Closed A Dead Garden

Savannah Walters

free-spirited; alt seeker; independent
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 8 1/2 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Vampire Blood Core
02/2046 (15)
For once in this winter, the sun had started shining. Savannah who had grown very bored of being stuck inside, listening to the inane conversations of her house mates had come outside. Savannah liked being outside, but she didn't have a good jacket for it, which usually resulted in her being very cold. She was cold today, it was sunny but it wasn't warm. Savannah had seen some of her dorm mates in large jumpers, in thick winter coats, and the thickest Savannah had were her robes which looked equally bad. But it didn't matter, she was in the gardens looking all all of the dead plants. It was clear that the garden was well taken care of, but it was winter. There were other epople about, it was cold but the sun did make it nice, so long as one stayed in the sun.
Kyon had gone for a run, but had turned back halfway through because it was a lot colder than he'd expected. He cut through the gardens on his way back, slowing down as he saw a girl. "Are you crazy? What the hell are you doing out here?" He asked, walking up to her. He shrugged off his jacket and held it out to her.
Savannah was remaining in the sun, letting the rays warm her up slightly against the cold air. She wasn't wearing the right things, but she didn't have the right things to keep her warm, but she'd grown used to the way the cold would feel. She didn't mind it at all, even if she was shivering a little and her hands were tucked into her pockets. She glanced up at the boy who was suddenly slowing down to be next to her. She frowned at him and then looked at the jacket. "No thank you," she replied before moving away from him.
Kyon frowned as the girl moved away from him. "Don't be ridiculous, it's freezing out here." He scolded, following after her. "Why are you even out here? Why don't we get you back inside, you know, where you can't see your breath freezing to your face," He offered, trying to get this crazy girl back inside.
Savannah immediately frowned as he scolded her, ”You aren't the boss of me,” she retorted quickly and sharply. She didn't need someone to be telling her what to do, that was entirely, completely ridiculous. ”I'm outside because I want to be, and I don't mind the cold,” she replied, though of course with her own arms wrapped around herself, and she was cold. ”Go back inside if you want, I'm not going,”
Kyon huffed, exasperated. "I never said I was the boss of you," He snapped back. "But you're obviously cold, your lips are blue and you're shivering, don't stay out here or you're gunna get sick," He tried again. "My mom will kill me if she finds out I let a girl get sick," He whined, wincing at the thought. His mother was so overprotective sometimes.
Savannah huffed in response to his huff. She didn't get why he was being difficult about this. She didn't want to go inside so why should she have to. Yes she was cold, yes she knew that she'd probably end up sick if she stayed outside too long, but now it was the principle of it. "Well, it's my choice to get sick," she replied sharply. She found it odd that his mother would care about her or anyone getting sick besides her own child but it seemed that was a way in which his family differed from her. "Well, I don't care about your mother or what she'll do to you. Just leave me alone," she replied, already taking a step away from him and further into the garden. Her arms wrapped tightly around herself as she shivered slightly.
Kyon looked offended as she spoke of his mother, and jogged after her. "Are all girls this stubborn?' He asked, exasperated. "Fine, if you aren't going to come inside, will you at least take my coat? Please? You're shivering," He complained, offering it out to her yet again.
Savannah thought the boy would definitely now leave her alone. After all she was sure she'd said enough for him to back off at least a little. But as she continued, arms wrapped around herself she was surprised when he jogged after her and was offering his coat. "No thank you," she said without looking at him. She wasn't going to take it, it was a matter of principal now. There was no way she would take it now but really there was never going to be a scenario in which she took it.
Kyon groaned, frustrated. "Fine! But I'm staying with you." He grumbled, putting his coat back on and shoving his hands in his pockets. "It would be rude to just leave you out here," He sighed. "Savannah, right? What house are you in?" He asked, trying to make friendly conversation. As long as he was stuck out here with her he might as well try to play nice.
Savannah rolled her eyes at the boy, not bothering to look at him for long before just continuing to push forward. She was just walking around, and she moved with a slightly quicker pace, knowing that the more she moved, the more likely she was to end up getting warm. "How do you know my name?" Savannah asked, surprised that he'd guessed it, from what she knew he wasn't in her year and thus in none of her classes.
Kyon shrugged at her question, following her easily. "Sorting wasn't that long ago. I picked up a few names. And my brother is in Ravenclaw, I heard your name in passing again so it stuck." He replied. "You're stubborn but, Savannah is a pretty cool name." He explained, rubbing the back of his neck. This playing nice thing was hard.
Savannah found it very odd that someone would be paying that much attention to sorting when it wasn't their own. But she let it slide, deciding just to hum a little to acknowledge she had at least heard him speak. ”Well, thank you, I had no hand in picking it,” she replied with a curt tone. ”What's your name, then? Seems unfair that you should know mine,” Savannah didn't particularly care about his name, but though she might as well ask.
Kyon rolled his eyes. Why was she so annoying? Couldn't she just take a compliment? "Kyon Lockwood. My twin brother is Avery." He offered. "Why are you out here anyway?" He asked, looking around at everything. He didn't see anything out here that was really interesting. He didn't see the point of freezing for it. He looked over to her, curious.
Savannah wasn't sure why he offered up his twin brother's name too, and let out a shuddering breath. It really was cold. ”Is Avery as annoying as you, Kyon?” she asked, emphasizing both of their names while she said it. ”I wanted to come outside,” was all she offered as an answer to what he said. In her mind there was nothing more she needed to tell him, what she was doing out here was absolutely none of his business, no matter how much he seemed to want to make it so.
Kyon looked offended at her question. "No, he's the smart one," He snapped. "Excuse me for giving a damn, have fun freezing to death, Van," He huffed, spinning on his heel and stomping back to the castle. "Merlin, girls are so stupid," He complained, mostly to himself. He didn't really mean it, he was just frustrated with Savannahs behavior.
Savannah rolled her eyes, "Compared to you, that can't be hard," Savannah retorted with a roll of her eyes. She glared at him, "My name is Savannah," she replied as the boy began walking away from her clearly stomping off. What an idiot, she'd wait a couple of minutes when she was sure he was back inside and then she'd go in, she could last a little longer.

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