Closed A Dinner Party

Professor Minnie Calida

independent | perfectionist | class of 2055
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Eric <3
Knotted 15" Unyielding Walnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
3/2037 (25)
Between herself and Emily, they had settled upon a date and time for the dinner party, and within a blink of an eye it was finally here. They were going to Emily's place, a big house, that really dwarfed the flat that she and Eric shared, but she had come to expect that. She glanced at Eric, pleased that he had agreed to come with her, and feeling a little nervous. She had explained to Eric why this was important, both as a way to connect with their friends, but also, somewhat selfishly, she wanted to connect with the woman, Dorothy, Dot. The author. She had worn some nice clothes, dressing up a little, and glanced at Eric with a little smile. ”If we just get through dinner, it'll be fine,” she assured him, knowing this was likely the last thing he wanted to and the last place he wanted to be, even if he was still friends with Emily.
Eric was glad Minnie seemed to be happier and doing better, but he still wished she didn’t have to be so social. Now he was going to a dinner party with old classmates he never spoke to and a complete stranger. But he knew Minnie was excited about it and he knew it would be a good opportunity for her, so he had done his best to make himself presentable, even dressing up a bit. He nodded at her words. “I know, I hope you have a good evening.” He said with a slight smile. He loved her and wanted her to be happy, and he’d go to an awkward dinner party if that helped with that goal.
Minnie smiled at him, appreciating all that he was doing for her. Appreciating how supportive he was. “And listen if it gets awful, just say, 'Minnie, it's getting rather late,' and we'll go,” It wasn't a subtle phrase, but she knew that if Eric reached his wits end with this, she wanted him to have an out. One she would listen to it. She reached up and lightly touched his cheek, going to press a quick kiss to his lips. “I love you,” she said quietly, lingering near his lips. She'd ring the doorbell after this quick kiss.
Eric grinned a bit. “Because me using the worth ‘rather’ isn’t suspicious at all.” He joked, leaning closer as she kissed him. He loved her so much. Just as he thought it, she said it. Eric smiled and kissed her one more time quickly. “I love you too. Now let’s get you some connections.”
Emily was looking forward to this dinner party, having gotten Daintree at home and cleaned up. She'd made a large dinner, a salad and fish dinner that she thought would be delicious. She'd made Daintree pick up a nice white wine, trying to be at least a little fancy. She was dressed up a bit, nothing too fancy but trying to look cute. Not that she thought she needed to for this crowd, but she was sure Daintree's new lady friend would want to look cute for him and didn't want the woman to feel out of place when she did show up.

For now, though, she'd glimpsed two of her guests out on the porch. She chuckled. "Hey, Dain, go grab the door," She called, not wanting to be the one to catch Minnie and Daintree smooching out on the porch. Though she was busy wrapping up dinner anyway.
Daintree had really only agreed to this because he a) had nothing else to do and b) Dot was going to be coming along. He hadn't made a great deal of progress in wooing her, but he was trying his best. He knew he might have to do a little more work before he could convince her to go on a date with him, and perhaps this would help. At Emily's request, he had dressed nice and heard the door go. Daintree answered the door as she asked him to, hoping that it was Dot, but in fact it wasn't. It was two people he'd assumed he'd never really see again. "Hey, come on in," he said, "Emily, it's Minnie and Eric," he called out to her.
Minnie gave a small playful roll of her eyes and then smiled. It was easy with him, always easy. She knocked on the door and then waited the few moments for it to open. "Hey Daintree," she greeted, taking Eric's hand and leading him inside. "Smells delicious," she complimented after the man had called to their mutual friend. "We brought some wine," she said,
I am so sorry for killing this thread

Eric did his best attempt at a polite smile as Daintree answered the door and let them in. He grabbed Minnie's hand, squeezing it briefly before letting go again. He simply grunted in affirmation in reaction to what Minnie said. She was much better at small talk than him. He nodded to Emily though, he liked her.
Emily wiped her hands on a rag, before heading to the foyer and smiling. "More wine is always the answer. Dinner will be ready soon, we could go sit in the living room for now?" She offered, motioning her hand. "And before anyone asks, yes, Dain left me in charge of the decor." She smirked a bit, knowing their place looked like a gothic Halloween party basically always. But she enjoyed it- she was a horror fan, and she didn't bother hiding it.
Daintree took the wine from Minnie and gave a polite smile to Eric. He had never been the guy's friend, but they were also now a couple of years out of school, there was no need to linger on what had happened. Daintree closed the door and then looked back at Emily. "Yeah, a decision I now deeply regret, but I am too lazy to change it," he retorted. He helped guide them towards the living area. "Let's get some drinks, wine good? Or a beer to start?"
Minnie smiled as Daintree took the bottle from her, and then glanced around the home. She kept in close to Eric, unable to look away from how nice this place was, though she had never had any doubt given the amount of money she knew the other man had. "I like it, a stuffily decorated dinner party would've felt too...old for us," she said, given that they were just only 22 or 23.
Eric snorted at the decor, knowing it was Emily’s idea before she even said so. “It’s… charming.” He said, quirking his eyebrow up as he looked at a fake skull. “Lovely ambiance.” He added, managing to keep a straight face. Eric stayed by Minnie’s side as they followed Daintree. The house was really nice, and it made Eric wonder if Minnie wouldn’t like something like this better than their tiny place. He glanced at her carefully. When Daintree asked about drinks, Eric shrugged. “A beer is fine for me.”
Emily laughed lightly, rolling her eyes as she sat down on the couch. "You know I'll take some wine." She told her friend easily. "We're still expecting-" She started, when she heard a knock at the door. She chuckled. "Dot. Dain, won't you?" She asked, before turning back to Minnie and Eric. "Be nice, she's... shy." She settled on, reminded of Lily when she thought of the pastel author. Dot reminded her of a doll, almost. Cute in a way, but she seemed... fragile.
Amodeus walked by a fancy house, skipping and humming to himself, not noticing the lady walking behind him.
Dot wasn't sure about this. Daintree was very... bold, in his affections, and despite taking a few days to think about it, she just wasn't sure what to do with it. He was handsome, of course, and undeniably charming, but she just couldn't see what a man like Daintree could see in a woman like her. Still, she'd gotten dressed up, thinking a group setting with Emily close by would be somehow less daunting than just meeting with him alone.

She made it to the address given to her, having taken a little longer as she had to walk there herself. She stepped up to the door, knocking gently before stepping back, fidgeting and smoothing out her skirts. She took a deep breath, trying to calm the fluttering of her heart. This would be fine, wouldn't it?
Minnie smiled at Eric's reaction to the decor and leaned a little into him. She answered Daintree's question saying wine and then glanced back to Emily. "She's your author friend right?" Minnie asked with a little smile. The explanation of the girl being shy made Minnie glance a little towards Eric but knew it would be fine. Maybe a little awkward in the beginning but then easier. Alcohol would help. "How've you been since we last caught up?" Minnie asked Emily, making conversation as they waited.
Daintree nodded at the various drinks, but it would take longer for him to get them as he detoured to get the door. In all honesty, he was eager to get to the door. He had agreed to this in part, so he could invite Dot and spend time with her. He went to the door and opened it, smiling fondly at the girl. "Hi Dot, welcome," he greeted, he opened the door and invited her in. "It's good to see you, thanks for coming,"
Eric hadn't forgotten they were here to meet some author, but he hadn't realized she wasn't here yet. He wasn't sure what he expected, but he was a bit surprised when Emily said she was shy. He caught Minnie's glance at him and he held up his hands defensively. "I'll be nice!" He said quickly. He glanced at Emily as Minnie asked her a question, curious about the answer too.
Emily chuckled and nodded, cradling her wine and tucking her feet under her. "She is," She offered easily. "Dot's full name is Dorothy Nash, she's published a fantasy children series." She sipped her wine and smiled at Eric's answer. "I've just been running the bookstore. My cousin is a layabout but if you throw enough books at him he gets going," She chuckled. "I've been thinking of starting a book club, actually." She told them. "How about you, how have you guys been?"
Dot smiled shyly as Daintree opened the door, brushing at her hair though it fell right back into place. "Hello," She greeted, folding her hands in front of her and stepping into the house. "Thank you for inviting me," She offered, looking around. "Did Emily decorate?" She questioned, wondering if he was into the horror genre this much or if it had been his friend.
Minnie gave a slight smile to Eric at his words. She knew he would be nice, she knew that. She glanced back at Emily as she began talking about the woman they were about to meet. "I'd like a book club," she said, thinking it would be something to do that she was already interested in. "I got my old job back, it's the opposite of the ministry work, but, it's good. I have more free time," She said.
Daintree nodded at Dot, smiling easy at her. "That she did, she's a big fan of horror and gothic things, but don't worry we won't be watching any horror movies or anything," Daintree assured her. "I was just getting drinks if you want to join me, if not, they're just through in that room," Daintree said, pointing towards the room where the other three were, though he hoped Dot would join him.
Eric listened to Emily, wondering how she and Daintree just casually knew a published auror. But as Emily talked about running the bookstore, he remembered that connection. It was probably through that. Eric shrugged at her question. "We've been fine." He said, knowing that Minnie would elaborate more.
Emily chuckled. Eric was as wordsy as ever. But Minnie elaborated enough for the both of them. She smiled as Minnie agreed to the bookclub, chuckling as she spoke about her old job. "That was the housekeepers job at the ah, Hogs Head, wasn't it?" She asked, tucking her hair back.
Dot was relieved when Daintree relieved her that they wouldn't be watching anything scary. She bit her lip as he pointed towards the other room, considering a moment before shuffling quickly over to him. "Oh, um, I could help you?" She offered shyly, hands folded behind her back and giving him a shy smile. "More hands and all that,"

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