the flowers were blossoming and the trees were giving fruits, everything was pleasant and beautiful. But the beautiful consequences of last night was nothing compared to all this. Benjamin had fallen in love with Meredith at first sight and they had spent the night together. With much courage he had invited her home tonight for dinner so as to make him believe that he loved her. Just as Benjamin was about to run up the stairs and into his room he heard his mom call for him. Just what he was running from and now she was going to play twenty questions with him and he hated lying to her.
Lila had been a little worried over Ben's recent activities of which she was unaware. Lila had just completed her breakfast and was going to her room to wake up Liam when she watched Benjamin come home and it seemed like he was sneaking around. She was well aware that he had not returned home last night and although she was giving space to her son since he was a grown up adult but she needed to know his whereabouts since she was worried sick. "Benjamin Carla! Where had you been last night?" she asked her eyebrow raised which usually happened when she got angry.
Ben swallowed hard as he turned to face an angry and worried Lila. "Um..well I had gone to St.Mungos for the healer and everything and then I went to have dinner with my friends" he started hoping that his poor skills of lying to his mother wouldn't expose him today. "And well it got late I stayed over at one of my friends" he explained, his fingers crossed hoping Lila would let him go.
Lila waited for an explanation, a slight frown on her face. "I'm not buying it" she said crossing her hands over her chest. Lila had delt with liars before and although she wasn't going to punish Benjamin or anything she did want to know where he had been. The whole night she had been worried for him. "You know....you can tell me if you..you know" she said with a hopeful smile. She couldn't believe she was actually having this conversation with her son.
Benjamin frowned at her mother. "It's true" he said in protest. Well the first part was right. He thought once again and considering telling her mother a little bit. He did have to tell her something since she was supposed to be ready with dinner for Meredith tonight. "We'll be having a friend of mine for dinner tonight. Her name is Meredith Archibald" he told his mother with a smile.

"Don't ask her questions since she doesn't believe in love" he said warning her curious mother. He knew Lila had a tendency to get over excited with guests. "And be nice to her. She's...well, she's important" he said with a smile in her mother's direction hoping she would know what he meant. Before she could ask him anything else he went to his room to get some sleep since he was so tired.
Lila smiled brightly at her son. She hoped that he had finally found the girl for him. "Well, that's wonderful" she said with a grin. "It's good to know you invited her for a dinner. Always a gentleman like your father" she said proudly. Lila had been worried since Benjamin hadn't been in a relationship for more than three years now but today she was very happy. She was going to make the best dinner and be nice to Meredith whom she was excited to meet. For now she went up to wake up Liam.

It was almost eight o'clock and everything was set in place. The dinner table was set up nicely by the house elf in the dining room and all the food was ready to be served. Lila was glad to hear that Kasey was coming home for dinner tonight since Hadan was busy and she didn't want to dine alone. Lila, Kasey and Liam sat in the sitting room awaiting for Benjamin and their guest for tonight.

Benjamin was a little nervous about tonight but his love for Meredith had given him some courage to introduce her to his family. It was time and he apparated to her mansion where he had spent a wonderful night yesterday. The sitting hall was empty and he guessed that she was probably getting ready. He waited for her to be ready as he waited patiently on the sofa wondering how everything would go tonight and whether Meredith would ask for another guy in the pub or not.
(He's not wearing the cap from the picture)
Meredith wasn't excited about meeting Ben's family, she had never been to one of those, she hated being with older people who would lecture her about having a family or something like that. Meredith took a random outfit and put it on, she wasn't going to wear something that was too long (the length) since she was planning on going to the pub after that and boys would love her wearing something that showed her flesh instead of covering them.

She walk toward the living room and found Ben there "Sorry to keep you waiting" She said and walk toward him. Meredith had to admit it, the boy was charming, a smile appear on her face, if the pub was abandoned, she would want him to spend another night with her.
"I didn't wait at all, just got here" he said with a smile as he stood up and kissed Meredith. He didn't know how else he was supposed to react since he was in love with her. As he took her hand they apparated and in the next minute they appeared outside the main gates of the Hollawarth manor. "Come" he said with a smile as he led her though the doors which had been left open for them.

The entered the mansion that was beside the ocean and they had good wind blowing from the sea. After walking through the entrance they arrived into the sitting area where Lila and Kasey awaited them. "Hi" he said with a smile watching his family. He was sad that his father was not at home. "Guys she's Meredith and Meredith this is my mother, Lila and my sister, Kasey" he said introducing them with his fingers crossed hoping the dinner would go well.
Kasey was glad that she had been invited at the Hollawarth manor to have dinner with her mother and her brother. She had missed them so much since she got married and tonight she didn't want to eat alone and as Hadan was busy her only hope was to eat here. Luckily she was happy to know that Benjamin had invited a 'friend' as he said to have dinner with them and both Lila and Kasey were very happy since she was the first girl whom Ben wished to introduce to his family.

When Benjamin and Meredith arrived Kasey smiled at them noticing that Meredith was very pretty. "Hello" she greeted Meredith with a grin. "Glad to meet you" she told her. Meredith looked like she was a year older then Kasey. Kasey wondered where Meredith had graduated and how Ben had come to meet her. When she had time she would get it all out of Ben but for now she was going to be nice to Meredith.
Meredith felt awkward being around a guy that was crushing on her. In a minute, they were apparated to the manor of Ben's. The only thing that motivated Meredith to do that was that Ben would buy her 3 bottles of firewhiskey, if he didn't promise her that, she wouldn't be there with him in his manor.

She plastered on her fake smile, Meredith was an excellent actress since she graduated from W.A.D.A "Pleasure to meet you" She smiled at them not trying to be rude to them. "I'm Meredith Archibald" She started to be interested in the lad since he was also wealthy. Meredith hadn't had a chance to meet wealthy guys lately. Meredith quickly snake her arms to Ben's "Oh Ben's lovely, you're very lucky to have him as your brother." She still put on her fake smile and look at him then back to Ben's siblings.
Lila was glad that Kasey could make it for dinner tonight. When Meredith and Ben walked in she smiled and welcomed them. Lila did like Meredith at first sight and she smirked at Ben. "I'm glad Ben invited you home for dinner" Lila said with a smile.It would have been nice if Roswald was at home around but his unspeakable had something requiring his presence at this hour.

"Shall we have dinner?"she asked them because Ben had said that they had other plans later and so they couldn't delay things.
Meredith plastered on her best fake smile on her face, she was very proud of her acting skill. "We shall" She was pleased that she was accepted there and her heart started to melt after seeing the family of Ben's they seemed friendly and Meredith didn't get to meet those kind of people.
Benjamin smiled as Lila and Kasey talked nicely with Meredith.He was feeling happy that Meredith was being nice to him and had linked her arm to his. He had been nervous this all time but that was seeming to ease up. "What did you cook?"she asked Lila feeling a little hungry but curious at the same time wondering what her mom had cooked for Meredith since she had mentioned earlier that there would be something special. He took a seat beside Meredith, Lila and Kasey seating opposite them, well not exactly opposite since it was a circular table.

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