A Day Out

Jamie Holgersson

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
Jamison Valentine wasn't one much for the city of London. There were a lot of people and a lot of tourists miling about. She was glad it was December and to cold for most people to out and about. Though plenty were shopping for Christmas. Which was something she was doing. The girl was young, true, but she did make some money around the house doing chores for her older brother, Zander. Zander was basically her father, he was the one raising her. She saved the money, being to young to really have much to spend it on. So now she was in the city for the day to get presants for the two brothers she lived with and her baby niece. She already planned on getting a pretty Christmas dress for the todler. However Jamie was lost as to what she should get for her younger brother who was just a few years behind her in age. Standing outside a shop that seemed to have male written all over it, the girl wondered if she should go in or not.

Looking about she wondered how odd she would look to people. Then again it could just be that she was waiting outside for her brother. But with it snowing she was sure most would think her brother terrible for making her wait out in the cold. Turning from the store the young girl spotted a bench. Covered in a layer of snow she went over and brushed off the snow with her mitten and sat down. She smiled remembering how she sat on a similar bench waiting for her brother she happened to meet her brother's love interest. Peyton was a nice woman, Jamie hoped the girl was okay with Zander caring for three children. It would just mean their family would start sooner then most excepted.
Collin was bored. It was tiring, waiting for girls to finish shopping. It seemed like forever waiting for his mother and Jessica to finish looking for the perfect Christmas gift for their dad. Christmas was nearly approaching and so was his father's birthday. Collin blew his hair in a bored manner as he rested his back against the bright yellow wall. His mother was busy talking to a saleslady while his sister was busy racking through various clothing racks. There were a lot of people inside the store. With it being nearly Christmas and all, Collin was not surprised. Collin looked out from the store's glass wall and smiled to himself when he saw the streets covered with snow. It was quite weird, really that it is snowing in London while it continues to be summer in New Zealand. For a person who always travels, Collin is always up for weather surprises. As he was busy mesmerizing the pale view of the streets, his vision was blocked by two different shirts held by Jessica. "This one" Jessica asked, jerking her head the polo on her left hand, "Or this one?" She asked again while jerking her head to the latter's side. She held on a striped and checkered polo which was too small for their father. Collin studied it for a moment. It surely cannot fit their father, and he absolutely hates anything with lines in them so Collin wondered whom the clothes were for. "You know perfectly well how dad hates checkered and stripes, so.......Are those for me?" He asked jokingly. Hearing Collin's joke, Jessica let out a big horse laugh. "Why in Pete's name would I buy you anything? Geez, Collin. These are for Leo." Jessica said as a matter-of-factly. "I was just joking" Collin replied disgustingly, referring to how rarely Jessica catches Collin's joke. "The striped one is better" He finally said his verdict. Jessica raised her eyebrow and nod and went away, fortunately. Collin, who was now the most tedious person on the store decided to just wait outside. He stood straightly and walked towards his mother who was still arguing with the saleslady. "I'll just wait on the limo" He said. His mother, who was busy, just gave him an imperceptible nod and motioned for him to go away. Collin made his way through the crowd and went out.

It was freezing cold. Collin straightened his leather jacket and started walking towards the parked limo. As he was walking, he noticed his laces were loose. Collins heaved a sigh and looked around to see if there were any near benches. He quickly spotted one and walked over to it. He sat down and rested his left foot on his right knee and then he began tying his laces. He noticed a girl sitting beside him. She looked about his age. "Been Christmas shopping too?" He asked as he continued to tie his laces.
Jamie straightened her posture as a boy her age sat down next to her. He hadn't even said anything or asked he could sit there, just did and tied one of his shoes. He noticed her then and asked if she was Christmas shopping as well. Looking down she had a bag with something she thought Zander would like. However she was still lost as to what she should get her yougner brother. "Oh yes, I have been. I'm guessing the same for you?" She asked in reply. To her the boy didn't seem harmful, he wasn't some creppy old man or anything. Raising her mitten covered hand the girl rubbed her nose a bit to warm it back up.

Jamie thought the snow looked beautiful, but it made the temperature so cold. "I'm trying to figure out a present for my younger brother," she said to the boy. The young witch figured prehaps this boy would be able to help her. The girl barely knew what her brother enjoyed playing with anymore since she spent most of her time in her room being home schooled. The girl used to attend Hogwarts School in New Zealand however once her older sister Kailey died, like the idiot she was, her older brother brought her home. It worked out for the both of them being better. Zander cared for the family and Jamie still got to work towards graduating and being able to use magic freely.
It took Collin a few seconds more than expected to finish tying his laces for his fingers were shaking from cold due to the weather. The snow had stopped but falling but continued to lay around the street. Collin looked at the girl sitting beside him, listening as she spoke. He shook his head when she asked him a question. "Uh, no I wasn't. I was just accompanying my mum and sister" He explained with a shrug. If it weren't for his dad he would never come here. He hated shopping, especially for clothes. He wanted to be back at their house, inside the drawing room where he could sketch freely and not be bothered by anyone. Just him, the pad, the view, the pencil, the classical music and the smell of turpentine in the air.

Collin nodded at the girl's remark. "How old is he?" He asked simply. Collin figured maybe he could help the girl. He knew the idea was ludicrous since he's not much of a shopper but the girl just seemed the kind that's worth helping. Collin raised dropped his left foot and raised his right foot and settled it on his left knee. He untied his laces and tied it again, just much tighter than before.

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